Part-time faculty: How to track payment details

Tracking payment for work other than your course contract

All part-time faculty, regardless of bargaining unit status are paid for work they are asked to do or are approved for by their department head such as substitute for another faculty member, help organize an exhibition, or tutor an Independent Study.  Read about general guidelines for these payments in the Part-Time Faculty Bargaining Agreement.

1.Type “Period Activity Pay Assignments” into the Workday search bar and select the report Period Activity Pay Assignments

2. Enter either your name or ID number (formatted for 7 digits with leading zeros if you have a short id number) in the Employee box on the next screen.

3. In the “Date Range” section enter a date range for the entire academic/fiscal year (e.g. from 7/01/23 to 6/30/24)

4. If you hold more than one position, select which position you want payment information for.

5. Hit the orange OK button that appears at the bottom of the screen
6.  The page opens to thumbnail description of all courses and activities that have been set up for payment, when the activity will be happening, the amount to be paid, and the amount already paid if relevant. Click the “View with Payment Details” button to get a snapshot of the disbursement amounts and timeline (payroll dates)