Conference and Presentation Fund 

Description: Participation in professional conferences and presentation opportunities allow RISD faculty, librarians and museum curators to share their research, professional and creative activity, and scholarly work to a broader audience, enriching their teaching and professional practice, and enhancing the visibility of RISD’s role as a leader in the global discourse about art, design and the humanities and sciences. In recognition of the value this brings to faculty members, librarians, curators, and to the institution, Academic Affairs administers a fund to support those who have been invited to engage an audience in dialogue about their work (such as a conference, workshop or gallery talk). This fund supplements travel, conference, and professional development funds in departments and divisions.

Reviewed by: Department Head and Dean

Grants do not exceed $1,800. The application process requires that the department and/or division, Library or Museum also contribute funding. Faculty, librarians and curators are eligible to receive Conference Fund awards once a year.

DEADLINE: Rolling through end of each academic year but awards must be spent within the fiscal year.

CONTACT:  Janine Connelly

401-454-6596 |

To apply:  Use the Academic Affairs grant portal