Hourly employees teaching


1. A department head or Dean may invite a non-exempt (hourly) staff member to teach, including a member of their own staff.

2. Academic Administration OR the department/division coordinator initiates the Add Job process in Workday for the employee.

3. The employee will receive in their Workday inbox an Additional Assignment Request form to review with their supervisor. The supervisor and staff member are responsible for completing the form which facilitates discussion about the potential impact to their home department and primary position responsibilities. Supervisors should discuss strategies to meet the home department expectations during the period in question.

o Note: At any time during the process, the staff member’s supervisor is encouraged to consult with the hiring department head or dean (if is not their own staff member).

4. The supervisor approves or denies the request and uploads the form to Workday along with the employee's resume and a New Hire Request form (which establishes the starting teaching unit rate)

5. Human Resources reviews the request.

6. The Dean approves or denies the request.

7. Academic Affairs contracts approved requests.

Regulatory context

The designation of exempt (salaried) or nonexempt (hourly) is regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). When a nonexempt employee takes a second job that would ordinarily be considered exempt, such as teaching, the employee must be compensated at a time-and-one-half overtime rate for any hours worked over 40 in a payroll week.

Payment, time tracking and overtime

If approved, an activity pay stipend based on the teaching unit rate will be set up AND a new teaching line will appear on the employee's time card to coincide with the semester for which the employee is contracted to teach.

The employee will receive the stipend based on the teaching unit, divided into equal payments for the duration of the term for which they are contracted to teach.

The new line of the time card is tied to the adjunct salary line in the budget for the department contracting the employee to teach. The employee logs their teaching time on the new line. As noted above, hourly employees must receive overtime for all hours worked over 40 in one work week.