Education in New Technologies


Each year, Academic Affairs administers a $10,000 Education in New Technologies Fund as specified in the Full-time Faculty Bargaining Agreement to be “used for educating faculty and librarians in the use of new technology in their disciplines.”

Technology is transforming the way we teach, the way we learn as much as it is shaping our disciplinary practices. RISD’s strategic plan calls for improving the integration of appropriate learning technologies into teaching and curriculum delivery, and providing training and development opportunities for faculty to expand their use of technologies in the classroom.

Awards to Individuals
All full time faculty and librarians are eligible to apply for support for technology training up to $1000. Reimbursement for approved expenses can be made only if receipts are provided. The endorsement of the department head and dean confirms that the activity will contribute to the faculty member’s development.

Awards to Departments
All academic departments and the Library are eligible to apply for support up to $2500 for technology training for groups of faculty or librarians. Academic Affairs will arrange for direct payment to vendors identified in the application. The approval of the dean confirms that the activity is meaningful and will contribute to the development of department full-time faculty/librarians.

Frequency of awards to individuals and departments:
Once a year. After two consecutive awards, recipients may not apply for an award in the third year.

Deadline: Rolling deadline through May 31. The funded activity must be completed and all financial reporting for grants completed by two weeks of the end of the fiscal year (June 15).

Who is Eligible: Professional librarians and Full-time faculty from all degree program departments

To apply: Use the Academic Affairs grant portal, which can be found here