Instructional designer

Contact info:

Dimitris C. Papadopoulos Ph.D. (he, him, his) | 401.427.3019 | RISD, 2 College Street, Providence, RI 02903

Instructional Designer

Teaching & Learning Lab

Center for Social Equity & Inclusion

Rhode Island School of Design

20 Washington Place, Office 412


Profile page on the T&LL website:

Scheduling page for faculty training workshops and one-on-one consultations:

The instructional designer at RISD’s SEI Teaching & Learning Lab provides training on a range of instructional technologies and related pedagogies, supports faculty in using RISD’s learning management system (Canvas) and in integrating digital tools that best fit learning objectives, and helps develop inclusive and accessible learning materials for campus-based, hybrid and online instruction. Dimitris offers one-on-one consultations for faculty interested in moving their course to online mode on Canvas, redesigning their syllabi, or integrating new digital tools like Miro, Voicethread or in their teaching.

Follow this link to book a consultation or to learn more about workshops and other training opportunities for faculty: