Coursedog Course forms
All forms related to curriculum and course offerings are jointly owned by the Registrar's Office and Academic Affairs. They are used by the Registrar to update degree requirements and to track student progress towards the degree, create the Catalog, set up courses and open courses for registration. They are also used by division offices and Academic Affairs in the Course Table process to review teaching budget, assess available seats for registration, monitor full-time faculty workload, and contracting part-time faculty.
In Coursedog's Curriculum Management Section
Course Proposal. The Course Proposal Form is used to define the characteristics of a course (number of seats, who may take it, pre and co-requisites, seat available for non-majors, etc.) and provide course descriptions for the Catalog.
Academic Specialists collect course descriptions from faculty and initiate Course Proposals in Coursedog which routes to their department head for review and approval. Course Proposal forms are reviewed and approved afterwards by the Dean of the Division and Academic Administration. Once the review process is completed the Registrar’s Office creates the new course in Workday, the school's system of record and sets the course up for registration.
Course Proposals are routed to the Curriculum Committee and/or Wintersession Committee for review as needed.
In Coursedog's Campus Sub-section of Curriculum Management
Edit Course Section
The "Edit Course/Section" form is used change the characteristics of a single section of a course, revise a course description for the catalog, change the semester in which a course will be offered, or note staffing changes.
Academic Specialists initiate in Workday an "Edit Course Section" form only on the request of the department head. The "Edit Course Section" form is reviewed by the Division and by Academic Administration before the Registrar’s Office receives the form and makes the changes in Workday. The "Edit Course Section" Form is forwarded to the Curriculum Committee or Wintersession Committee review as needed.
Add a Course Section
The "Add a Course Section" form is used to request that a section of an active course be set up for registration. Academic Specialists initiate the form in Coursedog only on the request of the department head. The form is routed in Coursedog to the Division Manager and Academic Administration. The latter will note the changes on the course table and in Workday. If it includes an additional assignments for part-time faculty a contract will be generated. If it includes an additional assignment for full-time faculty it may be paused until a counterbalancing reassignment of part of that faculty member's existing load has filed with a "Staffing Request" form. Once Academic Administration has approved the form the Registrar’s Office will set up the course in Workday.
Cancel Course Section
The "Cancel a Course Section" form is used to request that a section of an active course be cancelled. Academic Specialists initiate the form in Coursedog on the request of the department head OR as directed by their division (in the case of under enrolled courses). Prior to submitting the request they must download a copy of the course roster from Workday and notify all students registered of the cancellation. They need to upload the roster and a sample email sent to the students to the "Cancel Course Section" form.
The form is routed in Coursedog to the Division Manager and Academic Administration. The latter will note the changes on the course table and in Workday. If it includes a reduction in assignments for part-time faculty Academic Administration will update payroll for the faculty member.
If it includes a reduction in assignment for full-time faculty it may be paused until a counterbalancing reassignment has filed with a "Staffing Request" form OR a plan to roll over the teaching unit obligation to the next academic year is documented OR an academic project of equivalent workload value has been documented. Once Academic Administration has approved the form the Registrar’s Office will cancel the course in Workday.
Staffing Request
The "Staffing Request" is used to update a faculty member's load for an assigned section or to assign a faculty member to a TBA faculty spot in a section. Academic Specialists can submit up to six changes on one form. The form is routed in Coursedog to the Division Manager and Academic Administration. The latter will note the changes on the course table and in Workday. Additional assignments for part-time faculty will trigger a contract being generated. Requests to change assignments for full-time faculty may be paused or returned for revision if the change implies a full-time faculty will not fulfill their contractual obligation.