Academic misconduct (student)

Phil Oliveira

Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards
401 454-6653

If academic misconduct is suspected, the faculty member must first speak with the student prior to any action taken to help determine whether the suspicion is warranted. If so, the faculty should then confer with their department head and dean for advisement or clarification of the following three options. The accusing faculty and the Department Head and / or Dean should consult the Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards to determine whether the student has a record of similar misconduct on file with the Student Conduct Office and / or to seek further guidance.

A. Teachable Moment
If a faculty member suspects that a student has engaged in academic misconduct, in addition to discussing the matter with the student, the faculty member may elect to require the student to redo the assignment correctly, in accordance with academic standards, or reduce the grade on the assignment. If the assignment grade is lowered to a ‘D’ or higher, and if the faculty feels no further punitive action is necessary, the incident will be considered a “teachable moment.” The grade appeal process is available to provide the student with due process should they feel the faculty’s grading was unfair.

B. Grade of ‘F’ for Assignment and/or Grade of ‘F’ for Class
If, after discussing the matter with the student, Department Head/Dean, Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards and others who are deemed appropriate, a faculty member decides to give the student a failing grade for the assignment or course because of academic misconduct, a notice of failure is sent to the student in writing, and given to the student in person in a meeting with the faculty member, the Department Head, and a representative from the Office of Student Life. The notice should outline the findings of the faculty member issuing the Notice of Failure and the given grade of “F”. This notice is copied to the Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards, The Registrar’s office (if grade F for Class), and the student’s Department Head and Division Dean. The Notice of Failure makes the student aware of academic standards as well as put them on notice that further violations of academic misconduct could lead to permanent separation from the college.

C. Conduct Board Hearing

A student may be called before the Conduct Board in the following situations: (Procedures can be found under Academic Policies tab of the Course Catalog)