Wintersession Committee (Subcommittee of the Instruction Committee)
The committee is supported by Susanna Williams in Academic Administration.
Committee Description and Responsibilities. Wintersession offers a wide variety of elective courses open to all students, including opportunities for off-campus study. The mission of the committee is to see that the Wintersession term fulfills its purpose as set by the Instruction Committee and College administration.
Members of the Wintersession Committee are also members of the Instruction Committee and attend Instruction Committee meetings.
Committee Structure. The Wintersession Committee consists of five full-time faculty members who are nominated and elected by the Faculty Meeting. Ex-officio members from the Registrar's Office and academic leadership, and representatives of the Student Alliances may also serve. One faculty member is appointed Chair by the Provost. Each division is represented by at least one faculty member.
Process. Materials are submitted in Coursedog and Division offices and Academic Administration determine that all submissions are complete before committee members review them in preparation for each meeting, The support staff attends meetings to document and communicate about committee decisions, and requests for additional information and revisions.
Role of the Committee
What the Committee is Charged to Do:
approve courses submitted by departments or programs that are to be offered exclusively in Wintersession
oversee the general administration of Wintersession policies and procedures
make recommendations to the Instruction Committee concerning the overall Wintersession program and its policies and procedures, including matters relating to its calendar, course schedule and student registration
examine the quantity of seats and courses offered by departments and notify department heads and deans when it believes insufficient or inappropriate numbers are being offered
collaborate with the Registrar and the Office of Academic Affairs to assure that adequate courses are available and that these courses meet the basic goal of Wintersession
The committee reviews:
Wintersession courses with restrictions
Courses developed and taught by graduate students
The committee does NOT review:
courses that fall outside of the Wintersession period
courses without restrictions
established courses taught by graduate students, e.g., Introduction to Lithography (Printmaking)
Independent Study Proposals
Collaborative Study Proposals