Student Rights & Responsibilities

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The Board of Education recognizes that it has the responsibility to assure students of their legal rights by virtue of guarantees offered all persons under the federal and state constitutions and by statutes. With these rights come responsibilities that must be assumed by students.

1. The right to equal education opportunity and freedom from discrimination; the responsibility not to discriminate against others.

2. The right to attend free public school; the responsibility to attend school.

3. The right of due process of law with respect to suspension and expulsion.

4. The right to free inquiry and expression; the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights.

5. The right to privacy, which includes privacy in regards to student records.

6. Due process procedures will be fair, apply equally to all, enforced in a fair manner which involves:

a. Adequate and timely notice and an opportunity to prepare a defense.

b. An opportunity to be heard at a reasonable time and in a meaningful manner.

c. The right to a speedy and impartial hearing on the merits of the case.

The student is responsible for the way he/she exercises his/her rights and must accept the consequences of his/her actions and recognize the boundaries of his/her rights. Each exercise of an individual’s rights must demonstrate respect for the rights of others.