December 2015 Board Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, December 14, 2015

7:30 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Heather Bode at 7:30 p.m. in the superintendent’s office.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Heather Bode, Gary Bowar, Todd Brand and Grady Heitmann. Also present were Supt. Joel Price, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Cole Brand and Lane Melius (Class of 2016), Jerry Weyand and Jody Moritz. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2015-16.73. Agenda Approval. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

2015-16.74. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Brand, second by Bowar, to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2015 meeting; the November 2015 Financial Statement, November Imprest Report and November 2015 Trust and Agency Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for December 14, 2015. Unanimous.

November 2015 Imprest Fund: SDHSCA $40 Fee, Craig Cassens $55.59 Reimb. for Travel, SDSU $47.00 Fee, SDASFA $25.00 Fee, NSU $45.00 Fee, DCI $43.25 Fee, Estelline School $171.10 Registration, Michelle Brand $59.29 Supply Reimb., Shayne Geditz $32.00 Travel Reimb., US Post Office $147.00 Postage, Redfield School $30.00 Fee;

December 14, 2015 Bill Payment: A&B Business $3.95 Supplies, Ace Regrigeration $428.40 Repairs, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $1,453.15 Legal Fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $120.08 Supplies, BerMac $112.67 Repairs, Brentwood Colony $853.67 Food Service Contract, Cardmember Services $898.80 Supplies, Books, Fees, & Equipment, CBM $13,937.16 Food Service Contract, Century Business $1,541.12 Copier Services, City of Faulkton $749.65 Water/Sewer/Ballpark Electricity, Cole Papers $1,030.48 Supplies, Dakota Dust-Tex $103.65 Services, Delta Dental $2,721.28 Insurance, Faulk Co. Record $384.81 Publishing , Supplies, Subscription, Faulkton Area Medical Center $1,256.25 OT & PT, Faulkton Hardware $29.99 Repairs, Faulkton School $695.23 Reimb. Imprest Fund, GE Capital $503.46 Copier Lease, Gumdrop Books $392.53 Books, Hauff Mid-America Sports $770.50 Supplies, Homan Ace Hardware $119.88 Supplies & Repairs, K&D Busing $17,129.56 Services, Kohlman, Bierschbach & Anderson $7,920.00, Services, MARC $4,553.29 Supplies & Services, Matheson Tri-Gas $18.91 Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,286.94 Residential/Tuitions fees, NCFE $277.68 Gas, NorthStar Energy $4,677.81 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,228.04 Electricity, Pam Osnes $894.20 Services, Pioneer Drama Service $147.25 Supplies, Praxair Distribution $56.27 Supplies, Quill $420.26 Supplies, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Riddell $95.71 Supplies, Schatz Electric $228.33 Repairs, SD Dept. of Health $370.00 Services, SD School Benefit Fund $46.55 Insurance, Super 8 Sturgis $419.94 Travel, Super Duper Publications $282.95 Supplies, Thunderbird Colony $1,289.47 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $35.59 Services, Venture Communications $277.56 Phone/Internet/Fax, Wenck Construction $3,344.25 Services, Ted Williams $3,364.00 Services, Wellmark $26,729.00 Health Insurance, December 2015 Payroll: General Fund: $145,009.58 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $26,287.83 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,215.05 w/ benefits, Pre-K $1,555.48 w/ benefits.

2015-16.75. Senior Trip Request. Cole Brand and Lane Melius (representing the Class of 2016) were in attendance to present the board with the details for their senior trip and request an exempt/excused day of absence. Students will be traveling to Salt Lake City March 16-20 and will be staying in a house. Chaperones are Christopher Ulrich, Tiffany Newman, and Todd Hanson. Motion was made by Bowar, seconded by Aesoph, to approve the senior class trip providing them with March 16th as an exempt/excused day of absence. Unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report. National Title 1 Distinguished School Award. Price reported that Faulkton Elementary was chosen, as one of 2 schools, by the SD Department of Education for this award by closing the achievement gap between student groups in state mandated assessments. Our district has the opportunity to send representatives to the National Conference in Houston, Texas on January 28-31. The state has awarded us $2,500 for expenses at this time and anything over that the district will pay. Reauthorizaion of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Mr. Price stated this bill has been reauthorized and will be referred to as "Every Student Succeeds Act". Mr. Price reviewed the bill with the board. Specific details on assessments, standards, and accountability are unsure right now.

Secondary Principal/AD’s Report. Mr. Cassens recognized Ellen Schlechter for receiving 1st place in the BIG Idea Marketing Design competition. He then recognized Mrs. Heidenreich and the Oral Interp team (Abby Quinn, Chris Cassens, Tess Heidenreich and Alyssa Meyer on the success they had this season. Cassens stated the last day for the first semester is December 18th and grades 7-12 will be taking semester tests on the 17th and 18th in block schedule format. After the last “Make a Difference Day” that the high school students participated in, the student body wanted something different. Cassens stated they will hold a "card event" for the afternoon of December 18th and will be inviting any community members that are interested in participating. There will be an ad in the newspaper.

2015-16.76. ASBSD LAN Member. Motion was made by Brand, seconded by Heitmann , to appoint Heather Bode as our ASBSD Legislative Action Network (LAN) member. Unanimous.

New Facility Discussion & Committee Report. Aesoph and Brand gave a “New Building Committee” report. They informed the other board members that they had met with the teaching staff and heard some concerns regarding the space allocation plan and the building layout. They agreed with those concerns and told the staff that TSP was aware and these issues would be addressed in the next phase. For now they plan to continue to look at the best possible options for this project and hope to get some community involvement. Aesoph explained that this is a very complex situation when you take into account the minimal amount of space available and placement of the new buildings and parking. They want to make sure the entire design is reviewed thoroughly. She stated in the coming months they will continue to work on space allocation, the layout, the options available for heating and cooling, material options, and have conversations with other schools about what valuable input they can share. Both Aesoph and Brand thought they would continue this process until the district starts planning for next year’s budget and will decide then if the board is ready to move forward to the next phase. Current facility community tours were discussed but no definite dates and times were set yet. They also stated they were going to visit other new schools.

Gary Bowar said patrons have asked him if a 3rd gym is needed and necessary. Brand stated there are always gym scheduling conflicts that happen on the regular basis. Trying to balance elementary, junior high, and high school practices and games at the same time has been difficult and a 3rd gym would significantly help. Brand stated the option is there right now, but also stated if a portion of the project needed to be eliminated due to cost, the 3rd gym would probably be the first to go.

Public Comment. no pubic comment. Jody Moritz then took a picture of the board for the annual.

2015-16.77. Executive Session-Personnel. Motion by Aesoph, second by Brand, to go into executive session at 8:25 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(2). Out of executive session at 8:32 p.m.

2015-16.78. Temporary Maintenance. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Brand, to offer a work agreement to the following people as temporary maintenance assistants at $8.75/hour to fill in when short on staff: Don Hahler and Allen Loeb. Unanimous.

2015-16.79. Junior High Girls Basketball Coach. Motion by Bowar, second by Heitmann, to offer a work agreement to Phylicia Hoffmann for Junior High Girls Basketball Coach for the 2015-2016 school year in the amount of $1,326.55. All board members voted aye except Brand who abstained.

2015-16.80. Adjournment. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Heather Bode Business Official, Lisa Raethz