2016 August Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, August 8, 2016

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Kelly Aesoph at 6:02 p.m. in the Faulkton Community Center.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Todd Brand, Grady Heitmann, Scott McCloud (via speaker phone) and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent/Elementary Principal Derek Barrios, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, Terry Heinz from North Star Energy, Kent Borstad from Northern Plains, and approximately 4-5 district patrons. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Chairman Aesoph stated since we had one board member in attendance via phone conference the law states all votes must be done by roll call.

2016-17.15. Agenda Approval. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

Acknowledgements. Mr. Cassens acknowledged Melissa Hayes for organizing, coordinating, and supervising the Thinkstretch program for elementary students this summer. Cassens stated Hayes did all of this on her own time and dime and the program was a huge success. Board member Brand then acknowledged Janet Reed and the entire custodial staff for an excellent job on the maintenance of the school this summer.

2016-17.16. Conflict of Interest Waivers. Board member Todd Brand presented the board with the following conflict of interest request waivers: Girls Basketball coach, Brand’s wife Michelle as Football Cheer Coach, and son Connor is employed with NCFE. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Heitmann, to acknowledge and accept these request waivers from Todd Brand. Brand abstained from the vote. Motion carried.

2016-17.17. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Brand, second by Weyand, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the July 11, 2016 meeting, July 2016 Financial Statement and July 2016 Trust and Agency Fund Report, the July 2016 Imprest Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for August 8, 2016. Unanimous.

July 2016 Imprest Fund: The Potting Shed $9.00 Supplies, SDVBCA $120.00 Fees, SDSSA $150.00 Fees, Walmart $274.69 Supplies, Shayne Geditz $85.00 Reimb. Fees, Rosene Royce $5.00 Services, Derek Barrios $115.40 Travel Reimb.;

August 8, 2016 Bill Payment: A&B Business $2,340.00 Tables, A-1 Locksmithing $12.00 Supplies, AP Exams $166.00 Fees, ASBSD $120.00 Fees, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $128.00 Legal Fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $41.98 Supplies, BE Publishing $1,799.61 Textbooks, Deb Beilke $658.80 Services, Blackburn Basement Systems $260.00 Supplies, Cardmember Services $982.00 Supplies & Equipment, Cedarshore $137.92 Travel, Century Business $363.96 Services, City of Faulkton $76.84 Utilities, Delta Dental $2,772.96 Insurance, EMC 4,031.48 Textbooks, Faulk County Record $537.99 Publishing & Supplies, Faulkton School $759.09 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Follett School Solutions $15.00 Books, Hauff Mid-America Sports $349.50 Supplies, Hewlett-Packard $66,318.96 Computers, Homan Hardware $366.73 Supplies & Repairs, Houghton Mifflin $6,800.68 Textbooks, Infobase Learning $417.67 Textbooks, KC Lumber $225.83 Repairs, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,719.72 Tuition/Residential Fees, Menards $153.66 Supplies, NCFE $140.60 Gas, Northwestern Energy $2,256.48 Utilities, Quill $545.69 Supplies, Reliastar $46.80 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Scholastic $5,398.56 Textbooks, Schraeder Lawn Spraying $180.00 Services, SD Teacher Placement $420.00 Fees, SFM $10,037.00 Insurance, SHI $3,488.25 Software, Shiffler Equipment Sales $541.44 Supplies, Time Management Systems $39.08 Services, Venture Communications $475.97 Phone/Fax/Internet, Wells Fargo $503.46 Copier Lease, Wells Fargo Securities $64,867.03 HVAC Debt Service, Wenger Corporation $2,998.00 Equipment, Mindy Wik $550.00 Service, Wellmark $28,118.00 Health Insurance; August 2016 Payroll: General Fund: $148,785.05 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $19,638.77 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,382.31 w/ benefits, Pre-K $872.24 w/ benefits.

Fuel Oil & Gasoline Quotes. No fuel or gasoline quotes were received. The board directed Raethz to check into bid laws for fuel prices and re-advertise for these if needed.

2016-17.18. Propane Bids. Motion by Weyand, second by Heitmann, to accept the quote of North Star for propane in the amount of $0.89/Gallon for the 2016-2017 school year. Todd Brand abstained from the vote. Motion carried.

2016-17.19. Pre-School Special Education Services. Motion was made by Heitmann, seconded by Brand, to enter into an agreement with Miller School District #29-4 for the 2016-2017 school year for Pre-School Special Education Services. A copy of the agreement is on file in the business official’s office. Unanimous.

2016-17.20. Surplus Declared. Motion was made by Weyand, seconded by McCloud, to declare the following items as surplus property and advertise for sale. Unanimous.


16 Red Small Chairs N/A $2/Each Private Sale

18 Band Stands N/A $0/Each Dispose of

50 Elem. Desks N/A $5/Each Private Sale

24 Hard Plastic Chairs N/A $1/Each Private Sale

3 Metal Shelving Units N/A $5/Each Private Sale

(30’ wide x 6’ tall)

The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Janet Reed, Todd Brad, and Grady Heitmann. Unanimous.

Budget Discussion. There was much capital outlay budget discussion again. Raethz stated that since the district does not have a surplus in this fund the board needed to take into account cash flow. Since the school’s fiscal year goes from July 1st to June 30th and Faulk County’s is January 1 to December 31, the district will only receive half of the amount requested in September in this school year. The district will receive approximately $315,725 in November 2016 (last year’s request). The total capital outlay expenses for the 2016-2017 school year are approximately $752,500, therefore $436,775 more is needed in May 2017 to balance out. The request amount then needs to be at least $873,550 ($436,775 *2). The board stated they would like to place some money aside for unforeseen building circumstances. The board decided when the budget is passed at the next meeting they will ask for $975,000 in the Capital Outlay fund. This will give the district approximately $50,000 extra in this school year for those purposes. All board members agreed with this request and directed Raethz to prepare the request this way for next meeting. The change since the budget was published in July would be to delete $246,000 from the HVAC payment expenses and not to pay it off, change the building set aside amount, and to decrease the requested amount from $1,048,500 to $975,000 (all in the capital outlay fund).

2016-17.21. Homeless Student Complaint Policy. Chairman Aesoph read the Homeless Student Complaint policy for a second reading. Motion by Weyand, second by Brand, to approve and adopt said policy. Unanimous.

SDSSA Academic Excellence Award. Superintendent Barrios stated that the SD Superintendent’s Association and Horace Mann Company recognized school districts who closed specific achievement gaps in testing. Barrios commended our teaching staff and stated a $500 award was given to our district.

2016-17.22. Busing. Bus Routes. Superintendent Barrios stated that our bus routes change minimally each year and is recommending a bus stop in Cresbard this year. Since Cresbard is in the Northwestern school district we need to get approval from them and they are discussing it tonight as well. Our current bus route is only ½ mile away from Cresbard. Barrios stated this decision was made to accommodate current students attending our district as well as promoting open enrollment in our district. Motion was made by Brand, seconded by Weyand, to provide busing service at a drop off point in the town of Cresbard pending Northwestern school district approval. K&D Busing Agreement. Superintendent Barrios stated he met with K&D Busing and even through the agreement doesn’t expire until June 2017, they informed him they are increasing the rate $0.07/mile. They stated the increase was due to unexpected drug testing fees. The board questioned their ability to alter the agreement before the term was up. Mr. Barrios stated he will request something in writing by the September board meeting and request their attendance. Emergency Bus Pact. The district has participated in the emergency bus pact for many years. School districts may choose to join the pact and if an emergency breakdown occurs in another school district you are able to call said district for assistance. Barrios informed the board that we are again participating in this.

Superintendent’s Report. Joint Convention. Barrios stated last week he attended the title conference in Chamberlain and the ASBSD joint convention in Sioux Falls. Barrios said board member Weyand also attended the joint convention. Barrios reviewed several of the topics discussed and changes that have taken place state-wide in education. ESA 5. Barrios explained that ESA 5 has provided our district with professional development and technology training in the past and they are not providing services this year and are reevaluating the cooperative. Barrios stated there are other options for training and that he isn’t concerned. Gavel Trainings. Barrios stated Weyand and McCloud attended the new board member training in Aberdeen and Aesoph attended the board president retreat in Sioux Falls. Barrios also said he would like the board to consider having ASBSD provide us with another gavel training for all board members. This is a 4- hour process and Barrios will bring more information to the September meeting. Meet & Greet. Barrios informed everyone that he will be doing a “Meet and Greet” event at Muffin Tops on August 11th at 7-8 a.m. and 5-6 p.m. He invited anyone in the community to attend. Board’s Future Goals. Barrios told the board that we will begin to review and update the board’s future goals at the September board meeting after the budget process is completed.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Active Shooter Training. Cassens stated he has been meeting with emergency management crews that will be providing an active shooter training at our teacher in-service on August 22nd. Emergency management and local law enforcement will demonstrate with some current staff and students in this training. Barrios stated the in-service will be August 22nd & 23rd and there will be a new teacher staff meeting on August 18th.

Open Forum Time. Mike Grunewaldt commended the board and administration on the active shooter training and stated an event such as this can affect the students and staff tremendously. Grunewaldt asked when the budget would be approved and Brand stated it will be at the September meeting. Grunewaldt then told the board that there isn’t a lot of money in the county right now and the DOT just cut their budget also because of this. Before going into the executive session the board thanked everyone for coming.

2016-17.23. Executive Session- Personnel/Contract Amendments. Motion by Heitmann, second by Weyand, to go into executive session at 7:14 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 7:32 p.m.

2016-17.24. Contract Amendments- JH Football Coach. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to amend Brice Cunningham’s 2016-2017 contract to delete Junior High Football coach in the amount of $1,806. (Total contract: $47,648 - Base $41,600; Head BBB $4,242; Head Golf $1,806) and to amend Dylan Mickelson’s 2016-2017 contract to add Junior High Football coach in the amount of $1,505 (Total contract: $36,505 – Base $35,000; JH Football $1,505) as per the Master contract. Unanimous.

2016-17.25. Contract Amendment- Concessions. Motion by Brand, second by Weyand, to amend Melissa Hayes’ 2016-2017 contract to add Concessions Advisor in the amount of $1,925 (Total contract: $45,925 – Base $44,000; Concessions $1,925) as per the Master contract. Unanimous.

2016-17.26. Contract Amendment-MA+15. Motion by McCloud, second by Brand, to amend Alicia Hammond’s 2016-2017 contract by moving her from MA Step 3 to MA+15 Step 3 as per Master Contract. Total contract: $40,500. Unanimous.