November 2015 Board Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, November 9, 2015

5:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Heather Bode at 5:01 p.m. in the community center.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Heather Bode, Gary Bowar, Todd Brand and Grady Heitmann. Also present were Supt. Joel Price, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Rob Collins (TSP), Andy Hoffmann (Wenck Construction)and about 30-40 patrons of the district. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2015-16.68. Agenda Approval. Chairman Bode stated to everyone in attendance that although this meeting is open to the public, the school board has not made any decisions in regard to the new school as of this time, and they are not prepared to present a formal plan to the community tonight. Motion by Aesoph, second by Brand, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

2015-16.69. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Brand, second by Bowar, to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2015 meeting; the October 2015 Financial Statement, October Imprest Report and October 2015 Trust and Agency Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for November 9, 2015. Unanimous.

October 2015 Imprest Fund: FB Officials: Eric Donat $100.00, Tim Steinwandt $100.00, Roger Colestock 100.00, Scott Whitlock $100.00, Marty Weismantel $160.00, Kevin Ball $100.00, Lawron Bohr $100.00, Kyle Bruinsma $100.00, Bill Schiefen $100.00, Jeremy Wright $218.00, VB Officials: Todd Sandal $164.00, Tiffany Stoeser $80.00. Carol Hoistad $180.00, Monica Pelton $130.00, Virginia Needham 110.00, Erin Schroeder $100.00, Brian Kringen $210.00, Dan Nikalas $210.00, Cheer Judges: Jasper Diegel $185.00, Shayonne Mitchell $100.00, Courtney Hoff $100.00, Bruce Kleinsasser $150.00. Remaining expenses: Noelle Swanson $25.43 Reimb. for Supplies, NSU Forensics $40.00 Oral Interp Fee, Holly Demery $50.00 Judging fee, Linda Demery $70.25 Reimb. for meals and supplies, SDML $25.00 Fee, Dacotah Bank $140.00 All state Chorus meal funds, Faulkton Drug $10.99 Supplies, Doland School $234.36 Fee;

November 9, 2015 Bill Payment: Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $561.00 Legal Fees, David Bartholomew $52.50 Services, Randy Bauer $30.00 Services, Bauer’s Super Valu $292.85 Supplies, BerMac $11.00 Repairs, Brentwood Colony $946.32 Food Service Contract, Cardmember Services $142.12 Supplies & Books, Cash-Wa Distributing $133.50 Equipment,CBM $15,144.27 Food Service Contract, CDW Government $272.15 Supplies, Century Business $881.27 Copier Services, City of Faulkton $227.41 Water/Sewer, Trevor Cramer$47.50 Services, Dakota Dust-Tex $104.15 Services, Delta Dental $2,721.28 Insurance, Erdmann Rooter Service $495.55 Repairs, Ewell Education Services $265.00 Subscription, Faulk Co. Record $182.13 Publishing & Subscription, Faulkton Area Medical Center $93.75 PT, Faulkton Hardware $3.99 Repairs, Faulkton School $4,229.83 Reimb. Imprest Fund & FB Cheer Wage Donation, Jerry Fischer $82.50 Services, GE Capital $503.46 Copier Lease, GoAnimate $355.00 Instructional Software, Duane Hadrick $10.00 Services, Hase Plumbing $2,778.10 Repairs & Installation of Pump, Hauff Mid-America Sports $228.95 Uniforms, Hillyard Floor Care $768.06 Supplies, Holiday Inn $202.71 Hotel, Homan Ace Hardware $151.92 Supplies & Repairs, Dwight Hossle $90.00 Services, JW Pepper $114.90 Supplies, Johnson Controls $8,868.54 Repairs & Service Agreement, K&D Busing $21,271.04 Services, KC Lumber $35.95 Supplies, Brent Koens $80.00Services, Michele Latt $166.98 Mileage Reimb., Dale Lowinske $100.00 Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,548.26 Residental/Tuitions fees, Mid-Central Educational Coop. $1,641.12 Services, NCFE $372.91 Gas, ND Center for Distance Education $300.00 Supplies, NorthStar Energy $976.50 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,346.86 Electricity, Pam Osnes $2,144.20 Services, Mike Reed $82.50 Equipment, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Scholastic $403.19 Supplies, SD Dept. of Public Safety $28.00 Inspection, SD School Benefit Fund $46.55 Insurance, SDIAAA $180.00 Dues, Sewer Duck $825.60 Repairs, Kevin Stark $30.00 Services, Taylor Music $78.00 Repairs, Thunderbird Colony $1,432.30 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $35.59 Services, Mark Toennies $45.00 Services, Training Room $62.17 Supplies, TSP $25,373.76 Professional Services, Venture Communications $265.45 Phone/Internet/Fax, Darin Vetch $7.50 Services, Ted Williams $675.75, Wellmark $26,729.00 Health Insurance, November 2015 Payroll: General Fund: $150,302.52 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $26,722.73 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,255.43 w/ benefits, Pre-K $1,529.67 w/ benefits.

2015-16.70. Surplus Declared. Motion by Bowar, second by Brand, to declare the following items as surplus property:


Dado Saw #000532 $400.00 Private Sale

Bosch Miter Saw N/A $200.00 Private Sale

Wood Lathe w/ Knives #000512 $150.00 Private Sale

Radial Arm Saw #00509 $ 0.00 Dispose of

Television (Ag Room) #000988 $ 0.00 Dispose of

The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Craig Cassens, Kelly Aesoph, and Grady Heitmann. Unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Price reviewed with the board all the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF), which have been handed over to the Governor of SD. He went through all recommendations but stated it is now up to the legislature on whether anything changes. They recommended the ELL and Sparsity Factors were left as is. For the funding formula they suggested a range of teacher/student ratio of 12 to 15. The non-classroom cost % would be around 29%. The average salary target was $48,000. The benefits target % would be around 30%. The BRTF will offer that the funding has to be at least 75 million. In Capital Outlay they recommended that .5 mill should be moved to the General Fund to help contribute to the increase needed for teacher pay. They stated the Pension levy should be eliminated or put inside the General Fund formula. They also thought that there should be a cap on school district fund balances but that it should be phased over a 3 year period and in relation to size. They BRTF recommended that the Governor and Legislature look for revenue inside the current budget before looking at a tax increase. On Teacher recruitment/retention they recommended to establish reciprocity of teaching certificates with other states, establish a mentor program, incentivize through National Board Certification and restore funding. They recommended adding an additional $1 million to work on the innovation learning concept further with NSU. They also recommended shared services among districts.

Secondary Principal/AD’s Report. Mr. Cassens informed the board that the overall turnout for parent/teacher conferences on October 23rd for grades 7-12 was 45%. Cassens then discussed helmet safety, which has been a new hot topic in SD lately. Our district’s football helmets are 4-5 star, which is pretty good. Cassens stated grades 7-12 participated in "Make a Difference" day in October. Students did several activities in the community.

2015-16.71. New School Committee. Motion was made by Heitmann, seconded by Bowar, to approve the following committee assignment: New Building Committee- Todd Brand and Kelly Aesoph. Unanimous. Todd Brand and Kelly Aesoph stated they met to discuss new building options provided by TSP/Wenck Construction. They went over the new proposals from TSP. They weighed out the pros and cons of a one or two story building and they felt that a one story, even if more costly, was more of an advantage than adding elevators.

New Facility Discussion. The board reviewed the new building option provided by TSP. Rob Collins went through the design, schedule and budget. TSP prepared these reports to list all building possibilities including renovations to the gym, wrestling room, stage, and locker room, a new cafetorium, new gym, and entire K-12 buildings with additional parking space. Total cost was around $18 million. The board has not yet decided which spaces will be included in the final design. Brand asked Mr. Collins if the board decided to slow down the project and take a break from proceeding on for right now, would we have to start over from the beginning. Collins didn't think we would have to, depending on what changed. The question was asked as to how much this project has cost the district so far. Brand stated $30,000 was budgeted and currently the district is $14,000 over that right now. This cost included the initial site survey. Collins discussed geothermal energy versus alternate energy methods, as well as what materials would be used inside the school and gym and why. Andy Hoffmann, Wenck Construction, explained why some spaces cost more per square foot than others. There were several questions from patrons regarding the new school that were answered. Brand and Aesoph, as committee members, stated their recommendation at this time would be not to proceed with schematic design right now. They felt the board should do more research with other schools that have recently built and tour more facilities before they proceed with the next phase. Brand and Aesoph will coordinate and schedule school site visits and gain more information on what other schools have done and what they have learned throughout the process.

Public Comment. Kurt Hall asked the board if they were happy with the new food service company CBM and how long we contracted with them. Raethz stated we are contracted with them for a minimum of one year, with the option to renew the contract for four years. She stated that the district is still in the early stages with this company and everyone is still adjusting to the change, but she is confident that this was a good decision for the district.

2015-16.72. Adjournment. Motion by Brand, second by Aesoph, to adjourn at 7:02 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Heather Bode Business Official, Lisa Raethz