2016 November Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, November 14, 2016

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Kelly Aesoph at 6:00 p.m. in the Faulkton Elementary Library.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Todd Brand, Grady Heitmann, Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent/Elementary Principal Derek Barrios, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, and the following district patrons: Tim Bowar, Melissa Geditz, and Dave Speck. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2016-17.43. Agenda Approval. Motion by Brand, second by Weyand, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

Acknowledgements. Superintendent Barrios acknowledged the fall sports teams of Football, Volleyball and Competition Cheer on a great season. Barrios also acknowledged all the teachers and staff for American Education Week. He stated our success is definitely a team effort.

Conflict of Interest Waivers. No conflict of interest waivers were presented.

Open Forum Time. Mr. Barrios presented everyone in attendance with a handout on public participation at board meetings. This handout gave a list of guidelines expected at open forum time. Dave Speck then addressed the board and asked how the bid process worked. Raethz explained to Speck that the District must following SD bidding laws if the project amount exceeds a certain dollar amount. This would require the district to advertise for bids or purchase off another governmental agency’s bid. Anything under the bid law amount it’s common practice to receive two quotes but not required. Board member Weyand then asked what the invoice to Ted Williams was for in the claims. Raethz explained the district hires this individual for psychology services.

2016-17.44. Consensus Agenda Approval. Motion by Weyand, second by Heitmann, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the October 10, 2016 meeting, October 2016 Financial Statement and October 2016 Trust and Agency Fund Report, the October 2016 Imprest Fund Report, and payment of the presented bills for November 14, 2016. Unanimous.

October 2016 Imprest Fund: Officials: John Hettich $100.00, Dave Pierson $100.00, Clay Nelson $100.00, Chad Locken $100.00, Tanner Jondahl $150.00, Katrina Brown $120.00, Jasper Diegel $185.00, Bruce Kleinsasser $140.00, Shayonne Mitchell $100.00, Todd Sandal $320.00, Scott Wagner $150.00, Mark Ulrich $90.00. Travel & Fuel: Lisa Raethz $94.50, Pit Stop $46.83, Derek Barrios $583.00, Chris Ulrich $46.83, K&D Busing $102.00. Fees/Registrations: Potter County School $100.00, NSU $44.00, NEAP $70.00. Supplies: Mary Vetch $10.62, Dacotah Bank $36.20, Faulkton Drug $12.52, Muffin Tops $86.27. Other: Joy Dillon $25.00 Refund;

November 14, 2016 Bill Payment: A&B Business $4.95 Supplies, Ace Refrigeration $1,501.44 Repairs, Apple Inc. $379.00 Ipad & Case, ASBSD $200.00 Fees, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $112.87 Legal Fees, David Bartholomew $45.00 Services, Michael Bauer $25.00 Services, Randy Bauer $30.00 Services, Bauer’s Super Valu $310.59 Supplies, BerMac $51.44 Fuel & Repairs, Best Western $455.00 Travel, Brentwood Colony $976.29 Food Service Contract, Cardmember Services $804.44 Supplies & Fees, CBM $12,875.78 Food Service Contract, Cedar Shore $183.90 Travel, Century Business $1,037.17 Services, City of Faulkton $519.62 Utilities, Trevor Cramer $75.00 Services, Dakota Dust-Tex $103.90 Services, Dakota Education Consulting $1,500.00 Services, Delta Dental $2,950.52 Insurance, Embroidery For You $708.00 Supplies, Faulk County Record $251.48 Publishing, Supplies & Subscription, Faulkton Hardware $34.95 Repairs, FAMC $1,072.50 Services, Faulkton School $2,912.77 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Jerry Fischer $105.00 Services, Duane Hadrick $10.00 Services, Hauff Mid-America Sports $3,135.00 Wall Padding, Homan Hardware $89.01 Repairs, Homan Welding $103.46 Supplies, Dwight Hossle $125.00 Services, Impact Application $400.00 Fees, J.W. Pepper $118.49 Supplies, Johnson Controls $7,899.90 Service Agreement, K&D Busing $20,697.75 Busing Contract, KC Lumber $167.25 Supplies, Brent Koens $200.00 Services, Langs TV & Appliance $321.00 Repairs, Michele Latt $141.22 Mileage Reimb., Lifeline Amplification Systems $212.00 Equipment, Dale Lowinske $50.00 Services, Shane Machtemes $30.00 Services, Marc $985.63 Supplies, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,786.92 Tuition/Residential Fees, Menards $29.94 Supplies, NCFE $308.48 Gas, NCS Pearson $897.75 Subscription, North Star Energy $1,253.38 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,504.48 Utilities, Mike Reed $45.00 Services, Reliastar Life Ins. $23.40 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Schatz Electric $1,974.06 Improvements, Scholastic $167.75 Supplies, Southeast Educational Coop. $350.00 Fees, Kevin Stark $75.00 Services, Taylor Music $55.00 Repairs, Thunderbird Colony $1,290.08 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $39.95 Services, Mark Toennies $15.00 Services, Venture Communications $397.75 Phone/Fax/Internet, Darin Vetch $30.00 Services, Vogels Auto Service $147.00, Wells Fargo $503.46 Copier Lease, West River Foundation $225.00 Fees, Ted Williams $1,159.50, Wellmark $28,189.00 Health Insurance; November 2016 Payroll: General Fund: $165,110.56 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $22,461.78 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,382.23 w/ benefits, Pre-K $753.55 w/ benefits.

2016-17.45. ASBSD-Health Insurance Pool Assessment. Raethz informed the board that ASBSD made the final decision to assess members of the pool their portion of the pool’s debt. Our district’s options are one payment of $128,502 due by August 1, 2017 or four payments of $33,340/each (totaling $133,360) due October 1, 2017-2020. Raethz stated, after reviewing our General Fund balance as well as upcoming expenditures, that she would recommend the one lump sum payment to ASBSD. Her reasoning was that the district was able to ask for $175,000 less in opt-out funds this school year and believes we should be able to remain at that amount or more next year depending on state funding and any unforeseen expenses. Raethz stated our General Fund balance currently has the ability to eliminate this debt without impacting our cash flow. She stated the district has caught up financially since the opt-out was passed and are in a stable position right now. Motion was made by Heitmann, seconded by Brand, to approve and submit the memorandum of understanding to ASBSD electing and accepting the one-time lump sum payment method of $128,502 due by August 1, 2017. Unanimous.

2016-17.46. Library Policy/Second Reading & Adoption. There were not any changes to the first reading of the Library Use Policy. Mr. Barrios read the policy for a second reading. Motion was made by McCloud, seconded by Weyand, to approve and adopt said policy. Unanimous.

Board’s Future Goals Review/Update. Barrios provided the board with a copy of the staff’s recommendations for updating the Education & Staff Development sections. After reviewing these recommendations Mr. Barrios stated he would like the board to review these on their own and then discuss these again at the December meeting.

School Policy Review. Mr. Barrios stated board member Weyand attended the ASBSD Regional meeting in Miller a couple weeks ago and Gerry Kaufman (School lawyer now employed by ASBSD) recommended districts hire ASBSD to review and recommend updates their school policies. The board discussed these services and the benefit it would have for the district. Barrios will contact ASBSD for more details on cost and the services they provide.

2016-17.47. Building & Grounds Report. Sewer Line. Mr. Barrios stated he spoke with board member Weyand and he would like the district to have a camera put down the elementary sewer lines to see what problems we have and what solutions could be made. There was much discussion about the condition of the lines, the cost of improvements and a timeline for events. The board agreed to turn it over to the Building & Grounds committee (Brand & McCloud) and have them research options and report back to the entire board. The board also discussed patching the shingles on the shop roof versus placing metal on it. No discussion was made. Re-Key Interior Doors. Mr. Barrios stated a couple interior master keys were turned in to him after being in the wrong hands. He stated he is not sure how many unauthorized copies are out there that we are unaware of. He recommended re-keying all interior doors. The quote for 70 new locks was $4,400 ($20 per lock, $79/hour, 2 locks/hour). The board agreed and also had discussion about replacing the exterior locks. Motion was made by Weyand, second by Heitmann, to move forward replacing the interiors door locks and get a quote for the remaining exteriors doors. Unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report. Superintendent Goals. Barrios reviewed his goals with the board and discussed his progress on them. He also showed the board graphs that portrayed the results so far of the community surveys that have been taken. Overall, the reports have been very positive. Superintendent Evaluation. Barrios handed the board each a copy of the superintendent evaluation form. Chairman Aesoph stated everyone should fill it out individually and bring it back to the board meeting in December. The board will go over the evaluation in executive session at the end of the December meeting.

Delegate Assembly- Brand stated he would be attending the ASBSD Delegate Assembly meeting regarding the upcoming legislative session on Friday. Barrios directed the other board members to contact Brand with any concerns beforehand.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Mr. Cassens was not in attendance so Mr. Barrios went over his report with the board. He stated Mrs. Geditz, Mrs. Nikki Melius, Mrs. Hayes and Mr. Cunningham attended a training in Sioux Falls this month pertaining to the new State Mentoring program. The next meeting will be held in Faulkton on Thursday and these four teachers as well as the new teacher staff will attend. Barrios also informed the board that the Department of Labor in conjunction administered the National Career Readiness Certificate exam to all juniors and seniors. The results were shown to the board and stated overall our students did a great job on the assessment.

Open Forum. Tim Bowar addressed the board and stated he thought the board guidelines for public participation should be published so everyone would know what was expected. The board agreed and will publish. Bowar also asked if the ASBSD’s health pool, including the participating members, could end up in this financial struggle again. Raethz told Bowar that ASBSD has stressed to its members what precautions have been put into place so this does not happen. By switching health insurance providers from Avera to Wellmark this has already eliminated a large portion of the debt already and that will continue due to Wellmark’s network savings. Also, administrative audits and other plan coverages have been reviewed and updated for this reason.

2016-17.48. Executive Session- Personnel/Contract Amendments. Motion by Heitmann, second by Weyand, to go into executive session at 7:48 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 8:00 p.m.

2016-17.49. Contract Amendments- JH Girls Basketball Coach. Motion by Weyand, second by McCloud, to amend Dylan Mickelson’s 2016-2017 contract to add Junior High Girls Basketball coach in the amount of $1,505 (Total contract: $38,010 – Base $35,000; JH Football $1,505; JH Girls Basketball $1,505) as per the Master contract. All members voted aye except Brand who abstained.

2016-17.50. Adjournment. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Kelly Aesoph Business Official, Lisa Raethz