August 2015 Board Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5:00 p.m.

The first regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Heather Bode at 5:01 p.m. in the office of the superintendent.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Heather Bode, Gary Bowar, Todd Brand and Grady Heitmann. Also present were Supt. Joel Price, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Jeremy Demery, Todd Christopherson (Wenck Construction), Ron Halgerson (TSP) Mike Jamison (TSP) and Rob Collins (TSP). A large group of district patrons arrived at the community center for the public meeting on the site survey.

2015-16.34. Agenda Approval. Motion by Aesoph, second by Heitmann, to approve the proposed agenda.

2015-16.35. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2015 meeting and the July 16, 2015, July 28, 2015 and August 4, 2015 special meetings; the July 2015 Financial Statement, July 2015 Imprest Report and July 2015 Trust and Agency Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for August 11, 2015. Unanimous.

July 2015 Imprest Fund: Janet Reed $40.22 Reimb. Supplies, Jeremy Demery $121.80 Mileage Reimb., US Post Office $163.33 Postage, Joel Price $29.00 Reimb. Supplies, Shayne Geditz $60.00 Reimb. fees, Faulk Co. Sheriff’s Office $15.00 Fees, DCI $43.25 Fees;

August 11, 2015 Bill Payment: ACME Tools $2,512.26 Tools, Andes Central School $1,000.00 Equipment, AOSNC $2,669.86 Equipment, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $957.00 Fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $168.31 Supplies & Repairs, BerMac $29.52 Repairs, Best Western $275.97 Travel, Cardmember Services $1,187.16 Supplies, Textbooks, Equipment & Fees, Cash –Wa Distributing $1,994.90 Equipment, Cedar Shore $91.95 Travel, Cengage Learning $8,944.11 Textbooks, Century Business $3,056.54 Copier Services & Equipment, City of Faulkton $75.89 Water/Sewer, Cole Papers $608.52 Supplies, Delta Dental $2,944.28 Insurance, Faulk Co. Record $492.13 Publishing, Faulkton Hardware $96.44 Repairs, Faulkton School $472.60 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Fink Plumbing $271.02 Repairs, GE Capital $503.46 Copier Lease, Homan Ace Hardware $475.46 Repairs, Houghton Mifflin Co. $346.50 Textbooks, JW Pepper $98.29 Equipment, Janitors Closet $20.77 Supplies, Johnson Controls $519.59 Repairs, KC Lumber $84.42 Supplies, MARC $595.00 Services, Matheson Tri-Gas $9.61 Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,578.92 Residental/Tuitions fees, McLeods $217.79 Supplies, Menards $260.99 Supplies, Moby Max $599.00 Software, NCFE $135.54 Gas, Northwestern Energy $1,653.31 Electricity, PlanbookEdu $551.00 Supplies, Praxair Distribution $12.49 Supplies, Quill $371.35 Supplies, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Rosene Royce $22.30 Services, Schatz Electric $357.42 Repairs, Schraeder Lawn Spraying $70.00 Services, SD Dept. of Health $940.00, SD School Benefit Fund $47.88 Insurance, SD Teacher Placement $420.00 Membership, SFM $12,645.00 Workman’s Comp. Ins., Sonny’s $138.95 Repairs, Time Management Systems $40.08 Services, Venture Communications $241.99 Phone/Internet/Fax, Wells Fargo $64,867.03 HVAC payment, Wellmark $27,535.00 Health Insurance, August 2015 Payroll: General Fund: $37,794.10 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $5,475.04 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,266.49 w/ benefits.

Superintendents Report. Upcoming Events. Mr. Price informed the board of the following: New Teacher in-service on August 20, Teacher in-service August 24-25, First day of school August 26, and First day of Pre-K August 27. Testing Update. Price stated the testing results were in and would be handed out at the sports and/or community meeting tonight or mailed to parents. He discussed what the results entailed. Evaluation/SLO. Price went over what would be implemented in this school year with the Teachscape Evaluation and Student Learning Objectives (SLO). He stated additional training will be provided to teachers throughout the school year. Donation. Mr. Price stated Bonnie Wuger donated a Faulkton wind sock in memory of Darren L. Meyer who passed away on June 10, 2013. This will be displayed somewhere in the school. Absence Policy. Price reviewed the new absence policy with the board. Lunch Menu. The August and September lunch menus were given to the board to review. CBM is now in charge of the menus and they will make sure each meal meets the nutritional requirements.

Secondary Principal/AD report. Mr. Cassens stated most student schedules were now completed. He stated a few students were enrolled in online AP classes this school year.

2015-16.36. Fuel Oil Quote. Motion by Aesoph, second by Brand, to accept the quote of Northern Plains for fuel oil in the amount of $0.015/Gallon above cost for the 2015-2016 school year. Unanimous.

2015-16.37. Propane Bids. Motion by Bowar, second by Brand, to accept the quote of North Star for propane in the amount of $0.93/Gallon for the 2015-2016 school year. Unanimous.

2015-16.38. Gasoline Bids. Motion by Brand, second by Bowar, to accept the quote of North Central Farmers Elevator for gasoline in the amount of $0.12/Gallon above cost for the 2015-2016 school year. Unanimous.

2015-16.39. Surplus Property. Motion by Aesoph, second by Heitmann, to declare the following items as surplus property: Technology equipment. A full listing is on file. The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Kelly Aesoph, Gary Bowar, and Todd Brand. Total appraisal was $0.00 and the board’s intent is to dispose of said items. Unanimous.

2015-16.40. Football Cheer Trust & Agency Account. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to create a fund called “Football Cheer” in the Trust and Agency account. Unanimous.

Pre-K Aide. The board directed Mr. Price to advertise for a Pre-K Aide position. There will be 19 students in Pre-K classroom this school year.

Recess. The Board recessed at 5:27 p.m. until representatives from TSP/Wenck Construction arrived. The board reconvened their meeting at 6:01 p.m.

TSP Site Survey Discussion. Mike Jamison (TSP), Todd Christopherson (Wenck Construction), Ron Halgerson (TSP) and Rob Collins (TSP) were now in attendance to present the site survey to the board. Rob Collins lead the discussion by guiding the board through the report. After review of the building 4 options were given: 1.) Existing Building Renovations & Improvements, cost $5,820,150, completion August 2017. 2.) Addition Option #1, 2 single story building additions, cost $10,471,438, completion August 2018; 3.) Addition Option#2, 1 two story building addition, cost $9,385,000, completion August 2017; 4.) Entire new replacement building on new land, cost $15,947,453, completion August 2017.

Recess. The board recessed at 6:54 p.m. The board reconvened at 7:03 p.m. in the community center with crowd of approximately 100 patrons present.

Public Meeting. TSP Site Survey Discussion in the Community Center. Rob Collins and Todd Christopherson presented the site facility report to the community in the same format as they did earlier with the board. Collins emphasized the fact that no decision of the board has been made and that this report is for the board to use as a tool to make the best decision for the school district moving forward. After a summary of the report was given a question and answer session took place. Several questions were asked about the current facility, the new building options and location, and the financial aspect. Business Manager, Lisa Raethz, explained the financial options to the community if the decision was made to build. Raethz explained two different options: 1.) Obligation Bonds require a 60% passing vote of the patrons, have a maximum term of 50 years, and create a separate levy and separate fund. 2.) Capital Outlay Certificates not do require a vote of the patrons as long as the amount of the certificates does not exceed 1.5% of the school district's taxable valuation. Said certificates have a maximum term of 20 years and funds would circulate through the Capital Outlay fund. At the current tax valuations, $11.4 million is the maximum amount of certificates that would be available.

Recess. The board recessed at 8:27 p.m. in order to reconvene in the superintendent’s office to adjourn. The board reconvened at 8:35 p.m. and discussed when they would meet again to discuss the decision.

Next Board Meeting. A special meeting will be held on August 24 at 5 p.m. to discuss the decision the board will make in regard to the future of the present facility. The Pre-K Aide will also be discussed at this special meeting.

2015-16.41. Adjournment. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Heather Bode