Communicable Diseases

(Back to Faulkton Area School Policies)

The Faulkton Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to provide a clean, safe, and healthy working environment. In any social environment, such as a school, employees may be exposed to a variety of communicable diseases, which may affect their personal health or the health of a fellow employee. The following guidelines shall be used to protect the health of all employees.

A. Once a physician has determined that an employee has been infected with a communicable disease, the decision as to the continued employment or exclusion will be made by the building principal. In situations that require additional skill and knowledge, the principal will refer the case to an advisary committee for assistance in determining the proper course of action.

The advisory committee shall consist of the following:

1. Building Principal

2. Superintendent

3. Community Health Nurse

The advisory committee may include the following:

1. Representative from the SD Dept. of Health

2. The Employee’s personal physician

3. The Employee or his/her representative

The Advisory committee shall consider the following in making their decision:

1. The type and severity of the disease.

2. The guideline recommendations.

3. The potential risk to the infected employee.

4. The potential risk to students.

5. The potential risk to other employees.

6. The physical condition of the employee.

B. If the employment of the infected employee is to be interrupted or discontinued, the employee will be entitled to use available medical leave and receive established benefits.

C. Public information concerning the infected employee will not be released except as is determined by the committee to be advisable in maintaining appropriate employee safety and working relationships.

D. If an infected employee is permitted to remain in school, information regarding the employee’s medical condition will be provided, as appropriate, to other school employees who have contact with the individual.

Disease Rule

AIDS: Determination by the Advisory Committee.

Chicken Pox: Employee or student may return after all pox are dry and scabbed.

CMV: Employee or student may remain at work

Giardiasis: Employee or student may remain at work.

Herpes: Employee or student may remain at work.

Impetigo: Employee or student may work if under treatment and area is covered.

Hepatitis: Employee or student (other than food service) may remain at work.

Measles: Employee or student may return to work after a minimum of 7 days.

Mononucleosis: Employee or student may work if directed by physician.

Mumps: Employee or student may return to work after swelling has disappeared.

Pediculosis: Employee or student may return to work after treatment.

Pink Eye: Employee or student may return to work if directed by physician.

Planters Wart: Employee or student may remain at work.

Ring Worm: Employee or student may remain at work if area is under treatment and covered.(athletes foot)

Rubella: Employee or student may return to work if directed by physician.

Scabies: Employee or student may return to work after treatment.

Streptococcal Infections: Employee or student may return to work 24 hours after treatment. (Scarlet fever, strep throat)