October, 2018 Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, October 8, 2018 8:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Board Chairman Jerry Weyand at 8:00 p.m. in the Faulkton School Lunchroom.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, BJ Kalkman, Scott McCloud, and Jerry Weyand. Absent: Ryan Nelson. Also present were Superintendent Scott Lepke, Secondary Principal Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Hushka, staff member Jeremy Demery, Dean Marske and Scott Sikkink from HKG Architects, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, and the following district patrons: Mike Haselhorst, Lori Kalkman, Jeff & Tammy McCloud, Kayla Roseland, Randy Tisher and Corrine Weyand.

2018-19.61. Agenda Approval. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to approve the proposed. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Acknowledgments. No acknowledgement were made.

Conflict of Interest Waivers. No conflict of interest waivers were presented.

Open Forum. No comments were made.

2018-19.62. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Kalkman, second by McCloud, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the September 12, 2018 meeting, September 2018 Financial Statement, September 2018 Trust and Agency Fund Report, September 2018 Imprest Report, and payment of the presented bills for October 8, 2018. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

September 2018 Imprest Expenses: Travel Reimbursements: Scott Lepke $37.80, Michele Latt $123.78.

Supplies/Postage: Michele Latt $66.03, Danica Mickelson $158.94.

Officials: Sophie Johnson $85, Todd Sandal $338, Dean Duxbury $85, Mike Ruth $159, John Hettich $125, Tanner Jondahl $125, Dave Pierson $207, David Planteen $150, Mark Ulrich $125, Terry Keller $85, Steve Charron $100, Alyssa Krogstrand $169, Dan Nikalas $135.

Fees: DCI $86.50, Faulk Co. Sheriff $30, Shape SD $165, Arlington School $110, Ipswich School $30, SDHSCA $120, SDVBCA $35, SDBCA $25, Redfield School $35, City of Faulkton $250, Potter Co. School $35, Miller School $25, Highmore Action Club $20.


October 8, 2018 Bill Payments: Agtegra $305.21 Gas, Alex Alspach $120.98 Travel Reimb., ASBSD $40 Fees,

Bauer’s Super Valu $200.79 Supplies, BerMac $86.85 Repairs, BSN $50 Equip., Cabinets & Interiors $153.06

Supplies, Cardmember Services $1,380.50 Supplies, Fees & Equip., Carolina Biological $93.55 Supplies,

Century Business $523.04 Services, City of Faulkton $220.95 Utilities, Dakota Link $38.25 Supplies, Delta

Dental $3,152.44 Insurance, Dustex $190.80 Services, EcoLab $135.56 Services, Faulk Co. Record $195.24

Publishing & Supplies, Faulkton School $3,241.05 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Hase Plumbing $4,867.84 Water

Heater, Homan Ace Hardware $123.72 Supplies & Repairs, HUDL $1,592 Software, ITS $8,714.86 Equip., JW

Pepper $144.99 Supplies, K&D Busing $23,254.89 Services, Langford School $300 Dues, Michele Latt $63.71

Travel, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,942.36 Services, McGraw Hill $5,774.12 Curriculum, Menards $106.68

Supplies, Northwestern Energy $2,471.76 Utilities, Reliastar Life Ins. $24.05 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585

Services, School Specialty $7,632.56 Supplies & Equip., SD Dept. of Public Safety $28 Services, Swier Law Firm

$163.65 Supplies, Taylor Music $5 Supplies, Tennant Electric $1,154.04 Repairs & Supplies, Thrive Nutrition

$13,715.96 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $43.29 Services, Training Room $63.07

Supplies, Venture Communications $485.40 Phone/Fax/Interest Services, Vogel’s Auto Service $24 Repairs,

Vosika Fencing $1,581 Repairs, Wells Fargo $469.36 Lease, Ted Williams $884 Services, Wellmark $35,116 Health Insurance, October 2018 Payroll: General Fund: $177,870.12 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $30,899.21 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,535.86 w/ benefits, Pre-K $1,975.19 w/ benefits.

2018-19.63. Surplus Declared. The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Craig Cassens, Kelly Aesoph, and BJ Kalkman.

Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to declare the above items as surplus property and give away or dispose of said items. Unanimous.

ASBSD Delegate Assembly. Mr. Lepke stated this event will take place on November 16th from 1-5 p.m. Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand will discuss amongst themselves which one of them will volunteer to be the 2019 ASBSD Delegate Assembly member. One of them will let Mr. Lepke know.

October Special Meeting & November Regular Meeting. Hushka stated she would like to have a special meeting on October 31st at 8 a.m. to pay any invoices that have come in since this meeting. Hushka stated she estimated the district at exactly 30% (FY19 cash balance/FY18 expenditures) and she would feel more comfortable with being under 30% in case expenditures are less than last year. The state requires 30% or less in order to not have state aid penalized. It was also decided to have the November 12th board meeting at 8 p.m. due to harvest and a basketball game.

Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Lepke stated he and Weyand attended the ASBSD Region meeting on

September 26th in Aberdeen and lots of information was shared with the group. If anyone wants to read that information he has it. Lepke also will be attending a Superintendent’s Retreat on October 10-12 in Keystone that will focus on school leadership. Lepke told the board that he plans on moving forward with accepting on-line payments through our current lunch program. He said there will be a small fee to parents, but no fees to the district. A definite date for this has not been finalized. Lepke said he is also moving forward with the new website and plans have begun on the process. Lepke informed the board that the staff book study for professional development has begun. Lepke said the district will be participating in Project STAND UP for School Safety. This is a state program that is a new and innovative way to leverage technology to help keep our schools safe. Lepke stated the end of the first quarter is October 19th and Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on October 26th. Mr. Lepke then told the board that himself and Mr. Weyand also discussed reviewing school policies and that will start to happen.

Secondary Principal’s Report. Mr. Cassens stated the Artist in Residence, Lawrence Diggs, worked in grades 8-11 last week teaching the subject of Poetry. Cassens said he enjoyed his time with our students and was complimentary concerning their behavior. Mr. Cassens thanked the Arts Council for sponsoring the artists and making this possible for our students. Cassens informed the board that the PSAT test will be administered to any interested 11th graders on October 10th and the ASVAB test to all 11th graders on October 30th. Cassens then said that Faulkton High School has joined a new student CTSO program called Educators Rising. There are 8 other districts involved and this is a trial year for us. Currently, there is no cost and Mrs. Melius has 6 students enrolled in its Teach and Train class that meets every other day.

Building Committee & Project Discussion. Mr. Lepke stated there hasn’t been a building committee meeting in a little over a month. Lepke said HKG representative, Buffy, has been here a couple times to look at different things and they now have another updated plan to review. The new plan does not connect the remodeled elementary and the new high school due to drainage. Mr. Lepke then reviewed the rest of the new plan with everyone. There were questions about pre-cast walls and the current boiler system. Marske stated the pre-cast walls were a savings of about $100,000. Marske said the heating system in the elementary would probably be changed to a temporary system until the new high school is built and tied into that new system. Marske then said he wants to keep displacing the students to a minimum, however, it is inevitable at some point. Weyand spoke and said he talked with Methodist Church representatives and they didn’t have a problem with the school using space there. Mr. Lepke asked Marske if there will ever be a

point where the cost of remodeling exceeds the benefits of it, and at what point HKG will address that. Marske said they have looked at everything they can and don’t think they will run into any additional surprises that will be financially significant. Marske informed the board that the structural engineer will be here for hunting and will look at the building again just to make sure. Aesoph asked about parking locations in the new plan since the buses will now drop off students on the south side. Marske said there will be parking on the east. Sikkink stated the goal was to have one entrance and this will cause a little congestion on the south side. Mr. Lepke stated there has been discussion about the buses driving in off the street, on the south, to alleviate some of the congestion and maintain some of the parking on the south. Lepke stated tomorrow night the building committee will hold a meeting to look at the revised plan, and after that, the plan will be shown and discussed with the staff. Mr. Lepke asked Marske to explain the outside look of the building. Marske said there will be EIFS (Exterior Insulation & Finish System) on the elementary building and some bricks will be left to blend in. Marske said the roof will be pitched in some areas but not all in order to tie in to existing buildings. Weyand asked about how we are for a timeline right now and Marske stated we are still sitting good (in reference to bid prices) but he was hoping some steel embargos were lifted. Marske said the Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) fees are included in these estimates and he recommended voting on the bond before the CMR is hired. The estimate of the new plan, provided by HKG today, was $7,910,500. Marske stated they have never gone over the contingency in a project. Aesoph asked if there is anything figured in for the existing kitchen and bathrooms attached to it and Marske stated there is. However, Marske said nothing was included for the locker rooms, gym roof, or the shop roof or windows, but those could be additions if there was contingency left. Weyand stated the focus is the remodeled elementary and the new high school/commons area and stated we don’t want to exceed an 8 million bond. Aesoph asked how we would fund any other updates without including them in the bond and was told it would be capital outlay funds. Aesoph said that will be difficult once the cap on capital outlay is in place. Mr. Lepke recommended a list be put together in case the project comes in under budget and additions can be made. Aesoph asked about moving the playground. Lepke said there has been discussion but nothing definite yet, however, some of the playground might be able to stay where it’s at. Weyand stated the committee meeting will be tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. Buffy from HKG will be at the meeting. Aesoph stated she is concerned about the opt out passing with both Redfield and Eureka’s opt out votes being voted down. Weyand stated he believes we are in a different position since our project is considerably lower. Lepke stated we need to get the word out that we need the opt out to operate the school. Weyand stated the district has been very conservative and only asked for the full $450,000 opt out one time and the board will not be increasing that amount. Sikkink said once the budget is established and the vote passes, HKG would still want to require board approval on changes or additions.

Open Forum. 1. Corrine Weyand stated the busing questions shouldn’t be a problem. She thinks it’s more of a scheduling problem. She said in the school district she works at the buses come and leave at a scheduled time and it works great. She also cautioned the board about adding more additions to the list. 2. Jeff McCloud asked how many buses we have. Lepke said 4. McCloud said when he was in school there were 9 buses and they parallel parked and it wasn’t an issue. 3. Tammy McCloud stated she witnessed a bus schedule (at the school where her daughter works) and it was like clockwork and ran smoothly.

2018-19.64. Executive Session- Personnel. Motion by McCloud, second by Kalkman, to go into executive session at 9:11 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 9:15 p.m.

2018-19.65. JH Boys Basketball Coach. Motion was made by Kalkman, seconded by Aesoph, to hire Kasey Kopecky as Junior High Boys Basketball Coach for the 2018-19 school year at $1,612.50 as per the master contract. Unanimous.

2018-19.66. Adjournment. Motion by Kalkman, second by Aesoph, to adjourn at 9:16 p.m. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Jerry Weyand Business Official, Lisa Hushka