Bomb Threat Guidelines

Teacher handbook 2015-16

A. Action and Guide

1. Note EXACT time of call.

a. Teachers make note of missing students

b. Observe strange cars or people near school grounds

c. Exact time may be crucial in legal action.

2. Stall the caller.

a. Ask caller to please repeat message.

b. Listen to voice for identifying accent or speech characteristics.

c. Listen for familiar background noises.

3. Get bomb plan details

a. Ask where it is?

b. What time will it explode?

c. Why was it planted?

d. What kind of bomb is it?

e. What type of explosive was used?

f. What type of mechanism was used (timer, acid, etc ) for trigger?

g. What color, size shape is the package?

h. Note the caller’s knowledge the school building.

4. Notify school administration to contact the police, fire department, sheriff department, etc.

5. Discourage “Bomb Threat” publicity.

a. Avoid publicity, as it tends to encourage additional threats

B. Clearing the building inspection.

1. The Superintendent will confer with bomb squad and fire department and act accordingly in response to the bomb threat.

2. If any of these emergencies occur during the absent of the Superintendent the established chain of command will be in effect.