January, 2019 Special Board Minutes

Board of Education - Meeting Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4

Faulk, Hand, Hyde and Potter Counties, South Dakota

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

6:00 p.m.

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a meeting of the School Board of Faulkton Area School District

24-4, of Faulk, Hand, Hyde and Potter Counties, South Dakota, was held on January 9, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in

the Faulkton Community Center. The special meeting was called to order by School Board Chairman Jerry

Weyand at: 6:00 p.m.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, BJ Kalkman,

Scott McCloud, Ryan Nelson, and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent Scott Lepke, and Dean

Marske and Buffy King from HKG Architects, Dave Derry, Mike Keller and Mike Ralston from Kyburz-Carlson

Construction, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk County Record, the following building committee members: Gloria

Bode, Vanessa Bowman, Jeremy Demery, Melissa Geditz, Gary Holsing, Dwight Hossle, Michele Latt, Tammy

McCloud, Janet Reed, and Steve Roseland, and the following district patrons: Tim Bowar, Jeff McCloud, Dave

Speck, Corrine Weyand and Jack Wilhelm.

2018-19.97. Agenda Approval. Motion by Kalkman, second by Nelson, to approve the proposed agenda. All

members voted aye. Motion carried.

Conflict of Interest Waivers. No conflict of interest waivers were presented.

Construction Manager @ Risk Partnering Session. The following Kyburz-Carlson project team

representatives introduced themselves to the board: Dave Derry, Mike Keller and Mike Ralston. Dave Derry

then discussed the following with the board: 1. Project Expectations from Kyburz-Carlson, Faulkton School and

HKG. 2. Decision Maker(s) for the district. 3. Responsibilities of all groups. 4. Communication about the project. 5.

Project status. 6. Project Schedules that will need to be developed.

Open Forum. Corrine Weyand addressed the board about reusing some current fixtures and furniture in the

new building.

2018-19.98. Adjournment. Motion by Aesoph, second by McCloud, to adjourn at 7:42 p.m. All members

voted aye. Motion carried.


Board Chairman, Jerry Weyand


Superintendent, Scott Lepke