2014 May Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, May 12, 2014

7:30 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Heather Bode at 7:33 p.m. in the office of the superintendent.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Heather Bode, Gary Bowar, Todd Brand and Grady Heitmann. Also present were Supt. Joel Price, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, April Sorensen, Bill Hoffman, Janet Reed and Garrick Moritz.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2013-14 126. Agenda Approval. Motion by Brand, second by Aesoph to approve the proposed agenda. All members voted aye.

2013-14 127. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2014 meeting, and April 2014 Trust and Agency Fund and Imprest Fund Reports, the April 2014 Financial Statement, and payment of the presented bills for May 13, 2014. All members voted aye. Lisa Raethz informed the board that she would be depositing both general fund CD’s into the checking account to assist with cash flow until tax revenue is received.

April 2014 Imprest Fund: Tomelyn Taylor $54.58 AS Play Supplies, Dacotah Bank $550.00 State FFA Meal Funds, Rosene Royce $5.00 Services, Carrie Deiter $130.00 Services, Melissa Hayes $54.70 Reimb. Supplies, Faulkton Drug $12.08 Supplies, US Post Office $98.00.

Cheer Tryout Judging Fees: Vanessa Bowman $35.00, Alicia Hammond $35.00, Nicole Bruemmer $35.00.

Travel Reimbursements: Jeremy Demery $191.46, Craig Cassens $85.47, Billie Jo Brause $52.00, Kari Haberling $52.00, Melissa Hayes $52.00, Mary Schlechter $61.00, Chris Ulrich $61.00.

Track Meet Fees: Sunshine Bible Academy $120.00, Eureka School $50.00, Gettysburg School $100.00, Ipswich School $160.00, Redfield School $125.00, NSU $100.00.

May 13, 2014 Bill Payment: Advance Education $725.00 Fees, American Legion $300.00 Rent, Bantz Gosch Cremer Peterson $412.92 Legal fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $444.59 Supplies, Best Western $219.98 FCCLA hotel, Brentwood Colony $738.00 Food Service Contract, Cardmember Services $216.19 Supplies, Cash-Wa Distributing $3583.82 Supplies, Cedar Shore $91.95 Sped hotel, Center on Teaching & Learning $180.00 Supplies, Century Business $407.57 Copier Services, Chet’s Janitorial Supply $844.90 Supplies, City of Faulkton $200.78 Utilities, Cole Papers $14,260.42 Supplies, Dakota Dust-Tex $163.95 Services, Deadwood Lodge $81.00 SDIAAA hotel, Dean Foods $2,046.96 Milk, Delta Dental $2,921.54 Insurance, Demco $139.97 Supplies, Earthgrains Baking Companies $448.23 Bread, EcoLab $117.00 Services, Enablemart $303.99 Supplies, Sandy Ernst $150.00 Carpet, Faulk Co. Record $967.59 Publishing & Supplies, Faulkton Hardware $260.22 Supplies, Faulkton Healthcare Center $675.00 OT & PT, Faulkton School $2,625.29 GBB Wage Donated & Reimb. Imprest fund, Follett School Solutions $1,689.30 Library Books, GE Capital $503.46 Copier Lease, Hampton Inn & Suites $1,764.00 FFA hotel, Hauff Mid-America Sports $2,378.42 Supplies, Holiday Inn Express $1,332.00 FCCLA hotel, JW Pepper $217.70 Supplies, JR Music $11.25 Supplies, K&D Busing $22,866.83 Bus Contract, Kleritec $341.44 Supplies, Lamb Chevrolet $28,866.00 2015 Chev. Suburban 1500, Matheson Tri-Gas $7.50 Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,059.40 Services, NASCO $424.33 Supplies, NASSP/NHS $85.00 Fee, NCFE $211.51 Gas, Norcostco $80.31 Supplies, Northern Plains $1,427.75 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,220.91 Electricity, Oriental Trading $89.49 Supplies, PBS $44.23 Supplies, Pearson Education $73.15 Supplies, Really Good Stuff $91.71 Supplies, Remtech $100.00 Online Supply, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, School Nutrition Assn. $38.25 Dues, School Specialty $6,052.64 Supplies, SD Food Distribution Program $1,271.42 Supplies, SD School Benefit Fund $23,544.31 Insurance, SDHSAA $720.00 Dues, Sheraton $774.00 TIE Conf. hotel, Super Duper Publications $168.78 Supplies, Taylor Music $38.00 Repairs, Technology & Innovations in Ed $600.00 TIE registrations, Thunderbird Colony $1,345.21 Food Service Contract, TMS $73.95 Services, Training Room $829.96 Supplies, Upstart $121.60 Supplies & Books, US Foods $2,666.86 Supplies, Venture Communications $450.44 Phones, Vowac Publishing $148.90 Supplies, Ted Williams $1,506.50 Evaluations. May 2014 Payroll: General Fund: $168,520.77 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $22,862.20 w/ benefits, Food Service $7,105.23 w/ benefits, Preschool $416.30 w/ benefits.

Recognitions: Mr. Price recognized Michele Latt and a special education student. He stated they were invited to attend a SD School for the Blind annual conference due to the fact that we were recognized as the first SD school to provide transition services to a student on a non-academic IEP.

Secondary Principal/AD Report: Mr. Cassens did not have anything for the board.

2013-14 128. Superintendent’s Report: Joel Price. School Improvement Plan. Mr. Price reviewed the School Improvement Plan with the board and when completed motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Bowar, to approve the 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan for the Faulkton Area Schools District 24-4. Unanimous. Paperless Meetings. Mr. Price provided the board with a cost estimate of $1,456.20 for Chromebooks for board members. The purpose of providing the board with these computers would be to change to paperless board meetings.

Preliminary Budget Discussion. Lisa Raethz presented the preliminary 2014-2015 budget to the board. She explained the specific increases in every fund. She also informed the board that the district would only receive half the amount requested in opt-out funds in the next fiscal year which in turn will make the budget and cash flow very stretched. The capital outlay budget was then discussed and the board directed Price and Raethz to eliminate $100,000 in expenditures, getting the tax request to approximately $550,000 (which is approximately $100,000 less than last year’s request). Raethz mentioned the need to increase the cost of meals served for the next year. The cost of food has increased and the number of students reimbursed at the federal reimbursement rate has decreased causing a significant increase in the amount of funds transferred over from the general fund.

Busing Contract Increase/Bus Garage. Lisa Raethz provided the board with a proposed increase from K&D Busing for the 2014-2015 school year. If mileage and gas prices were to be the same as in 2013-2014 the district is looking at approximately a $12,200 increase. K&D would also like the district to absorb the cost of heating the bus garage. Much discussion was had on the significance of heating the garage and also selling the garage. The board directed Mr. Price to contact other busing companies and see what they charge.

2013-14 129. Faulkton Area Out Of & After School Program Building Use Agreement. April Sorensen and Bill Hoffman were present to discuss the agreement and fees with the board. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to approve and enter into the Faulkton Area Out Of And After School Program Building Use Agreement with the Faulk County Out of School Program. Unanimous.

2013-14 130. Linda Demery Contract Amendment. Motion by Heitmann, second by Bowar, to amend Linda Demery’s 2014-15 contract by adding $298.01 for Longevity pay as per Master Contract. Total contract is $38,899.01. Unanimous.

2013-14 131. Surplus. Motion by Bowar, second by Aesoph, to declare the following inventory item as surplus property with the intention of trading it in to Lamb Chevrolet in Onida on a new vehicle: 2008 Ford E350 Super Duty Passenger Van. Unanimous.

2013-14 132. SDHSAA Ballot. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to vote the following ways on the SD High School Activities Association Official Election Ballot: Linda Whitney, Division III Representative; Steve Morford, West River At-Large Representative; Dr. Roger Bordeaux, Native American At-Large Representative, Sandy Klatt, Large School Group Board of Education; Yes on Amendment No. 1, 2, and 3; and No on Amendment No. 4 and 5. Unanimous.

2013-14 133. Executive Session. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to go into executive session at 9:27 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2 (1). All in favor, motion carried. Out of executive session at 10:45 p.m.

2013-14 134. Part-time Maintenance. Motion was made by Heitmann, seconded by Brand, to hire the following people as part-time temporary maintenance assistants at $8.50/hour for 20 or less hours/week: Jack McCamly, Richard Lewus Morgan, and Renee Morgan. Unanimous.

2013-14 135. Football Cheerleading Advisor. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to offer a Work Agreement to Roxanne Bush as Football Cheer Advisor for the 2014-15 school year at a salary of $715.23 as per Negotiated Agreement. Unanimous.

2013-14 136. Title I/7th Grade Math/VB Coach. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to offer a contract as Title I/7th Grade Math Teacher and Head Volleyball Coach for the 2014-2015 school year to Teresa Hogeland on MA+15 Step 5 in the amount of $39,310.90 as per the negotiated agreement. (MA+15 Step 5: $36,301.00; Head VB coach $3,009.90; Total Contract: $39,310.90). Unanimous.

2013-14 037. Classified Personnel. Motion by Bowar, second by Brand, to offer Work Agreements to the following Classified Personnel and to make a change to the Administrative Assistant position to be employed full time on a yearly basis with benefits: Janet Reed, William Becker, Bobbi Heitmann, Renee Morgan, Peg Speck, Robin Young, Kim Holt, Pam Hutchinson, Shelly Martinmaas, Tiffany Ogle, Leasa Ortmeier, Jeremy Demery, and Mary Vetch. All board members voted aye except Heitmann who abstained from the vote.

The board took a 5 minute recess.

2013-14 138. Executive Session. Motion by Aesoph, second by Heitmann, to go into executive session at 10:55 p.m. for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel or reviewing communications from legal counsel about a proposed or pending litigation or contractual matters as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2 (3). All in favor, motion carried. Out of executive session at 11:05 p.m. No action taken.

2013-14 139. Adjournment. Motion by Heitmann, second by Aesoph, to adjourn at 11:06 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.