January, 2018

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, January 8, 2018

5:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Ryan Nelson at 5:00 p.m. in the Faulkton School Lunchroom.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, BJ Kalkman, Scott McCloud, Ryan Nelson and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent Derek Barrios, Secondary Principal Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Hushka, staff members: Jeremy Demery, Alicia Hammond, Michele Latt, Janet Reed, and Shae Stephenson, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, and the following district patrons: Gloria Bode, Tim Bowar, Carrie Deiter, Lori Kalkman, Jeff & Tammy McCloud, Marion Poindexter, and Corrine Weyand. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2017-18.83. Agenda Approval. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

Acknowledgments. Mr. Barrios acknowledged and thanked the staff members that helped out with the in-service. Mrs. Haberling and Mrs. Hayes presented, Mr. Demery provided the large group with all their technology needs, and Mr. Cassens helped organize the event.

Conflict of Interest. No conflict of interest waivers were presented.

Open Forum Time. No comments were made.

2017-18.84. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by McCloud, second by Kalkman, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the December 13, 2017 meeting, December 2017 Financial Statement, December 2017 Imprest Report, and December 2017 Trust and Agency Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for January 8, 2018. Unanimous.

December 2017 Imprest Fund: Officials: Tim Boldt $345.20, Tony Boldt $308.24, Scott Gangle $325.04, Curtis Huffman $295.64, Chad Schaunaman $215, Christopher Peltier $90, Jason Rabenberg $90, Bryan Zahn $170, Brad Edinburn $120, Steve Scares Hawk $120, Brandon Soulek $204, Rod Kurtz $90, Jay Kusler $140.40, Scott Witlock $90, Daren Lorenz $140, Paul Rozell $90, Kim Zimmerman $90.

Fees/Reimbursements: Linton School $175, Faulk Co. Sheriff $15, DCI $43.25.

Supplies: Walmart $56.60, Faulkton Drug $3.89.

Travel Fees/Reimbursements: Shae Stephenson $15.64, Randall Meidinger $150, Shayne Geditz $89.04.

Others: BerMac $131.23 Repairs.

January 8, 2018 Bill Payment: Bantz Gosch Cremer Peterson $614.94 Services, Bauer’s Super Valu $269.65 Supplies, Deb Beilke $293.16 Services, BSN $294 Supplies, Cardmember Services $1,704.46 Supplies/Travel/Fees, Century Business $375.99 Services, City of Faulkton $581.04 Electricity/Water/Sewer, Delta Dental $2,817.98 Insurance, DEMCO $224.24 Supplies, DustTex $257.60 Services, Faulk Co. Record $266.77 Publishing, FAMC $1,631.25 Services, Faulkton School $3,603.17 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Homan Ace Hardware $258.59 Supplies & Repairs, JW Pepper $164.59 Supplies, Jaymar Business Forms $145.46 Supplies, K&D Busing $16,838.47 Bus Contract, Michele Latt $84.64 Travel, McCrossan Boys Ranch $4,882.88 Tuition & Residential Services, Muffin Tops $96 Supplies, NCFE $359.15 Gas, Northern Plains $6,643.69 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,760.85 Electricity, Overhead Door $624.01 Repairs, Pfeifer & Son Construction $510 Repairs, Reliastar Life $23.40 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Schatz Electric $123.09 Repairs, School Specialty $113.34 Supplies, SD Dept. of Health $420 Services, Thrive Nutrition $11,908.89 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $40.24 Services, Venture Communications $492.45 Phone/Fax/Internet, Wieser Educational $197.93 Workbooks, Ted Williams $467 Services, Jill Wittmeier $123.06 Mileage Reimb., Wellmark $27,811 Health Insurance; December 2017 Payroll: General Fund: $167,648.63 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $24,484.54 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,456.97 w/ benefits, Pre-K & Driver’s Ed. $3,830.92 w/ benefits.

2017-18.85. Student Handbook Policy Changes. Barrios read for a second reading two topics in the student handbook policy: College Visitation Day and Smoking and Chewing. The College Visitation Day added an additional day for seniors to visit a college. The Smoking and Chewing added e-cigarettes and vapor hookahs to the list of prohibited items. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Kalkman, to approve and adopt both policies. Unanimous.

2017-18.86. Strategic Plan. Barrios stated he made the couple minor changes in the strategic plan that the board had requested. Barrios said he has started making estimations on when each action plan should be completed and he will then update the board on when those items have been completed. Barrios said the board could also discuss their goals and progress at board meetings. Barrios read the plan for a second reading. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Weyand, to approve and adopt the strategic plan. Unanimous.

2017-18.87. Election. Motion was made by McCloud, seconded by Kalkman, to set the annual school board election as April 10, 2018 and approve the combined election agreement with the City of Faulkton. The combined election will be held if necessary and possible. Kelly Aesoph’s 3-year term will expire this year. Unanimous.

2017-18.88. Scoreboard Donation & Coca-Cola Agreement. Barrios and Cassens explained that Coca-Cola has agreed to give the district the funds needed to purchase a new scoreboard for the football field. Barrios also said that Shane Machtemes has coordinated this donation and also has lined up local donations for the installation costs. Barrios thanked Machtemes and other community members for their donations and time. Barrios explained that Coca-Cola has provided the school with an agreement to reimbursed the district for the scoreboard, provide $100 in marketing per year and a payment of $500 per year. In the agreement the district ensures the exclusive use of Coca-Cola products. Since the scoreboard is on city leased property, the school attorney recommended getting a letter from the City stating: 1. permission to place the scoreboard on City property and acknowledging the scoreboard is the school’s property, 2. the school will pay any repair costs of the scoreboard, 3. If the property lease would ever terminate, that the scoreboard is the school’s to do whatever they wish with. Mayor Roseland will get this letter to the district. Motion by Kalkman, seconded by Aesoph, to approve and sign the agreement with Coca-Cola. Unanimous.

HKG Project Discussion. Barrios said he met with Sikkink from HKG last week and the major priorities that came from the parent surveys were the following: Roof/type/option and cost, bus and pickup areas reviewed for safety, storage/locker bays, restrooms, large foyer/main defined entrance, HVAC, windows, and classroom amenities. Barrios said HKG provided a couple very rough sketches to begin conversation. One sketch included updating bathrooms, windows, finishings, ceilings, and the roof. This was similar to what was presented in August with the $700,000 estimate. Another sketch showed a small addition added to relocate some spaces. HKG will now work at putting together more defined plan options to present to the building and grounds committee this week.

Special Education State Review. Barrios told the board the district received their state special education review back and the positive results displayed the great job our special education staff is doing for our district. Barrios said there are very minimal corrections to be made. He said a lot of compliments were given by the review board.

In-Service Update. Mr. Barrios stated the multi-school (Faulkton, Redfield, & Ipswich) in-service on January 4th in Faulkton was a success. He said keynote speaker, Corinne Hoisington, spoke to staff about the ever changing technology changes in education and future employment options for students. Barrios also said there were several teacher presentation topics that were very beneficial. Topics included: Classflow, google earth, maker space, cyber security, OSMO, ELL strategies and Title III at colony locations. A Virtual Reality (VR) device, that is on loan from a technology company, was used at the in-service. Barrios said the school will have the VR device this week and will be utilizing it in a variety of different classrooms and the maker space. The VR device will be displayed at Thursday’s ballgames if the public wants to check it out. Barrios said they will try to coordinate a similar in-service next year in Ipswich.

Board Member Classroom Visits. Barrios reminded board members to contact him or Mr. Cassens to set up classroom visits.

Superintendent’s Report. Barrios stated Governor Daugaard’s state of the state address is tomorrow. Barrios said Daugaard has proposed a no inflationary increase for K-12 educational funding and lobbyists will work toward changing that. Barrios also said he will be attending “Legislative Days” on January 30-31 in which additional funding and other educational bills will be discussed.

Secondary Principal’s Report. Cassens commended Mr. Demery for working with an outside vendor to bring in the virtual reality device. Cassens also stated the multi-school in-service provided a lot of great information and positive feedback. He said there was talk about making it a 2-day event. Cassens told the board that the honor-roll lists will be available soon and transcripts and report cards are updated on Infinite Campus with the exception of a few duel credit classes.

Open Forum. No comments were made.

2017-18.89. Executive Session- Personnel/Superintendent’s Evaluation. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to go into executive session at 5:34 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 8:55 p.m.

2017-18.90. Resignations. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to accept the resignations from Vanessa Bowman as Head Volleyball Coach, and Trish Cotton as Assistant Volleyball Coach, effective immediately. Unanimous. The board directed Barrios to advertise for the head Volleyball Coach position until filled.

2017-18.91. Adjournment. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to adjourn at 8:57 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Ryan Nelson Business Official, Lisa Hushka