2017 Board Minutes July

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, July 10, 2017

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Business Official Lisa Raethz at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Todd Brand (sitting with the district patrons), Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand. Absent: Grady Heitmann. Also present were Superintendent Derek Barrios, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, incoming board members BJ Kalkman and Ryan Nelson, staff members: Alicia Hammond, Michele Latt, and Janet Reed, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record and the following district patrons: Marian Bartholomew, Gloria Bode, Heather Bode, Carrie Deiter, Jerry Fischer, Mike Grunewaldt, Dawn Redden, Dave Speck, Tom Strasburg, and Corrine Weyand. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2017-18.1. Agenda Approval. Motion by Aesoph, second by Weyand, to approve the proposed agenda with moving the open forum time until after the board office agenda items. Unanimous.

Oath of Office. Oath of office was recited by BJ Kalkman and Ryan Nelson.

2017-18.2. Board Chairman. Raethz called for nominations for Board Chairman for the 2017-2018 school year. Weyand nominated Ryan Nelson and McCloud seconded it. No other nominations were made and Raethz called for a vote with all members voting aye.

2017-18.3. Vice Chairman. Nelson called for nominations for Vice Chairman for the 2017-2018 school year. Kalkman nominated Scott McCloud and Weyand seconded it. No other nominations were made and Nelson called for a vote with all members voting aye.

2017-18.4. Legal Representatives. Motion by Weyand, second by McCloud, to designate the following individuals and entities as legal representatives of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 for the 2017-2018 school year. Unanimous.

A. Name the Faulk County Record as legal newspaper.

B. Name Supt. Derek Barrios and Business Official Lisa Raethz as purchasing agents for the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4.

C. Name Dacotah Bank as legal depository for the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4.

D. Authorize the Business Official to properly invest surplus funds of the District.

E. Authorize the Business Official as Supervisor of the Trust and Agency Fund and the Imprest Fund of the District.

F. Name the Superintendent and Business Official as Administrators of Federal Programs.

G. Name the Business Official as Supervisor and Treasurer of the Food Service Program.

H. Set a Chain of Command for the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 as Superintendent, Business Official and Secondary Principal in case of emergencies.

I. Name the Superintendent as Asbestos Coordinator of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4.

J. Set the second Monday of each month as the official meeting date of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education and to compensate board members at a rate of $65.00 per month and $65.00 per negotiations meetings. Meetings will be at 6:00 p.m. on this day unless stated otherwise.

2017-18.5. Committee Assignments. There was discussion on who should be on each committee. Motion by Weyand, second by Kalkman, to approve the following committee assignments: Budget/Bills/Negotiations: Scott McCloud & Ryan Nelson, Buildings & Grounds/New Facility/School Improvement: Scott McCloud & Jerry Weyand, Policy: BJ Kalkman & Jerry Weyand, Technology: Kelly Aesoph & Ryan Nelson, Transportation: Kelly Aesoph & BJ Kalkman. Unanimous.

2017.18.6. Building & Grounds Authority. Motion was made Weyand, seconded by McCloud, to authorize the building and grounds committee to contact architects and/or contractors, for the purpose of bringing information to the board. Aesoph asked why we needed to do this. Weyand stated because we need to get some information brought to the board without any discrepancies. Chairman Nelson asked Weyand if what he wanted was to contact and have contact with architects or contractors and he agreed. Aesoph stated that the district has hired a superintendent to do jobs of this nature and felt like by doing this, the board would be taking that from him. Weyand informed Aesoph that he thought this was important because we have a discrepancy going on. McCloud explained that the buildings and grounds committee would like to set up the meetings and then the superintendent could also be there for the meeting. Aesoph stated this is not a normal practice and Weyand agreed with that, but stated they thought it was necessary. Aesoph said if there is a discrepancy that is something that can be worked out. Weyand stated there had been a motion and a second and thought it should now be voted on. Barrios said there is time for discussion at this point. Nelson stated he didn’t see what it’s going to hurt. Aesoph said it’s micromanaging what we have hired someone to do. Raethz informed the board to be very hesitant about adding a motion to the agenda that wasn’t on the approved agenda. Weyand stated it had been done before. Barrios said there is a spot at the beginning of the meeting to approve or amend the agenda. Nelson said it should maybe be added next month. Weyand said he thought we could add it now and be fine. Aesoph didn’t see any reason to add it and thought it would be a really bad move and not a responsible move. She continued by saying she didn’t think we sit here to micromanage that position and if there is a discrepancy, that could be worked out without making some rash decision. McCloud stated he felt like they had been blocked from getting stuff done. McCloud said if they did it this way, they could get them to do what they wanted and Mr. Barrios could be there. Aesoph said there is certain policy and procedures that need to be followed and she didn’t know what the blockage was. Barrios said it sounds like his ability was being questioned, and wondered if they needed to go into executive session to talk about his ability to perform the job. Weyand said he didn’t have a problem with that. McCloud said if they just go through with the motion and handle the situation, then Barrios can be there when the meeting takes place. Barrios then asked what his purpose was at the school. McCloud stated that it was almost everything and they weren’t going to micromanage the whole school. Barrios said, “just parts of it?”. McCloud stated yes, if they didn’t think things were getting done. Barrios said this was the first he has heard of it and they haven’t come to ask him any questions and recommended they go into executive session at that point.

2017-18.7. Executive Session. Motion made by Weyand, seconded by McCloud, to go into executive session at 6:17 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Unanimous. Previous motion was tabled until the board finished executive session. Out of executive session at 6:57 p.m.

2017.18.6. Building & Grounds Authority. A vote of the previous motion was made. All members voted against the motion. Motion failed.

Open Forum Time. 1. Todd brand asked if the previous motion passed. The board stated no. 2. Carrie Deiter said they are still having a hard time hearing. The board moved the microphones closer to them.

2017-18.8. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by McCloud, second by Weyand, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the June 12, 2017 meeting and June 29, 2017 special meeting, June 2017 Financial Statement and June 2017 Trust and Agency Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for July 10, 2017. Unanimous.

July 10, 2017 Bill Payment: ASBSD $911.50 Fees, CWD $770.71 Equipment, Century Business $90.00 Services, CH Painting $3,060.00 Services, Dakota Education Consulting $4,250.00 Services, Delta Dental $2,950.52 Insurance, Faulkton Development $42,500 Lease, Gary Snow & Associates $2,250.00 Improvements, Hase Plumbing $402.43 Repairs, Homan Ace Hardware $58.46 Repairs, Houghton Mifflin $64.19 Supplies, KC Lumber $7.94 Repairs, King Insurance $26,493.00 Insurance, NCS Pearson $897.75 Supplies, Northern Plains $182.83 Repairs, Platform Athletics $500.00 Supplies, Reliastar Life Ins. $23.40 Insurance, Nancy Ryman $380.00 Services, SASD $1,381.00 Fees, Schatz Electric $12,383.09 Installation, SD United Schools Assn. $450.00 Fees, SFM $9,939.00 Insurance, Software Unlimited $6,600.00 Software, Joseph Stanley $1,029.00 Installation, Wells Fargo $469.36 Lease, Wellmark $29,132.00 Health Insurance; July 2017 Payroll: General Fund: $165,608.10 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $16,296.83 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,482.50 w/ benefits, Pre-K & Driver’s Ed. $753.55 w/ benefits.

Budget Hearing. Business Official Raethz stated the 2017-18 budget was published in the newspaper last week and this was the time and place for the budget hearing. General Fund: Raethz started out discussing the general fund. Due to the new state law regarding general fund balance caps, the district needs to remain at less than 30% in at least one month out of the fiscal year. This is determined by taking the lowest monthly general fund balance divided by total general fund expenditures for the entire fiscal year. Raethz stated the district won’t know for sure whether or not they have meet this until the end of the year. Raethz informed the board that the months of October and April are most likely when this will happen because November and May are the months that the school receives the most tax revenue. The published budget does not include a request for any opt out funds. She said the district will still receive opt out funds of $137,500 in November 2017 from last year’s request, but the goal would be to meet the 30% in October 2017, right before first half taxes are received. The state will reduce state aid dollar for dollar if that is not met. Raethz stated with the current cash balance, and without asking for any opt out funds this year, she estimates that percent to be around 22.5% in October. That is taking into account similar expenditures and revenues as last year from July-October, and also including the health insurance assessment of $128,000. Raethz said if for some reason expenditures aren’t as high, the school could risk not meeting the under 30% in October and would need to aim for meeting the under 30% in April. However, by not asking for any opt out funds, the districts also risks not having enough cash flow on hand to cover expenditures in fiscal year 2019. Raethz stated the amount of money needed for cash flow each month is about $150,000-$200,000 for other expenses and around $160,000-$170,000 for payroll. Raethz said the transfer of $200,000 from Capital Outlay to General Fund for busing costs was not transferred into the General Fund for the 2016-17 year with this 30% in mind. She said $190,000 is budgeted for the same purpose this year but said that $200,000 from last year is still in Capital Outlay if needed for next year if a budget supplement is passed. Weyand asked if the busing expense could be taken out of the Capital Outlay budget and Raethz stated she would not recommend that and that the district could need both the $190,000 budgeted and the $200,000 not used in 2016-17. Barrios asked the board if they thought we should ask for opt out funds, not ask for any, or rely on the capital outlay fund flexibility. McCloud said his opinion would be to ask Raethz what she thought. Raethz stated if things go as expected she hopes to meet the 30% in October and would still like to request $150,000-$200,000 to maintain cash flow the following year. Raethz stated the general fund is in a good financial position right now, however the state law really restricts our district due to cash flow. Raethz said that budget transfers from General Fund to Food Service and Pre-K/Dr. Ed. could be done early in the year to help with the restriction. Raethz said the Pension Fund of approximately $116,000 also will need to be transferred to General Fund by June 2020. Raethz told the board we can talk about it again at the August meeting.

Special Ed. Fund: Raethz stated there wasn’t any significant changes in funding or expenses in this fund. There will be a salary increases and the district will again budget for an out of district placement student.

Food Service Fund: Raethz informed the board that the CPI increase and the increase in lunch prices was also accounted for.

Pre-K & Dr. Education Fund- Raethz stated both revenues and expenditures were increasing due to the increase in tuition ($75 to $100/month due to 4 days instead of 3), number of students increased (approx. 20 student increase), and hiring a full time teacher to accommodate the student increase.

Capital Outlay- Raethz stated the amount budgeted for sewer relining was decreased $50,000. The new Capital Outlay levy amount request was $1,131,000 which included $150,000 in the building set-aside and $30,000 in the technology set aside. Weyand asked how the technology set aside worked. Raethz stated that since technology costs are so high, especially the year high school computers are purchased, an amount has been levied for technology to offset/cushion these higher years. Raethz also stated there were minimal expenses for curriculum this year compared to other years ($6,000 compared to $30,000-$80,000) and to keep that in mind. Weyand thought if we do the asphalt project this year we should eliminate the technology set-aside. Raethz reminded the board about the Capital Outlay cap amount in fiscal year 2021. Barrios said we will be capped at approximately $840,000-$850,000. Barrios asked if we should take the technology set aside out and Weyand stated yes but no one else voiced their opinion. Aesoph then said she wondered if the $60,000 for the roof should be taken out before the technology set aside. She said if the $2,300 repair works we won’t need it, and if it doesn’t, that would probably be an expense for the following year. The surplus would also be available if it was critical. Nelson and Kalkman thought they would rather see that happen. Weyand then said there were other topics (shop roof, building toilets and urinals, wood and windows in the elementary) that needed to be discussed in the building and grounds section. He would like to see quotes obtained for all of these before taking too much money away. Aesoph asked if these quotes would be for the 2018-19 budget instead. Weyand said he’d like to get the quotes now. McCloud said we do have time before we need to decide. Barrios explained he would like to have this budget decided as soon as possible because we are already working off this budget. Weyand didn’t understand why the hurry and didn’t see why we would want to set it any sooner than we had to in case something arises. Cassens stated the September approval date is unfortunate because a lot of the projects are already taking place and once kids are in the building we don’t want a lot of projects going on. Raethz explained that administration starts working on the budget in March and maybe next year things will go differently. Weyand thought we should leave our options open in case summer projects cost less than anticipated, and we can lower that levy. Barrios said the capital outlay surplus is always nice to have in case emergencies arise, and also allowing the budget to be set early. Barrios said he can see both sides and hopefully next year these conversations can start earlier. A lot of discussion was had and no decisions were definite.

Raethz explained that last year’s building set-aside request will give the fund $131,250 and if $150,000 is set aside this year, half of that will be received this school year amounting in $206,250 ($131,250 + $75,000) in surplus. Weyand’s figures did not match that and Barrios recommended he come in to the office to visit with Raethz. The Board okayed the purchase of everything on the capital outlay budget.

Public Comment. 1. Mike Grunewaldt had questions about the pension fund. He asked what the dollar amount was in the pension fund and why it needed to be spent down. Raethz explained that when the state developed the new “Need” formula last year, they included the pension levy in the formula so the fund could be eliminated. The fund is sitting at approximately $116,000 and could be spent down on pension expenses. If there is still a balance in the fund in June of 2020, the balance will be transferred to the general fund.

2. Todd Brand asked if the district would be penalized if they didn’t ask for any opt out money this year. Raethz stated no, that the opt out passed still continues for a couple more years. She thought until 2019 but would have to check on that. 3. Gloria Bode asked if the district doesn’t ask for opt out fund this year, are they weakening their position in passing an opt out when the time comes to do that. Raethz stated that she has definitely thought about that. Raethz explained that due to the school’s fiscal year being different from the counties, that this situation happens. The district may need more money one year and then next not need anything because they will still be receiving half of the previous year. This is hard for people to understand. Barrios stated the district was being cautious about when they requested it if they didn’t need it. If the district doesn’t request any, patrons aren’t taxed for it. Raethz also explained that the district doesn’t want to lose state aid due to requesting too much in opt out funds.

Strategic Planning. Weyand stated with the integrity of the strategic planning and the surveys, it’s nothing like what the board has done with the election. Weyand knows of people not even in the district doing the survey. Weyand said he’s all about the academic part of it, but the buildings and grounds part could be eliminated because the new board has a plan and would like to implement it. He said they would like to bring someone in for the first step and look at a renovation for the elementary. Weyand said he is leery of people out of the district taking the survey and he knows of voters who aren’t taking the survey either. Weyand said we just went through two years of elections where we told people what wanted to do. Weyand thinks the building should be out of the strategic planning and that a lame duck board voted that in and this board wouldn’t approve of that. Aesoph stated the strategic planning process is aimed to look at the entire district and everything it entails. McCloud told Aesoph that what Weyand was saying was that he didn’t want building progress to stop due to waiting for the strategic planning process to be finished. McCloud said we are fine with the rest of the strategic planning process other than the building. Nelson stated he would sure like to see what the surveys said about the building and Kalkman agreed. Raethz explained that the board would have the final decision about what comes out of the surveys. Raethz stated that if someone has a great opinion, don’t you want to hear it? Weyand stated it would be a lot of extra work for the focus groups when the board already has a plan and is going ahead with renovation. Weyand thinks the board should be given a chance to come up with a renovation project. He said we got rushed into this and it should have never happened. Weyand said the new board ran, they had a plan, presented it to the people, the people liked what they were saying and thinks they should have a chance to execute it. Aesoph said as a board member she doesn’t know of any plan. Weyand said they are going come up with one. They are going to get HKG to do a study on elementary to see what renovations can be done. Aesoph questioned asking patrons to take the survey only on parts of the district. There was more conversation about not allowing out of district people to take the survey. It was stated the surveys were online or paper copies in the office. Weyand stated we have gone through two years of elections and the new board has a sense of what they want to do and thinks they should execute. Aesoph asked why we wouldn’t allow the company to do what we have hired them to do. Weyand said this is why we should have waited because a lame duck board voted this in. Barrios informed Weyand that the HKG survey could happen at the same time as the strategic planning process. Aesoph stated there should be no fear in getting ideas. Barrios said the survey closes in 11 days and we are trusting our community to provide honest feedback. Barrios still thinks it’s important to listen to the community and has had committee members tell him we should rely on the experts in our community to guide this process. Weyand said he didn’t want this process to be a roadblock to what they want to do and we need to accept the election results. Weyand asked if what they told people they wanted to do, when running for the election, didn’t count. Barrios said that wasn’t what he was saying. Weyand and Aesoph had discussion about who was or wasn’t doing the survey. Barrios asked about the plan. Weyand said they wanted to have HKG come in and look at renovations such as getting it up to code, ac units, and a new roof. Weyand stated they had a group discussion and that’s what they wanted to do. Aesoph asked who, and Weyand stated himself, McCloud, and the two new members because it was legal because they weren’t sworn in. Aesoph said she was just wondering because she is part of the board. Weyand said he knew how she felt. Aesoph said she didn’t know how because he has never asked her. Weyand said she wanted to tear down the elementary. After a lot of discussion over the same topics, Chairman Nelson stated this was going nowhere. Nelson said he thought we could wait and see what the strategic planning brought in. He said there is a lot more to it than building and grounds. Nelson thought there was nothing wrong with it as long as they can still continue to check into different renovations and didn’t consider this a road block. Barrios agreed that quotes can still be obtained. Nelson said the surveys are already out and at the end of day they can go through those. Weyand said he thought we should still bring HKG in to let them start doing their analysis of a renovation to get the elementary up to code. He thought it would be nice to get another opinion other than TSP. He didn’t think HKG would cost that much and that the district has the money to do that. Aesoph asked if we wanted to wait to see what the surveys said and Weyand replied by saying she was using that again as a roadblock to what they wanted to do. Raethz said they could have HKG come in, give an analysis and then that could be incorporated into the focus groups. Barrios was directed to contact HKG to come in give them an analysis for the elementary and what it would cost. Weyand stated they wanted HKG because they have done a lot of other schools and wanted them to look into the pitched roof. It was stated we could give HKG what TSP has already worked on.

2017-18.9. Policy Readings. Mr. Barrios read the teacher handbook changes and teacher evaluation policy for a second reading. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to approve and adopt said policies. Unanimous.

Building & Grounds. Barrios stated summer maintenance and projects are all taking place. The gym floors are finished, high school floors done, junior high and elementary floors are being worked on, asbestos removal done and flooring installed, and the painting done. Barrios updated the board on the sink hole issue. Barrios presented an updated quote for the shop roof: $7,435.80 for shingles, $11,343.83 for steel, and $500 to patch. Weyand would like to see a few more quotes on both shingles and steel from Cole Hogg and Mike Hogg. Raethz stated an ad could be placed in the newspaper for all interested parties. These amounts are under bid laws. That was agreed upon. Weyand then mentioned repairing toilets. Reed said all the parts have been replaced and the plumbers are saying the entire bowl now needs be to replaced. Cost estimates will be obtained on replacing all urinals and toilets in the building. Weyand stated a quote from R&K Mechanical in Gettysburg should be obtained because they also do cement work. Weyand mentioned the windows in the elementary and the wood above them. Raethz asked if this is something we wanted HKG to look into. The board agreed. It was stated to put the cost of HKG into the budget.

2017-18.10. Food Service Contract. Raethz explained this would be the 2nd renewal allowed for the food service management company contract. Raethz said a student/parent/staff advisory committee will be formed in the fall for suggestions on food service improvements. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Kalkman, to approve the agreement with CBM for the 2017-18 food service contract. Unanimous. Raethz stated that breakfast and lunch prices increased the allowed amount determined by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which was 2.3%. This amount was $0.08 for lunch and $0.04 for breakfast.

2017-18.11. Lunch & Breakfast Prices. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by McCloud, to raise lunch and breakfast prices $0.10 as required by the state. They will be as follows. Breakfast: K-12 $1.90, Adult $2.20. Lunch: K-5 $2.50, 6-12 $2.75, Adult $3.35. Raethz explained that due to the way production records need to be submitted to the state, we are changing what grouping 6th grade is listed in. 6th grade will now be charged the same as 7-12, but they are also allotted a larger portion of food. The decision was either to change to K-5 and 6-12, or K-8 and 9-12, which would be less food than what the 7-8th graders are receiving now. Unanimous.

2017-18.12. Advertise for Bids. Motion by Weyand, second by Kalkman, to advertise for bids for the 2017-2018 school year for Fuel Oil, Gasoline (with a key card) and Propane. Unanimous.

2017-18.13. Surplus Declared. The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Janet Reed, Brandon Tennant and Kelly Aesoph. The appraisal value was $10.00/light. Motion by McCloud, second by Weyand, to declare the following items as surplus property: 24-Mercury Vapor Gym Lights. The board’s intent is to sell said items. Unanimous.

2017-18.14. Surplus Declared. The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Janet Reed, Craig Cassens, and Kelly Aesoph. The appraisal value was $0.00/light. Motion by Kalkman, second by McCloud, to declare the following items as surplus property: 6-Elna2005 Sewing Machines (Inventory #’s 001391-001396). The board’s intent is to give away or dispose of said items. Unanimous.

Listing of 2017-2018 Employees & Salaries. Certified: Aesoph, Nicole $38,100 (2nd Grade), Bowman, Vanessa $38,900 (7-12 Math), Casper, Chase $36,500 (Library, Computers) $1,569.50 (JH BBB) $2,518.50 (Asst. Track) $1,255.60 (Web Page Designer 80%), Cassens, Laura $40,900 (Brentwood Colony Ed.), $1,569.50 (JH VB), Cunningham, Brice $43,900 (Thunderbird Colony Ed.), $4,423.80 (Head BBB) $4,423.80 (Head Golf), Currington, Lacey $39,700 (Blumengard Colony Ed.), Erdahl, Kyle $36,900 (6th Grade), Fischer, Mallory $36,900 (Pre-K), Geditz, Melissa $48,000 (4th Grade), Geditz, Shayne $43,100 (K-12 PE, 7-8th Soc. Studies) $6,570 (Athletic Director) $4,423.80 (Head Wrestling) $4,423.80 (Head FB), Haberling, Kari $48,500 (3rd Grade) $365.00 (Longevity Pay), Hammond, Alicia $43,500 (Kindergarten),Hayes, Melissa $47,000 (1st Grade) Concessions $2,007.50, Hubbell, Voni $36,500 (Lang. Arts) $876 (FB Cheer), Latt, Michele $44,900 (Speech Therapy) $12,000 (Special Ed. Coordinator), Melius, Kathleen $40,900 (Title, JH Math), Melius, Nichole $35,787 (Family & Con. Science) $4,555.20 (FCCLA) $1,000 (Board Certification), Mickelson, Danica $36,500 (K-12 Music), 3,504 (K-12 Co-Curricular Music Director), Mickelson, Dylan $36,900 (Lang. Arts, Soc. Sci.) $1,569.50 (JH FB) $1,569.50 (JH GBB), Montonye, Judy $42,100 (Blumengard Colony Ed.), Reid, Wanda $43,100 (Thunderbird Colony Ed.), Schlechter, Mary $43,500 (Business, Computers), Spicer, Chad $43,900 (Special Ed.) $3,274.05 (Asst. Football) $4,792.45 (Head Track), Stahl, Mike $43,700 (Brentwood Colony Ed.), Stephenson, Shae $42,500 (Special Ed.) $2,770.35 (Asst. Track), Tisher, Randy $50,500 (HS Soc. Sci. Guidance, Math) $365 (Longevity Pay), Ulrich, Christopher $38,100 (JH & HS Science), Warren, Cortney $36,900 (5th Grade), Woodring, Cecilia $36,900 (Ag Ed.) $3,504 (FFA) $4,217.14 (Extended Contract) $3,504 (Competition Cheer Coach). Administration: Barrios, Derek $82,000 (Superintendent/Elem. Principal), Cassens, Craig $60,500 (Sec.Principal), Raethz, Lisa $46,000 (Business Official). Classified: Becker, William $12.00/hour (Maintenance), Crum, Dennis $12.35/hour (Maintenance), Demery, Jeremy $57,625 (Technology), Holt, Kim $14.50/hour (Aide), Hutchinson, Pamela $15.25/hour (Aide), Martinmaas, Shelly $14.00/hour (Aide), Ogle, Tiffany $12.00/hour (Aide), Reed, Janet $18.00 (Maintenance), Vetch, Mary $14.67/hour (Admin. Asst.) $313.90 (Web Page Designer 20%), Wittmeier, Jill $10.75/hour (Aide), Young, Robin $10.75/hour (Aide).

2017-18.15. Open Enrollment Application. Motion by Weyand, second by Aesoph, to approve the application for open enrollment, effective in the 2017-18 school year. Unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report. Background Checks. Barrios stated the FBI recently informed the SD DCI that their policy for school district background checks needing correcting. Our district will be required to complete some training and make some changes also. Conflict of Interest. Barrios said the state Conflict of Interest law changed to a $5,000 minimum and the board minutes then need to be sent to the state. Joint Convention/Board Retreat. Barrios told the board that the ASBSD Joint Convention is August 10-11 in Sioux Falls and to let him know if anyone wants to attend. Barrios said he will be attending the day before also due to another training. Several different training options were discussed and Barrios will check into those. Barrios also started he would like to bring in ASBSD to provide a board training in a retreat type format. ASBSD would come to Faulkton and provide a 3-4 hour training. The board could also work on goals at this time. The board directed Barrios to check into this and Nelson thought it was a good idea.

Open Forum. 1. Dawn Redden stated she was concerned with a couple issues tonight. She said the board was adamant in getting more than one quote for the shop roof, but when it came to the analysis for the elementary they were adamant in hiring HKG. Redden was wondering why someone else couldn’t put a quote in, also wondered if a board member had a friend at HKG they were helping. Redden stated it appeared to be bid rigging. Also, Redden stated an issue pertaining to conflict of interest. Redden asked Nelson if his dad worked for R&K Mechanical. Nelson stated yes and Redden said she thought it wasn’t appropriate to name individual businesses to get quotes, instead of not allowing everyone to.

Redden asked when the group meeting was, and who was there before the new members were installed. She questioned if there was an issue with that meeting since the election took place. Both Weyand and McCloud stated the new members weren’t sworn in and it was legal. Redden stated it just appears some conniving went on before. Redden didn’t want the board to be accused of bid rigging or any open meeting violations.

2017-18.16. Executive Session- Personnel. Motion by Aesoph, second by McCloud, to go into executive session at 8:45 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 8:53 p.m.

2017-18.17. 5th Grade Teacher. Motion was made by Weyand, seconded by McCloud, to offer a contract to Cortney Warren as 5th Grade Teacher, at a BA Step 1 in the amount of $36,900.00 according to the 2017-2018 Negotiated Master Contract. Unanimous.

2017-18.18. Contract Amendment- Athletic Director. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to amend Shayne Geditz’s 2017-2018 contract to add Athletic Director in the amount of $6,570 (Total contract: $58,517.60 – BA+15 Step 11 $43,100; Head FB $4,423.80, Head WR $4,423.80, Athletic Director $6,570) as per the Master contract. Unanimous.

2017-18.19. Contract Amendment- JH & Assistant Volleyball Coach. Motion by Aesoph, second by McCloud, to amend Laura Cassens’ 2017-2018 contract to replace Assistant Volleyball Coach with Junior High Volleyball coach in the amount of $1,569.50 (Total contract: $42,469.50 – BA Step 11 $40,900; JH VB $1,569.50) as per the Master contract. Unanimous.

2017-18.20. Work Agreement Amendment- JH & Assistant Volleyball Coach. Motion by Aesoph, second by Weyand, to amend Trish Cotton’s 2017-2018 work agreement to replace Junior High Volleyball Coach with Assistant Volleyball coach in the amount of $2,518.50 as per the Master contract. Unanimous.

2017-18.21. Contract Amendment-MA+15. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to amend Melissa Geditz’s 2017-2018 contract by moving her from MA Step 15 to MA+15 Step 15 as per Master Contract. Total contract: $48,000. Unanimous.

2017-18.22. Contract Amendment-MA+15. Motion by McCloud, second by Aesoph, to amend Wanda Reid’s 2017-2018 contract by moving her from BA+15 Step 14 to BA+30 Step 14 as per Master Contract. Total contract: $44,100. Unanimous.

2017-18.23. Work Agreement Amendment. Motion by Aesoph, second by Weyand, to amend Melissa Geditz’s Summer 2017 Work Agreement to an hourly wage of 36.99/hour. Unanimous.

2017-18.24. Adjournment. Before adjournment, Raethz reminded the board of the special meeting to open bids on July 25th at 8:00 a.m. Motion by McCloud, second by Weyand, to adjourn at 9:24 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Ryan Nelson Business Official, Lisa Raethz