2104 August Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, August 11, 2014

7:30 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Heather Bode at 7:32 p.m. in the office of the superintendent.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Heather Bode, Gary Bowar, Todd Brand and Grady Heitmann. Also present were Supt. Joel Price, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Mayor Slade Roseland, Councilmember Dave Hadrick and Mark Toennies, and Garrick Moritz.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2014-15.14. Agenda Approval. Motion by Heitmann, second by Bowar, to approve the proposed agenda.

2014-15.15. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Bowar, second by Brand, to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2014 meeting, the July 2014 Trust and Agency Fund and Imprest Fund Reports, the July 2014 Financial Statement, and payment of the presented bills for August 11, 2014.

July 2014 Imprest Fund: Faulk County Sheriffs Office $30.00 Fingerprinting fees, DCI $129.75 Background Checks, Tracy Otter $12.95 Refund, Mary Vetch $145.96 Reimb. Elem. Supplies, Quilter’s Corner $18.54 Sped Supply, Lorraine Waldner $42.69 Fuel Reimb., Shayne Geditz $156.20 Travel Reimb. & Dues Reimb., Noelle Swanson $15.00 Reimb. fingerprinting fee;

August 11, 2014 Bill Payment: Bauer’s Super Valu $39.98 Repairs, Deb Beilke $523.48 Services, BerMac $42.62 Repairs, Best Western $264.98 Travel, Brain Pop $2,095.00 Software, Cardmember Services $1,584.59 Supplies & Hardware, Century Business $285.73 Copier Services, City of Faulkton $69.59 Water/Sewer, Delta Dental $2,921.54 Insurance, Faulkton Hardware $36.12 Repairs, Faulkton School $551.09 Reimb. Imprest Fund, GE Capital $503.46 Copier Lease, Golden West $46,820.00 JH Laptops, GovConnection $11,517.00 6th Grade/Board Computers, Hewlett-Packard Company $4,998.70 Servers, Highplains Technology $2,865.00 Battery Backups, Holiday Inn Express $316.98 Travel, Homan Ace Hardware $249.60 Repairs & parts, Houghton Mifflin Co. $18,450.62 Math Textbooks, Infobase Learning $393.75 Tech.Subscription, Johnson Controls $234.31 Repairs, KC Lumber $17.13 Repairs, Key Insurance $21,760.00 Property/Liability Insurance, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,475.38 Residental/Tuitions fees, NCFE $298.35 Gas, Northwest Pipe Fittings $280.05 Repairs, Northwestern Energy $1,575.92 Electricity, Pearson Education $391.14 Supplies, Really Good Stuff $74.65 Supplies, Janet Reed $100.00 Furniture, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Nancy Ryman $102.50 Services, Schatz Electric $165.00 Repairs, Schilder Dixon Sales $79.00 Repairs, Scholastic $515.79 Supplies, School Specialty $69.44 Supplies, School Tech Supply $3,180.00 Colony Computers, SD School Benefit Fund $23,548.20 Insurance, SD Teacher Placement $420.00 Membership, SDAAE $499.00 Dues, Shiffler Equipment Sales $727.06 Repairs, Joseph Stanley $137.70 Repairs, Time Management Systems $76.18 Services, Venture Communications $419.17 Phone/Internet/Fax, Wells Fargo $64,867.03 HVAC payment, August 2014 Payroll: General Fund: $33,593.74 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $2,418.80 w/ benefits, Food Service $1,307.75 w/ benefits.

2014-15.16. Committee Assignments. Motion by Bowar, second by Heitmann, to approve the following committee assignments: Budget & Bills: Grady Heitmann & Heather Bode, Buildings & Grounds: Gary Bowar & Kelly Aesoph, Negotiations: Grady Heitmann & Heather Bode, Policy: Kelly Aesoph & Todd Brand, School Improvement/Technology: Gary Bowar & Todd Brand, Transportation: Grady Heitmann & Kelly Aesoph. Unanimous.

Superintendents Report. Recognitions. Mr. Price recognized the custodial crew for all the hard work they have put in this summer to make the building look wonderful. Chairman Bode then recognized Mr. Price for his induction into the “Beadle Club”. The beadle club was designed to protect schools and public lands to insure those funds are used only for public education. Danielson Framework Evaluations. Mr. Price then provided the board with an example of the Danielson Framework for evaluations. He explained how the tasks would be split between him and Mr. Cassens. Price also stated how the evaluations will have teacher, board and administrative input as well as looking at student achievement.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Mr. Cassens stated an orientation pertaining to computers, SDMyLife, as well as some refreshers on study skills, test taking, reading strategies, etc. will be held the 1st day of school. A “new” teacher orientation will be held on August 21st. All school forms have been sent out to families. Cassens then explained the new state requirement for coaches. All high school level coaches are now required to take a first aid course as well as a fundamentals of coaching course. This new requirement will cost the district approximately $1,000 this year and next year will be around $500.

2014-15.17. NFHS Coaching Fees. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to authorize payment of NFHS coaching requirement courses to all high school level coaches. Unanimous.

2014-15.18. Busing Contract. Board members Aesoph and Heitmann met with Doyle and Kay Foreman (K&D Busing) last week and informed the board about the discussion. An agreement from K&D Busing was presented and discussed. The District will now acquire the expenses for propane at the bus barn in return for a $0.02 discount from K&D Busing. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Heitmann, to enter into a 3-year agreement with K&D Busing contingent upon a 3% cost of living expense only on the layover rate and also contingent on the addition of a 60-day written termination clause in the agreement. Unanimous.

2014-15.19. Football Field Agreement: Mayor Slade Roseland and Councilmen Dave Hadrick and Mark Toennies were present representing the City. Changes to the football field agreement with the City of Faulkton was discussed. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to enter into an amended 3-year intergovernmental agreement/lease for the joint use of the Football/Baseball field in Faulkton, SD. The difference to this agreement from the one currently in place is that the School will lease the property from the City for $2,350.00/year and this cost includes water used at the facility for the entire year. The rest of the agreement stays the same with the School maintaining the field and paying for the electricity from August 1 until the last football game or practice. The $2,350 payment is due by September 1st of each year. Unanimous.

2014-15.20. Surplus Items. Motion by Heitmann, second by Aesoph, to declare the following items as surplus property: 25 Student Desks, 10 Folding Chairs, and 1 TV Cart. The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Kelly Aesoph, Gary Bowar, and Todd Brand. Total appraisal was $0.00 and the board’s intent is to dispose of it at the rubble site. Unanimous.

2014-15.21. Surplus Items. Motion by Brand, second by Bowar, to declare the following items as surplus property: T-Shirt Screening Machine including dryer conveyor and 30 screens. The following registered voters of the district were chosen to appraise the surplus property: Craig Cassens, Kelly Aesoph, and Grady Heitmann. Total appraisal was $2,000.00 and the board’s intent is to accept sealed bids at the September 8th board meeting. Unanimous.

2014-15.22. Milk Bid. Motion by Brand, second by Aesoph, to accept the escalator bid for milk products from Dean Foods for the 2014-2015 school year. Unanimous.

2014-15.23. Bread Bid. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to accept the quote of Bimbo Bakeries USA for bread products for the 2014-2015 school year. Unanimous.

2014-15.24. Fuel Oil. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to accept the quote of NCFE for fuel oil in the amount of $0.015 above laid in cost for the 2014-2015 school year. Unanimous.

2014-15.25. Propane. Motion by Bowar, second by Brand, to accept the quote of Northern Plains Cooperative for propane in the amount of $0.095 above cost for the 2014-2015 school year (Max Price Sept.-March 2015 delivery price of $1.46, whichever is cheaper of the two). Unanimous.

2014-15.26. Gasoline. Motion by Brand, second by Bowar, to accept the quote of NCFE for gasoline in the amount of $0.12 above laid in cost (minus federal tax) for the 2014-2015 school year. Unanimous.

2014-15.27.Pre-School Sped Services. Motion by Aesoph, second by Heitmann, to enter into an agreement with Miller School District #29-4 for the 2014-2015 school year for Pre-School Special Education Services. A copy of the agreement is on file in the business official’s office. Unanimous.

2014-15.28.Contract Amendment/Diana Homan. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to amend Diana Homan’s 2014-2015 contract by moving her from BA Step 3 to BA+15 Step 3 as per negotiated Master Contract. Total contract: $32,001. Unanimous.

2014-15.29.Contract Amendment/Shae Stephenson. Motion by Heitmann, second by Aesoph, to amend Shae Stephenson’s 2014-2015 contract by moving her from BA Step 3 to BA+15 Step 3 as per negotiated Master Contract. Total contract: $34,057.27 (BA+15 Step 3 $32,001, Asst. Track coach $2,056.27). Unanimous.

2014-15.30.Summer Services/Wanda Reid. Motion by Bowar, second by Heitmann, to approve hiring Wanda Reid at $27.13 per hour for Extended School Services (8 hours). Unanimous.

2014-15.31. Executive Session. Motion by Aesoph, second by Heitmann, to go into executive session at 8:19 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2 (1). All in favor, motion carried. Out of executive session at 8:38 p.m.

2014-15.32. JH Volleyball Coach. Motion by Aesoph, second by Bowar, to offer a Work Agreement to Trish Cotton as Junior High Volleyball Coach for the 2014-15 school year at a salary of $1,281.44 as per Negotiated Agreement. Unanimous.

2014-15.33. OCTE Aide. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to offer a Work Agreement to Kayla Roseland as OCTE Aide to the Advisor for the 2014-15 school year at a salary of $1,281.44 as per Negotiated Agreement. Unanimous.

2014-15.34. Asst. Girls Basketball Coach. Motion by Bowar, second by Aesoph, to offer a Work Agreement to Ryan Melius as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach for the 2014-15 school year at a salary of $2,056.27 as per Negotiated Agreement. All board members voted aye except Todd Brand who abstained. Motion carried.

2014-15.35. Asst. Boys Basketball Coach. Motion by Heitmann, second by Bowar, to offer a Work Agreement to Brandon Spanier as Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2014-15 school year at a salary of $2,056.27 as per Negotiated Agreement. Unanimous.

2014-15.36. Pre-K/Special Education Aide. Motion by Heitmann, second by Brand, to amend Tiffany Ogle’s work agreement to include Pre-K Teacher Aide/Special Ed. Aide for the 2014-2015 school year (or until the position can be filled by a certified teacher) at a rate of $9.00/hour (Paraprofessional Schedule-Step 2) for Pre-K/Aide position and $9.75/hour (Special Ed/Special Needs Schedule-Step 1) for the Special Education Aide position. All benefits will be prorated for a part-time aide position and if a certified teacher is hired, Ogle’s wage/hour would go to Paraprofessional Schedule –Step 1). Unanimous.

2014-15.37. Adjournment. Motion by Aesoph, second by Heitmann, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Heather Bode Business Official, Lisa Raethz