March, 2018 Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, March 12, 2018

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Ryan Nelson at 6:00 p.m. in the Faulkton School Lunchroom.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, BJ Kalkman, Scott McCloud, Ryan Nelson and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent Derek Barrios, Secondary Principal Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Hushka, staff members: Nicole Aesoph, Brice Cunningham, Jeremy Demery, Kyle Erdahl, Shayne & Melissa Geditz, Kari Haberling, Alicia Hammond, Kathleen Melius, Dylan & Danica Mickelson, Janet Reed, Mary Schlechter, Shae Stephenson, Randy Tisher, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, Rory King from Bantz, Gosch, Cremer , Peterson and the following district patrons: Sam Aesoph, Gloria Bode, Michelle Brand, Trevor Cramer, Carrie Deiter, Tom Edgar, Brenda Ferguson, Mike Grunewaldt, Marilyn Hadrick, Troy & Stacy Hadrick, Kurt Hall, Kayla Hanson, Megan Hlavacek, Lori Kalkman, Steve McCloud, Tammy McCloud, Jay Melius, Robbie Miller, John Pfeifer, Clinton Rice, Bill & Barb Schilder, Dave Speck, Tom Strasburg, Cheryl Tisher, Corrine Weyand, Jack & Rita Wilhelm. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Chairman Nelson asked the public to avoid visiting and talking during the meeting because it is disruptive to the board and others.

2017-18.109. Agenda Approval. Motion by Aesoph, second by Weyand, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

2017-18.110. Executive Session- Personnel. Motion by Weyand, second by Kalkman, to go into executive session at 6:02 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 7:27 p.m.

Acknowledgements. Chairman Nelson acknowledged and thanked Judy Montonye for her years of service and wished her well. Montonye taught at Blumengard Colony for 7 years. Nelson then acknowledged and thanked Randy Tisher on his retirement from the school district. Nelson stated Tisher taught here for 37 years and board wanted to thank him for all his years as a teacher, counselor, and all the other activities he has helped with and wish him well on his retirement. Mr. Barrios then acknowledged Mrs. Hammond, Kindergarten Teacher, whom then showed the board and audience a demonstration of a “simple machines” lesson she has implemented in her class. Barrios then recognized our wrestling team and coaches for their state tournament success. He stated Alex Aesoph placed 1st, Gannon Martinmaas 4th, and Gage Martinmaas 8th and Mr. Geditz was awarded Region Wrestling Coach of the year.

Conflict of Interest. No conflict of interest waivers were presented.

Open Forum Time. 1. Brenda Ferguson, representing the after school program, thanked the board for allowing their program space in the building. Ferguson stated the school is the only building where the program is licensed and wanted board commitment that they would have a space this summer. No board comment was made.

2017-18.111. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Aesoph, second by McCloud, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the February 12, 2018 meeting and February 19, 2018 special meeting, February 2018 Financial Statement, February 2018 Imprest Report, and February 2018 Trust and Agency Fund Report; and payment of the presented bills for March 12, 2018. Unanimous.

February 2018 Imprest Fund: Officials: Rod Kurtz $120, Joel Osborne $153, Andrew Wanner $170, Bo Beck $123, Glenn Beutler $60, Mark Ulrich $60, Brian Carrels $140,

Fees/Reimbursements: Howard School $100, NSU $65, Brookings School $155.17, Faulk Co. Sheriff $15, DCI $43.25.

Supplies: Cecilia Woodring $104.04, Michele Latt $10.43

Travel Fees/Reimbursements: Derek Barrios $715.27, Nikki Melius $47.53, Danica Mickelson $55.02, Base Camp lodge $300, Dacotah Bank $455, Shayne Geditz $48.09

March 12, 2018 Bill Payment: Agtegra Coop. $451.88 Gas, Dalton Baloun $30 Services, Bantz Gosch, Cremer , Peterson $192 Services, Bauer’s Super Valu $213.88 Supplies, Best Western $55 Travel, Heather Bode $30 Services, Cardmember Services $3,583.35 Supplies/Equip./Fees/Travel, Cash-Wa Distributing $679.27 Equipment/Supplies, Century Business $598.91 Services, City of Faulkton $248.12 Water/Sewer, Convergint Technologies $165.39 Supplies, Trevor Cramer $75 Services, Nicole Cunningham $35 Services, Dakota Education Consulting $2,000 Services, Days Inn $57 Travel, Decker Equip. $170.39 Supplies, Avery Deiter $30 Services, Delta Dental $2,817.98 Insurance, DustTex $86.20 Services, William Edgar $30 Services, Faulk Co. Record $411.40 Supplies/Publishing, FAMC $855 Services, Faulkton Development $42,500 Lease, Faulkton Drug $35.77 Supplies, Faulkton School $2,939.80 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Jazlynn Geditz $15 Services, Grote Roofing $2,770.49 Repairs, Allen Hadrick $15 Services, David Hadrick $30 Services, Duane Hadrick $125 Services, Travis Hansen $30 Services, Hanson Construction $2,632.66 Services, Hodge Products $50 Supplies, Falyn Hogg $30 Services, Holiday Inn $990 Travel, Homan Ace Hardware $204.16 Supplies & Repairs, Houghton Mifflin $5,487.24 Supplies, JW Pepper $40.97 Supplies, Johnson Controls $735.95 Repairs, K&D Busing $19,986.07 Bus Contract, KC Lumber $48.87 Supplies, Bev King $60 Services, Brent Koens $50 Services, Lakeside Golf Course $500 Rental, Michele Latt $108.36 Travel, Dan Laugerhausen $125 Services, Alec Lee $30 Services, Lust Automotive $1,145.73 Repairs, Marc $194.49 Supplies, McCrossan Boys Ranch $4,716.95 Tuition & Residential Services, McGraw Hill $283.05 Supplies, Menards $64.77 Supplies, Northern Plains $6,871.98 Propane, Northwestern Energy $3,003.02 Electricity, Pearson Education $1,932.70 Supplies, Prestwick House $2,201.26 Supplies, Katie Redden $30 Services, Reliastar Life $23.40 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Scholastic Testing $180.09 Supplies, School Specialty $295.34 Supplies, SD Historical Society $175 Supplies, Taylor Music $20 Repairs, Thrive Nutrition $11,131.88 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $43 Services, Toennies Plumbing $287.86 Repairs, University of Oregon $167 Supplies, Venture Communications $484 Phone/Fax/Internet, Darin Vetch $175 Services, VoWac $2,529.03 Supplies, Jill Wittmeier $94.08 Mileage Reimb., Zaner-Bloser $321.22 Supplies, Wellmark $27,811 Health Insurance; March 2018 Payroll: General Fund: $180,938.11 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $24,968.85 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,449.27 w/ benefits, Pre-K & Driver’s Ed. $3,830.92 w/ benefits.

HKG Building Options. Rory King, school attorney, stated an election could not be held for capital outlay certificates unless the amount is over 1.5% of the district’s valuation. King stated the board could do a survey but it should not be at the school board election. King said a survey could be mailed out. Weyand stated he would like to get public opinion on the $1.6-million-dollar elementary remodel project. He would also like to put an entire plan out there so people know future plans. Nelson recommended an expanded building committee be put together and Aesoph stated this was in the strategic plan. A project manager was again talked about. Both Weyand and McCloud would like a plan in place before the 2018-2019 budget is set so money could be put aside for this purpose. Weyand stated the elementary remodel project would not be done this summer, but next. Aesoph expressed her opinion on the greater need being the high school building. Weyand thought we needed to start with the elementary and get that paid for in case a high school project is voted down. Kalkman stated he did not think a project manager was needed for the elementary project but possibly the high school building. The board would like HKG here for the next meeting. Barrios will email HKG board directed questions to be answered at the next meeting. The board needs to get these questions to Barrios by 5 p.m. on March 19th.

School Board Governance. Chairman Nelson provided the board with a handout from ASBSD on school board governance. This handout covers school board ethics and code of conduct as well as signs of effective and ineffective school board members. Nelson told the board to review this handout to remind the board of why they are here.

2017-18.112. School Board Policy Change. Barrios provided the school board with a copy of the new Board of Education policies for a first reading. McCloud wondered why we aren’t hiring ASBSD to redo all the policies because our strategic plan states that. Barrios stated these policies came directly from the ASBSD website and by gradually changing our policies we are saving the district money. Hushka stated ASBSD would most likely be giving us the same policies. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Kalkman, to have the second reading of said policies at the April 9th board meeting. Unanimous.

2017-18.113. Election Board. Motion by Aesoph, second by McCloud, to hire Dianne Baloun, Deb Roseland, and Marilyn Hadrick at a rate of $150/day, plus mileage reimbursement of $0.42/mile, as Election Board workers for the School Board Election on April 10, 2018. Unanimous.

Superintendent Interviews. Hushka stated the Superintendent position will close on March 23rd. Hushka said the board needs to decide a time for the special meeting on April 2nd to determine which applicants will receive an interview. The interviews will be April 4th, starting with an orientation at 4 p.m., followed by interviews at 4:30 p.m. The board will interview the candidates as well as an interview committee compiled of staff, parents, and community members. The board set the time for the special meeting on April 2nd at 1 p.m. The board members will recruit committee/parent representatives to sit on the interview committee and the administration will recruit the staff members for April 4th.

2017-18.114. School Calendar. Mr. Barrios presented the board with the 2018-2019 school calendar. The calendar was read for a second reading. Motion was made by Weyand, seconded by McCloud, to approve said calendar for the 2018-19 school year. Unanimous.

2017-18.115. Special Education Teacher. Mr. Barrios gave information to the board about our special education student and staff counts compared to other schools. Barrios stated the district is in need of another certified staff teacher for the upcoming school year, and possibly the need for another certified staff teacher the year after that. This is due to an increase in students needing these services. Motion by Aesoph, seconded by Kalkman, to open up a position to hire an additional special education teacher for the 2018-19 school year. Unanimous.

2017-18.116. Drivers Education Instructor. Motion by Aesoph, second by Kalkman, to offer a work agreement to Larry Goebel as Driver’s Education Instructor at $25.00/hour for the 2017-2018 school year.

Approximately 14-15 students will participate and tuition will be the same. Unanimous.

2017-18.117. Head Volleyball Coach. Motion by Kalkman, seconded by Aesoph, to hire Mallory Fischer for Head Volleyball coach and add the position to her 2018-19 contract. Unanimous.

Classroom Visits. Board members Aesoph, Nelson, McCloud and Weyand shared their classroom visit experiences with the group.

Superintendent’s Report. Legislative Update. Barrios gave the board an update on the legislative session. State funding for education was increased 1% which raises the teacher salary to $49,131.96. Also, the state gave an additional .7% of one-time money. The 1% amounts to approximately $40/student and the one-time money about $50/student. Barrios stated the Capital Outlay cap bill was reviewed. He stated schools with capital outlay certificates would be grandfathered in to be still able to service their debt obligations. Graduation Standards. Barrios stated he was asked to be on a state committee to discuss new graduation standards. These proposed standards give more flexibility to school districts and enables students to earn their diploma, as well as obtain endorsements to be college ready. Barrios stated he sees some issues with the CTE workforce certified programs. Barrios said students in our district could have the opportunity to become Ag workforce certified but not healthcare workforce certified because we don’t have the staff to provide this. Barrios stated he voiced his opinion to the committee on this because it puts smaller districts at a disadvantage to other schools.

Secondary Principal’s Report. Cassens stated the following staff are going to the following conferences and events: Mr. Geditz-SDIAAA conference on March 27-29, Mr. Cassens-G364 workshop on April 3-4, Mr. Cassens-SDASSP conference April 4-6, Mrs. Melius and the FCCLA students-State FCCLA on April 8-10, and Mr. Cassens, Mr. Demery, Mr. Casper, Mrs. Schlechter, Mrs. Geditz, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. Haberling, and Mrs. Hayes-TIE conference on April 15-17.

Open Forum. 1. John Pfeifer told the board the high school building is clearly the bigger concern and also thought a superintendent should be hired before moving forward. He thought the board is putting the cart before the horse. Pfeifer wondered if the only reason the board thought a budget needed to be set right away was to rush an elementary building project. He thought an entire plan was important. 2. Kathleen Melius thanked the board for the work they have done already. Melius asked about classrooms sizes and said the public should know the classrooms would be smaller. Melius also said the public should know that the staff that works in this building does not agree with the plan. 3. Jeremy Demery stated the cabling was going to be taken out of the last plan because it wasn’t as important but since then has determined it is important. Demery said he has obtained a quote for approximately $50,000 for cabling in the high school. Demery thought the board should sit down with staff to determine if all the needs are being met before a public survey is sent out. Demery also reminded everyone to check out the tax calculator on the school website. 4. Steve McCloud stated the board did sit down and meet with staff but Demery argued that meeting was for HKG to explain the plans to the staff. 5. Craig Cassens reminded everyone of the National Honor Society Blood Drive on March 19th.

2017-18.118. Adjournment. Motion by Kalkman, second by Aesoph, to adjourn at 9:03 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Ryan Nelson Business Official, Lisa Hushka