2017 Board Minutes February

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, February 13, 2017

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Vice-Chairman Grady Heitmann at 6:00 p.m. in the Faulkton Elementary Library.

Roll call of members present were Todd Brand, Grady Heitmann, Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand. Absent: Kelly Aesoph. Also present were Superintendent/Elementary Principal Derek Barrios, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Jody Moritz from the Faulk Co. Record, staff members: Jeremy Demery, Melissa Geditz, Alicia Hammond, and Michele Latt, and the following district patrons: Tim Bowar, Tyler Cunningham, Dave Hadrick, BJ Kalkman, Ryan Nelson, Dave Speck and Tom Strasburg. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2016-17.64. Agenda Approval. Motion by McCloud, second by Weyand, to approve the proposed agenda with the additions of Senior Class Trip and Buildings & Grounds and also moving Junior Kindergarten and the Senior Class Trip discussion up on the agenda after Consensus Agenda and placing the Buildings and Grounds discussion after Strategic Planning. Unanimous.

Acknowledgements. Mr. Barrios acknowledged the One Act Play cast and advisor, Holly Demery, for qualifying for state and receiving a superior ensemble award. Eryka Quinn also received an outstanding actress award. Barrios also stated February is CTE recognition month and he recognized the teachers and staff members for their hard work. Then Barrios stated next week was School Board Recognition Week and acknowledged all board members for their time, dedication and decision making for the district.

Conflict of Interest Waivers. No waivers were presented.

Open Forum Time. No comments were made.

2016-17.65. Consensus Agenda Approval. Motion by Weyand, second by McCloud, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the January 9, 2017 meeting, January 2017 Financial Statement and January 2017 Trust and Agency Fund Report, the January 2017 Imprest Fund Report, and payment of the presented bills for February 13, 2017. Unanimous.

January 2017 Imprest Fund: Travel & Fuel Costs/Reimbursements: Marthz Holmberg $341.88, Lacey Currington $26.00, Lisa Raethz $28.56, Melissa Geditz $74.76, Derek Barrios $298.80, Shayne Geditz $29.40. Fees/Registrations: Miller School $100.00, Region IV Music $17.50, SASD $60, Gettysburg School $100, Selby School $109.86. Officials: Roger Colestock $150.00, Eric Donat $100, Chad Stapp $100, Steve Scares Hawk $184, Bo Beck $263, Mark Ulrich $225, Brad Edinburn $100, Glenn Beutler $265, Brandon Soulek $100, Christopher Peltier $180, Jason Rabenberg $180, Bryan Zahn $320, Rob Lewis $155, Chad Schaunaman $170, Rod Kurtz $100, Daren Lorenz $150, Kerry Wenbourne $100, Bob Deboer $135, Tom McGough $140, Greg Stroh $115, Repairs/Supplies: Faulkton Hardware $5.94, KC Lumber 100.86, US Post Office $470, Rosene Royce $20. Other: Cardmember Services $637.64 Supplies & Travel, Erin Stark $11.15 Refund;

February 13, 2017 Bill Payment: A1 Locksmithing $15.00 Supplies, Ace Refrigeration $367.20 Repairs, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $208.00 Fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $137.08 Supplies, Blazer Manf. $80.18 Supplies, Brentwood Colony $972.45 Food Service Contract, Cardmember Services $1,603.31 Supplies, Fees, & Travel, CBM $14,144.12 Food Service Contract, Century Business $911.38 Services, City of Faulkton $185.97 Utilities, Dakota Dust-Tex $108.40 Services, Delta Dental $2,950.52 Insurance, Faulk County Record $199.53 Publishing & Services, FAMC $862.50 Services, Faulkton School $5,664.35 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Findaway World $17.94 Supplies, Flinns $214.60 Supplies, Follett $183.53 Books, Hanson Construction $1,593.75 Snow Removal, Hase Plumbing $53.47 Repairs, Hauff Mid-America Sports $14.95 Supplies, Hewlett-Packard $418.00 Equipment, Rindi Hlavacek $239.63 Repairs, Holiday Inn Express $233.00 Travel, Homan Hardware $119.34 Repairs, JW Pepper $15.00 Equipment, Jostens $118.76 Supplies, K&D Busing $23,006.24 Busing Contract, Michele Latt $111.78 Mileage Reimb., Marc $696.56 Supplies, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,854.12 Tuition/Residential Fees, NCFE $310.08 Gas, North Star Energy $8,290.54 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,925.15 Utilities, Reliastar Life Ins. $23.40 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Schatz Electric $64.33 Repairs, Thunderbird Colony $1,284.57 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $40.24 Services, Training Room $106.24, Venture Communications $317.42 Phone/Fax/Internet, Wells Fargo $503.46 Copier Lease, Wells Fargo Securities $64,867.03 HVAC Debt Service, Ted Williams $759.50 Services, Wordware $1,236.00 Software, Wellmark $28,189.00 Health Insurance; February 2017 Payroll: General Fund: $165,081.63 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $22,347.62 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,413.90 w/ benefits, Pre-K $753.55 w/ benefits.

Junior Kindergarten. Mr. Barrios told the board they are continuing to research the topic of junior kindergarten and are talking with other schools who operate the program. Michele Latt stated they will know more after Preschool screening on March 2nd and 3rd. An update will be brought to the March meeting.

2016-17.66. Senior Trip Request. Tyler Cunningham (representing the Class of 2017) was in attendance to present the board with the details for their senior trip and request an exempt/excused day of absence. Students will be traveling to Minneapolis March 8-12 and will be staying in a house. Chaperones are JoAnn Aesoph and Kelly Aesoph. Motion was made by Brand, seconded by Weyand, to approve the senior class trip providing them with March 8th as an exempt/excused day of absence. Unanimous. Mr. Barrios requested a detailed itinerary from the senior class.

2016-17.67. Resignation. Motion by McCloud, second by Brand, to accept the resignation of Jamie Werner, as K-12 Music Teacher and K-12 Co-Curricular Music Director, at of the end of the 2016-17 school year. Unanimous. Mr. Barrios stated he has already started to advertise for the position as per board request.

2016-17.68. Food Service. Raethz informed the board that after the food service state inspections and state assessment review, both Brentwood and Thunderbird colonies have decided to withdraw from participating in the food service program. Raethz explained that USDA has created a highly extensive review process that is not very lenient towards home grown foods or segregation of students due to religious beliefs. The record keeping and training process requirements are also very extensive and need to be completed thoroughly and monitored closely. This is extremely difficult from a different location. Both colonies had agreed to finish out the school year, however, the state indicated all corrections needed to be made within 30 days of the review letter and all training needed to be done by the end of the school year in order to be compliant. Both colonies agreed this was not possible. Motion was made by Brand, seconded by McCloud, to accept the termination letters from Brentwood and Thunderbird colonies to withdraw from participating in the food service program as of February 10, 2017. Unanimous.

Strategic Planning. Mr. Barrios explained the process of strategic planning to the board. An outside company would be hired to work with the board, staff and community members to help set goals regarding all aspects of the school district, for the school district. Barrios told the board that Tom Oster from Dakota Education Consulting will be here at the March meeting, Lance Witte from Cambrian Group at the April meeting, and Kristi Wagner from Dakota Resources at the May meeting. There is no initial charge to meeting with these companies.

Building and Grounds. Mr. Barrios informed the board that the three faulty bleacher motors were replaced last week. He also stated there was a water heater scare with air getting into the line, but the problem was solved. Barrios also stated there were several elementary wing roofing leaks but he has been talking with roofing companies for solutions and repairs.

Superintendent’s Report – Legislative Update. Mr. Barrios reviewed several legislative bills and recommended board members talk with him and the district representatives about what is most concerning to our district. Barrios also informed the board there is a possibility of the 1% increase in educational funding being in jeopardy after sales taxes figures have come back low. He stated Legislative Day for board members is February 21st in Pierre and he needed to know by the 16th if a board member was interested in attending.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Mentor Conference. Mr. Barrios read Mr. Cassens board report and stated he was attending a state funded conference in San Francisco pertaining to the mentor program. Cross Country. Cassens indicated he had some parent requests for re-instating cross country as an organized sport. He surveyed the students and had 5 yes votes, 9 maybes, and 18 students that did not complete the survey. Track. Another survey indicated between 35-38 students will be participating in track this year and he would like to advertise for a 3rd coach again this year. Open Campus. Cassens wrote he would like to attempt a 4th quarter senior privilege policy for a trial run, with the possibility of incorporating into regular practice next year. He stated some districts have seen success in their Smarter Balanced scoring when a privilege such as this is used as an incentive for high marks on the spring assessment for juniors. This privilege would grant open campus to seniors during TAP, study halls, dual credit/flex periods, and lunch beginning March 20th. Seniors will be permitted to drive only with parent approval and proof of insurance, they will be required to check in and out, and they must maintain at least a C grade average. If these expectations are not followed, individual students or possibly the entire class could lose their open campus privileges. The administration also reserves the right to deviate from this policy to fit the needs of individual students. Other. Course registration will begin at the end of this month and continue through March. 8th grade student-parent informative registration meeting will be held Monday, March 6th at 6 pm at the school. There was 53% turnout for P-T conferences for grades 7-12.

Open Forum. No comments were made.

2016-17.69. Executive Session-Personnel/Negotiations. Motion by Weyand, second by McCloud, to go into executive session at 6:43 p.m. for the purpose of preparing for contract negotiations or negotiating with employees or employee representatives, as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(4), and for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor, as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 7:45 p.m. No action was taken.

Advertising. The board directed Mr. Barrios to advertise for the Junior High Track coach and Football Cheer Advisor positions.

2016-17.70. Adjournment. Motion by Weyand, second by McCloud, to adjourn at 7:46 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Vice-Board Chairman, Kelly Aesoph Business Official, Lisa Raethz