January, 2019 Minutes

Board of Education - Meeting Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4

Faulk, Hand, Hyde and Potter Counties, South Dakota Monday, January 14, 2019

6:00 p.m.

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a meeting of the School Board of Faulkton Area School District 24-4, of Faulk, Hand, Hyde and Potter Counties, South Dakota, was held on January 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Faulkton Community Center. The meeting was called to order by School Board Chairman Jerry Weyand at 6:05 p.m.

The pledge of allegiance was recited. Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, BJ Kalkman, Scott McCloud, Ryan Nelson, and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent Scott Lepke, Business Official Lisa Hushka, Secondary Principal Craig Cassens, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk County Record, and the following staff/students/patrons: Gloria Bode, Avery Deiter, Tom Waldner, and Corrine Weyand.

2018-19.99. Agenda Approval. Motion by Nelson, second by Aesoph, to approve the proposed agenda with the addition of open forum times at the beginning and end and an executive session at the end. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

Acknowledgments. Chairman Weyand acknowledged the building committee for all the time and work they have dedicated to the project plans. Weyand also acknowledged the staff for everything they are doing. He stated they have been doing a great job and have a big project ahead of them.

Conflict of Interest Waivers. No conflict of interest waivers were presented.

Open Forum. No comments were made.

2018-19.100. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by McCloud, second by Kalkman, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the December 12, 2018 regular meeting, December 14, 2018 special meeting, December 20, 2018 special meeting, January 9, 2019 special meeting, December 2018 Financial Report, December 2018 Trust and Agency Fund Report, December 2018 Imprest Report and payment of the presented bills for January 14, 2019. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

December 2018 Imprest Payments:

Officials: Tim Boldt $345.20, Tony Boldt $215, Scott Gangle $325, Curtis Huffman $295.64, Rob Lewis $403.60, Brian Carrels $170, Jim Bigelow $120, Matthew Clark $194, Brad McGirr $120.

Travel Reimbursements: Dacotah Bank $244, Kayla Roseland $86.52, Nikki Melius $50.40.

Supplies & Repairs: KC Lumber $52.91, Hobby Lobby $53.97, Walmart $17.98.

Fees: Wolsey-Wessington School $50, SDHSCA $120, Linton School $175, Faulk Co. Sheriff $45, DCI $129.75, Potter Co. School $40.

January 14, 2019 Bill Payments: Aberdeen Awards $12 Supplies, Agtegra $236.12 Gas, Alex Alspach $60.26

Mileage Reimb., American Solution for Business $4.95 Supplies, ASBSD $2,700 Board Docs, Bantz Gosch

Cremer Peterson $144 Legal Services, Bauer’s Super Valu $495.87 Supplies, BerMac $215.21 Repairs, Cardmember Services $767.27 Supplies/Fees/Equipment, Century Business $522.14 Services, City of Faulkton $254.10 Electricity/Water/Sewer, Delta Dental $3,059.04 Insurance, Dustex $190.80 Services, Faulk Co.

Record $663.69 Publishing & Supplies, Faulkton School $3,253.97 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Follett School

Solutions $885 Services, Hanson Construction $2,270.42 Services, Homan Ace Hardware $255.98 Supplies &

Repairs, Homan Welding $250 Supplies, Jaymar Bus. Forms $147.12 Supplies, Johnson Controls $1,759.17

Repairs, K&D Busing $20,362.79 Services, Michele Latt $74.52 Mileage Reimb., McCrossan Boys Ranch

$4,073.38 Services, Menards $153.56 Supplies & Repairs, NorthStar Energy $6,044.88 Propane, Northwest

Pipe Fittings $421.95 Supplies, NorthWestern Energy $2,715.85 Electricity, Ramkota Hotel $576 Travel,

Reliastar Life Insurance $71.04 Insurance, Resilite Sports Products $21.50 Supplies, Reuer Sanitation $585

Services, SASD $60 Fees, SD Dept. of Health $525 Services, SD Dept. of Revenue $31.95 Supplies, Taylor

Music $115 Repairs, Tennant Electric $44.92 Repairs, Thrive Nutrition $12,009.66 Food Service Contract,

Time Management Systems $45.76 Services, Toennies Plumbing $61.22 Repairs, Training Room $101.18

Supplies, Venture Communications $515.72 Phone/Fax/Internet, Wellmark $30,661 Health Insurance, Wells Fargo $938.72 Copier Lease, Ted Williams $1,218 Services, January 2019 Payroll: General Fund: $177,227.92 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $30,143.60 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,558.25 w/ benefits, Pre-K $1,975.76 w/ benefits.

2018-19.101. Senior Trip Request. Avery Deiter (representing the Class of 2019) was in attendance to present the board with the itinerary and budget for their senior trip and requested two exempt/excused days of absence. Students will be traveling to Rapid City March 20-24. Chaperones will be Kelly Aesoph and Kevin Deiter. Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Kalkman, to approve the senior class trip providing them with March 21st and 22nd as exempt/excused days of absence. Unanimous.

2018.19.102. Election. Motion was made by Aesoph, seconded by Kalkman, to set the annual school board election as April 9, 2019 and approve the combined election agreement with the City of Faulkton. The combined election will be held if necessary and possible. Unanimous. Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand’s 3year terms will expire. Petitions for school board can be circulated starting January 25th and are due back by February 22nd.

Opt-Out Resolution Discussion. Mr. Lepke explained that the current $450,000 opt out expires and a new one will need to be in place before July 1st. Weyand stated the board can either pass a resolution approving the opt out or pass a resolution bringing the decision directly to a vote. If the board decides to pass the opt out resolution, this could be referred to a vote if 5% of the registered voters submit a petition for this. The board decided they will pass the resolution at the February meeting and have a community meeting before this date to explain the district’s need for this opt out.

2018-19.103. Dougherty & Company Bond Underwriter Approval. Motion was made by Kalkman, seconded by Nelson, to approve Dougherty & Company as the Bond Underwriter for the $9 Million Bond Project. Unanimous.

2018-19.104. Make-Up Days – State Volleyball. Mr. Lepke stated he would like the district to make up one of the two days that was given off for the State Volleyball tournament in November. Lepke explained he is recommending one day because the staff already completed additional hours at an in-service in Ipswich on January 3rd. Motion was made by Kalkman, seconded by Nelson, to have school on April 22nd, 2019 (Easter Monday) for the purpose of making up these days. Unanimous.

Review of Assessment Data. Mr. Lepke reviewed the assessment card data with the board. Lepke explained that overall the district has gradually increased in English Language Arts over the last 3 years and fluctuated in Math. Lepke stated this could be due to the information on the tests being rewritten. Lepke then reviewed the SPI (School Performance Index) and compared each site location scores with the previous years. All scores increased at every site location. Lepke stated these reports are posted on the State’s DOE website. Lepke pulled up the website and showed the board several of these reports.

Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Lepke discussed the following topics with the board: 1. School website, 2.

District Assessments, 3. LAN Training, 4. Negotiations Training, 5. Professional Development Day-Jan. 3rd, 6. Bleeding Control Kits, 7. Project Stand UP, 8. Legislative Session, 9. Coffee with the Superintendent, and 10. Lepke’s January Schedule. The full report is attached in Board Docs on the school website.

Secondary Principal Report. Mr. Cassens stated the junior high/high school registration process will be moved up this year in order to get solid class numbers for next year so the dislocation planning process can start. Cassens also said he has started staff meetings on his end to plan for a smooth schedule next school year.

Building Project Update. Mr. Lepke stated the board met with Kyburz-Carlson and HKG at the January 9th meeting and discussed expectations. Lepke said the board building committee (Kalkman & McCloud) and himself will meet with them again on Wednesday to have pre-construction conversations. Lepke also said he is meeting with Fr. Christopher and Mayor Roseland tomorrow to work out details of using the community center and catholic church. Lepke stated he plans on having a conversation with Mayor Roseland about the rubble from old high school that could possibly be reused by the City, along with rubble from the old County shop building. Mr. Lepke stated a BAT (Building Administrative Team) has been developed and will have weekly meetings to discuss project topics. Lepke said he will be coming up with communication method to inform the board about project details and this method will most likely be via email.

Open Forum. No comments were made.

2018-19.105. Executive Session- Personnel. Motion by Aesoph, second by Nelson, to go into executive session at 7:17p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). All members voted aye. Out of executive session at 7:30 p.m.

February 11, 2019 Board Meeting. The regular board meeting on February 11th will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will end with an executive session for the Superintendent evaluation.

2018-19.106. Adjournment. Motion by Kalkman, second by Nelson, to adjourn at 7:31 p.m. All members voted aye. Motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Jerry Weyand Business Official, Lisa Hushka