2016 December Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, December 12, 2016

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Kelly Aesoph at 6:01 p.m. in the Faulkton Elementary Library.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Todd Brand, Grady Heitmann, Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent/Elementary Principal Derek Barrios, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, and the following district patrons: Tim Bowar, Melissa Geditz, Dave Speck and Tom Strasburg. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2016-17.51. Agenda Approval. Motion by McCloud, second by Weyand, to approve the proposed agenda with the addition of LAN Member Appointment. Unanimous.

Acknowledgements. Superintendent Barrios informed the board of a $50,000 DOE classroom innovation grant that has been awarded to our district for the purpose of expanding the makerspace area. Funds will be available next fiscal year. Barrios recognized the following individuals who made this happen: Craig Cassens, Jeremy Demery, Stacy Hadrick, Melissa Hayes, and April Sorensen. Mr. Cassens’ then acknowledged and congratulated Alyssa Meyer and Abbigayle Quinn who received 3 superior awards at the state oral interpretation event in November.

2016-17.52. Conflict of Interest Waivers. Mr. Barrios presented the board with two conflict of interest waivers for himself. The first was stating his wife, Amanda Barrios, is now substitute teaching for the district. The second, Barrios stated he has just recently been elected as a board member on the Faulkton Area Economic Development Board. Motion by Brand, second by Weyand, to approve said waivers.

Open Forum Time. No comments were made.

2016-17.53. Consensus Agenda Approval. Motion by Brand, second by McCloud, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the November 14, 2016 meeting, November 2016 Financial Statement and November 2016 Trust and Agency Fund Report, the November 2016 Imprest Fund Report, and payment of the presented bills for December 12, 2016. Unanimous.

November 2016 Imprest Fund: Travel & Fuel Reimbursements: Brice Cunningham $26.65, K&D Busing $22.00, Jeremy Demery $149.90, Shayne Geditz $36.00, Wanda Reid $49.87, Derek Barrios $20.94, Lisa Raethz $27.72, Dacotah Bank $124.00. Fees/Registrations: Faulkton School $265.16, NSU $45.00, Kathleen Melius $120.00, White River School $75.00 District VI FFA $63.00. Supplies: Linda Demery $53.96, Faulkton Drug $5.13;

December 12, 2016 Bill Payment: Bauer’s Super Valu $47.47 Supplies, BerMac $74.43 Repairs, Brentwood Colony $874.03 Food Service Contract, CBM $9,281.10 Food Service Contract, Century Business $793.44 Services, City of Faulkton $205.93 Utilities, Dakota Dust-Tex $108.40 Services, Delta Dental $2,950.52 Insurance, Faulk County Record $201.03 Publishing & Supplies, FAMC $1,125.00 Services, Faulkton Development Corporation $42,500.00, Faulkton School $1,084.33 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Follett School Solutions $701.78 Books, Hanson Construction $187.50 Snow Removal, Holiday Inn Express $233.00 Travel, Homan Hardware $98.40 Repairs & Equipment, K&D Busing $16,592.77 Busing Contract, Michele Latt $55.20 Mileage Reimb., Marc $743.87 Supplies, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,643.60 Tuition/Residential Fees, Miller School $1,212.64 Services, NCFE $214.89 Gas, North Star Energy $3,224.92 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,519.64 Utilities, Reality Works $711.45 Equipment, Reliastar Life Ins. $23.40 Insurance, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Riddell $1,161.57 Equipment, School Specialty $415.81 Supplies & Equipment, Thunderbird Colony $1,283.90 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $39.95 Services, Toennies Plumbing & Heating $202.56 Services, Travelodge Moorhead $170.16 Travel, Venture Communications $396.99 Phone/Fax/Internet, Wells Fargo $503.46 Copier Lease, Ted Williams $2,031.50 Services, Wellmark $28,189.00 Health Insurance; December 2016 Payroll: General Fund: $164,375.79 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $22,124.28 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,403.30 w/ benefits, Pre-K $753.55 w/ benefits.

2016-17.54. State Bid- Food Taurus. Mr. Barrios recommended purchasing a Ford Taurus off the state bid list. Barrios stated $25,000 was budgeted in Capital Outlay and the cost off the state bid list is approximately $21,000. Motion was made by Heitmann, second by Weyand, to purchase said vehicle, from Lamb Motors, off the state bid list. Unanimous. Barrios also stated it was in the best interest of the district to trade in the 2006 Ford Taurus which is in poor condition.

2016-17.55. FB Cheer Coach Resignation. Motion was made by Weyand, seconded by McCloud, to accept the resignation from Michelle Brand as Football Cheer Advisor. All members voted aye except Brand who abstained. Motion carried.

2016-17.56. ASBSD LAN Member. Motion was made by McCloud, seconded by Brand, to appoint Jerry Weyand as our ASBSD Legislative Action Network (LAN) member. Unanimous.

Board’s Future Goals Review/Update. The board reviewed the Education & Staff Development sections from the board’s future goals document. Barrios will rewrite these changes agreed upon and provide a copy to the board at the January meeting. The board will also review the Buildings and Grounds section of said document at the January meeting.

School Policy Review Update. Mr. Barrios spoke with Gerry Kaufmann, attorney at ASBSD, for clarification on the school policy review services they offer. Barrios said they provide 3 types of services: 1. Review the District’s policies providing feedback on each policy, and note policies in which the District does not have but could or should consider. 2. Make recommended changes to current policies and if the District does not have certain policies, they will include those as well. Options 1 & 2 are fee based depending on how many policies. 3. The use of Online Policy Services where the district would communicate with ASBSD online throughout the process of reviewing current policies, re-writing policies, and developing new policies. Mr. Barrios explained this option is basically adopting all of ASBSD sample policies which he did not recommend at this time. Barrios stated all policies should contain an adoption date which our current policies do not. The board agreed to start with a combination of options 1&2 and Barrios will get additional information from ASBSD regarding their invoice process since this could be lengthy and cross over fiscal years.

Instructional Contact Hours/Days. Mr. Barrios updated the board on the district’s instructional contact hours after having two snow days. The initial calendar was approximately 13 days over the minimum requirement.

Building & Grounds Report. Mr. Barrios gave Janet Reed’s maintenance report as follows: A galvanized pipe in the boiler room has a hole in it and needs to be replaced immediately with copper pipe. Three shut off valves will also be replaced at this time. The quote is $4,000 from Hase Plumbing for materials, labor and taxes. If additional repairs are needed the cost will increase. Interior door locks will be replaced over Christmas break and we are still waiting on a quote for the external door locks. Barrios stated he is meeting with the locksmith tomorrow to discuss the project and the quote for replacing the external locks. Sewer Line Update from Building & Grounds Committee. Brand stated he spoke with Todd Randall from Harry’s Elite Drain & Sewer Cleaning (Watertown) and the estimate was $750-$1,500 to camera the district’s sewer lines (cost depending on the area videotaped). Once completed, a quote to re-line the pipes will be provided if possible. The camera process will take place over Christmas break. Brand will contact to schedule.

Superintendent’s Report. State Superintendent’s Meeting. Barrios informed the board that he attended the State Superintendent’s meeting where they addressed Governor Daugaard’s budget address where he proposed a 1% increase in state aid to K-12 Education. This would increase the state average teacher salary to $48,985. Barrios also said a bill to change the juvenile justice system was discussed. These changes would put more responsibility on local government entities with a push for functional family therapy. Another topic was SD Retirement System’s proposed change to base an individual’s retirement payout on a 5-year average, instead of 3-year average. There were also changes being discussed to teacher certification to allow state reciprocity.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Mr. Cassens congratulated the following groups on earning an academic team achievement award: Volleyball, Oral Interp, and Football and Competition Cheerleaders. Cassens said he will be attending the National Symposium on Teacher Induction in San Francisco February 12-14th. The state will be reimbursing up to $1,830 in expenses. This is part of the state mentoring program. Also, Cassens informed the board of the following events: semester tests will be held on December 21st & 22nd, and on December 22nd a gym floor dedication for Jerry Fischer will be held in-between the varsity basketball games.

Open Forum. Tim Bowar stated the Christmas Concert was well done the other night and wondered if events like this could be recorded and played on the local television station. Mr. Cassens will check into it. There was also discussion about gate receipts decreasing if this was done at athletic events. Dave Speck recommend getting another quote for the pipe repair in order to get the lowest cost.

2016-17.57. Executive Session- Superintendent’s Evaluation. Motion by Heitmann, second by Weyand, to go into executive session at 7:19 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor. As set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 9:17 p.m. p.m. No action taken.

2016-17.58. Adjournment. Motion by Brand, second by Weyand, to adjourn at 9:18 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Kelly Aesoph Business Official, Lisa Raethz