Student Handbook Breakfast/Lunch Program

Charging for meals will not be allowed. Parents should pay for their child’s breakfast/lunch ticket(s) on a monthly basis. School calendars will be sent home prior to the start of each month with the breakfast/lunch menu and monthly lunch fees for each child included. Parents/guardians will be expected to pay for the entire month of meals for each of their children at that time. If your lunch account balance is less than $10.00, notices will be sent home each Monday. Payment is expected by the end of that week. If your lunch bills are not paid by Friday of that week, your child will not be allowed to eat school lunch until payment is received in the school office.

Students are invited to participate in this program. Lunches are paid for at the office at the following rates:

Breakfast: Students: $1.90, Adults: $2.20

K-5 -- $2.50/meal 6-12 -- $2.75/meal Adult -- $3.52/meal

Students who live in town may go their own homes to eat at lunch time, if they have a form signed by their parent/guardian on file in the principal’s office. Students cannot drive at lunchtime or be any other place than home. Students violating this policy will lose their privilege to go home for lunch for the remainder of the school year.