William Franklin Gise (born 1835)

BIRTH 4 Dec 1835 (Pennsylvania, USA) ( https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46585838/william-franklin-gise )

DEATH 24 Mar 1900 (aged 64) (Cook County, Illinois, USA) ( https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46585838/william-franklin-gise )

Father is David B. Gise (born 1812)

Siblings :

Children include :

1877 - real estate transaction in Chicago ?


1878 (Sep) -purchased store goods in st. josephs, michigan


william f gise - purchased store goods in st. josephs, michigan

1880 census - William F Gise family in Chicago

William F Gise is described as a"Dry Goods Merchant"

With son William Kern Gise (born 1871) .

Full Transcript : [HS0004][GDrive] / Image of census form : [HS0006][GDrive]

1883 - mortage


1885 - mortgage


1887 (Oct 3) - bank - 5 million dollars

Full page : [HN00CD][ 1887-10-03-chicago-tribune-pg-5 ]

[HN00CE][ 1887-10-03-chicago-tribune-pg-5-clip-new-corporations ]

death record - 1900 ? 8-(




March 1900


3600 rhodes ave

william franklin gise

1900 - death pneumonia


Often "W. F. Gise"


William W Frnaklin - have passed by 1900

Census with his surviivng wife, daughter, and son


Other family

April 04 1912 - Passing of brother Daniel Kerlin Gise obituary (grandfather of LP Gise)

1912-04-04-the-girard-press-girard-kansas-pg-5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1W4-gg414MOqSfkeiMQ6KEVfG87-jjCFZ

1912-04-04-the-girard-press-girard-kansas-pg-5-clip-dk-gise https://drive.google.com/open?id=1W47mzZwWoBDjSmIbrmtHqGu5VkckGmq6

1920 - wife passing

Millie K Gise


millier Kern Gise -


Sunday 07 1952

"Ida B Wells" build 455 units on the land of 3600 Rhodes that William F Gise once owned ..



DANIEL K. GISE, senior member of the firm of D. K. Gise & Co., stands at the head of one of the important manufacturing interests of Joliet, operating a factory which turns out door hinges and other articles in this line. The office occupies No. 111, St. Louis Street, while the residence of Mr. Gise is located at No. 201, Sherman Street. Mr. Gise has been a resident of this county since 1868, and for the space of a dozen years has been associated with its leading interests. A native of Lebanon County, Pa., Mr. Gise was born March 3, 1843, and is the son of David B. Gise, a native of Newmanstown, that State. The latter was reared to manhood in his native State, and was there married to Miss Sarah Kerlin. The wife was of English descent, her progenitors settling in Pennsylvania at an early day. Both families were of eminent respectability and the male members largely millers by trade. The parents of our subject, when he was an infant of three months, removed to Center County, Pa., where the father followed milling and farming and where the mother died.

In 1867, after the death of his wife, David Gise emigrated to Illinois with his family, settling south of Manhattan, in Wilson Township, this county, where he now lives. Daniel K. was reared to mature years in Center County, Pa., and after reaching manhood engaged in mercantile pursuits until coming to this county. He then purchased land in Manhattan Township, which he brought to a good state of cultivation, erecting thereon suitable farm buildings and where he resided until about 1872; then removing to Joliet he purchased a stock of goods and established himself on Washington Street, where he continued to do business until 1882. That year he sold out and, after an interval of rest, became interested in live stock in the West, which engaged his attention for a time, and he then established his present business which he has conducted about five years. He still retains possession of his farm property in Manhattan Township. Gise & Co. sell the product of their manufactory principally to the jobbing and retail trade, having men on the road at all times.

Mr. Gise was married, February 10, 1870, in Mifflin County, Pa., to Miss Addie A. Kearns who was born in that county August 27, 1847. The parents of Mrs. Gise were Thomas and Mary (Settle) Kearns, natives of Pennsylvania and now deceased. Four children have been born to our subject and his good wife, these bearing the names respectively, of Ward K., Lloyd P., Buelah A. and Edith S.

Mrs. Gise is a member in good standing of the Central Presbyterian Church. Mr. Gise gives his political support to the Democratic party but meddles very little with public affairs, preferring to devote his time and attention to his business interests and his family.

- Portrait and Biographical Album of Will County, Illinois,


Klingler Cemetery

Manhattan, Will County, Illinois, USA

MEMORIAL ID 46585838 · View Source

Wrong leads

1890 - A developer in Port Townsend, WA ?

NO - I think this is Jonas Gise - See " https://www.newspapers.com/image/333657492/?terms=gise

Full newspaper page : [HN00CF][ 1890-11-11-the-inter-ocean-chicago-pg-7 ]

These would probably be military installations -



[HN00CG][ 1890-11-11-the-inter-ocean-chicago-pg-7-clip-washington-items-p1 ]