Rodney Harald Fisk (born 1945)

Family Tree

1945 (December 18) - Rodney Harald Fisk born

See [HL002M][GDrive]

1962 - Graduation from SELBORNE COLLEGE

See 🌐Selborne College "Selborne College is a semi-private, male-only school in 🌐East London, 🌐South Africa; it is one of few colleges in the 🌐Eastern Cape."

Address - P O Box 11194 SOUTHERNWOOD EAST LONDON, South Africa

NOTE that this grades 8–12 , which is more like a "high school" in the United States. Hence, this is why Rodney H Fisk is graduating from a "college" at age 17.

SOURCES : [HE001L][GDrive]

"Late 1960s" - Made a pioneering seed collection trip to Mexico in the late 1960s to secure additional pine genetic material for South Africa

See 2010 report from Camcore : [HI0006][GDrive]

"Hennie Coetzee, a leader in promoting plantation forestry in South Africa and long standing friend of Camcore, died suddenly during a consulting visit when in the Sabie region in mid-2010. Hennie had a long career with government forestry organization in the country. With Rodney Fisk and Neville Denison, he made a pioneering seed collection trip to Mexico in the late 1960s to secure additional pine genetic material for South Africa. Hennie served as Camcore representative for SAFRI (South African Forestry Research Institute) for several years during the early 1980s and always exhibited a contagious enthusiasm for the Camcore effort. He urged Camcore to expand its seed collection work in Mexico for the benefit of southern Africa; work that was eventually completed by the year 2000. Hennie will most be remembered by his friends for his wonderful sense of humor. In many ways, he was “one of a kind” and will be greatly missed by all those who knew him"

From a note in passing ( [HC000C][GDrive] ) , we read "Mr. Fisk obtained academic qualifications in the natural sciences, which have enabled him to interact with environmental groups from a practical and theoretical perspective, based upon extensive conservation experience."

1974 - First child Euan G Fisk born

1979 - First year noted as a South African diplomat living in the United States (listed by US State Dept)

[HG002F][GDrive]1979-01-usa-state-department-diplomatic-list-pg-cover-clip.jpg /

1980 - A South African diplomat living in the United States (listed by US State Department)

"Mrs. Fisk" (wife) is also listed. See 1980 Diplomat List : [HG002C][GDrive]

1982 (September) - While in Washington DC, visited by South Africans Jan Smith (and wife Esme)

See book : [HB001T][GDrive]

In September 1982 while on the way to the W.E.C. in Saville, we stopped over in Washington for four days. While Jan was engaged in talks at the S.A. Embassy, I toured the Kennedy Centre for Performing Arts and by tour mobile visited the Lincoln memorial, Arlington Cemetery, the Smithsonian, the National Art Gallery, the Capitol, the Library of Congress, and the White House. That evening we had dinner at Rod Fisk’s (of the S.A. Embassy) home in Maryland. Next day I again enjoyed art exhibitions and the Museum of National History. The S.A. ambassador Brandt Fourie and his wife Daphne invited us to dinner the night before we flew to Paris. Beautiful dried bougainvilla arrangement on the dinner table.

1983 (August) - Again visited by South Africans Jan Smith (and wife Esme)

See book : [HB001T][GDrive]

On the 31st of August we flew to Washington and had a lovely surprise to be met at the airport by Andre and Heila. During the next few days I accompanied Andre and Heila in their Dodge camper to the various memorials, museums and sights while Jan was busy with nuclear matters. On the Saturday afternoon the Fisk family took Joan and Grant Park, Andre, Heila, Jan and I to a fun supper of fresh crabs in Annapolis, 40 Miles away from Chesapeake Bay.

WHo was "Jan Smith" ?

From 2006 book "Uranium Road: Questioning South Africa's Nuclear Direction" .. it would appear that as of 1984, Jan Smith was the chairman of ESCOM .

What is ESCOM ?

"The utility is the largest producer of electricity in Africa" See Wikipedia : . "Eskom is a South African electricity public utility, established in 1923 as the Electricity Supply Commission (ESCOM) and also known by its Afrikaans name Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie (EVKOM), by the government of the Union of South Africa in terms of the Electricity Act (1922). Eskom represents South Africa in the Southern African Power Pool."

In the 1970s, "Jan Smith" was the CEO of ESCOM. THis means that in 1982 and 1983, "Rodney Fisk" was in Washington DC as a diplomat representing South Africa, meeting with the CEO / ex-CEO of ESCOM ("Jan Smith"), to discuss "nuclear matters"

See December 14 2014 issue of the "Sunday Times"

Dec 11 1989 - Rod Fisk is actively Vice-President of Edlow International Corp.

Read more about Edlow International Company .

Full page of this source in the newspaper : [HN00LD][GDrive]

1994 - Telephone Conversation, used for the book

See the book "Bridled Ambition: Why Countries Constrain Their Nuclear Capabilities" By Mitchell Reiss ( [HB001W][GDrive] )

1995 - Sandia Labs Report - Major Contributor to "The U.S. Uranium Industry: Regulary and Policy Impediments"

Top contributor along with Melissa Ann (Colvin) Mann (born 1965) , where they both represent the Edlow International Company as employees .

Full 1995 Report : [HG0025][GDrive]


1998 (Feb) - Becomes Executive VP of Edlow International, Melissa Mann joins as VP

See [HN00LC][GDrive] : "Edlow International Co. of Washington named Rodney Fisk executive vice president and Melissa Mann vice president of international."

Also - Melissa Ann (Colvin) Mann (born 1965) joins as a VP of Edlow International.

1998 (May) - Sandia Labs Report - Contributor

An an employee of Edlow International Company , along with colleague Holly Tomasik , was a main author / contributor of the report : See "Data and Methods for the Assessment of the Risks Associated with the Maritime Transport of Radioactive Materials Results of the SeaRAM Program Studies : Volume 1 : Main Report" . See [HG0027][GDrive]

Edlow International Company is listed as being at 1666 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20009 .

Volume 2 of this report ("Appendices) can be viewed here : [HG0029][GDrive]

1998 (Summer) - Meets next wife "Deborah Payne" / Courts in California

From the 2005 book "OXFORD WORLD’S CLASSICS - Four Restoration Libertine Plays", written by Deborah Payne Fisk ( See [HB001V][GDrive] ), on page "ix" :

Finally, I [, Deborah Payne Fisk, ] want to acknowledge my husband, Rodney Harald Fisk, who courted me that summer of 1998, when I first began work on the copy texts. His bimonthly trips from Washington, DC, to the West Coast resulted in a romantic outcome more typical of Jane Austen than Sir George Etherege. Then again, we do not necessarily want to live first hand what we study.

In the summer of 1998, Rodney Harald Fisk was making bimonthly trips form Washington, DC to the West Coast. This also means that the "Mrs. Fisk" mentioned earlier was not Deborah Payne.

1999 (May) - Listed for Unlimited Release Distribution in Sandia Labs Report

See [HG002A][GDrive]

1999 - 2000 - Rod Fisk joins Transport Logistics Inc (TLI), a company that was formed in 1998

See note from Daher-TLI : [HC000C][GDrive]

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Mr. Rodney H. Fisk, former president and CEO of Transport Logistics International. Mr. Fisk joined TLI shortly after it's founding in 1998, and served as CEO until his retirement in late 2009.

2001 (August) - Rod Fisk (of TLI) comments on US nuclear watchdog has refused to approve containers made by the Nuclear Energy Corporation of SA for transporting hazardous material

See the Aug 2000 Radbull (Radiation Bulletin) : [HP0021][GDrive]

Setback for Nuclear Industry Business Day (Johannesburg)

August 10, 2001

Simon Barber - Washington

US watchdog rejects application that is ridden with inconsistencies

In a major embarrassment and a potential threat to SA's effort to sell revolutionary nuclear technology to the world, the US nuclear watchdog has refused to approve containers made by the Nuclear Energy Corporation of SA for transporting hazardous material.

The rejection by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which one industry source called "spectacular", is a potentially grave embarrassment for SA's otherwise highly regarded nuclear regulator, which licensed the containers for domestic use in 1999.

Observers said SA could ill afford the erosion of the credibility of its nuclear regulator as it would play a key role in vouching for the safety of the revolutionary pebble bed modular reactor that Eskom is developing for export with US and British partners.

The corporation also stands to forfeit much of its investment in the containers unless its differences with regulators are settled.

The containers heavily shielded seven-ton units, technically known as ZA/CNS1006 packages are designed for carrying Cobalt-60 "pencils" whose applications include cancer treatment and the sterilisation of food and medical products.

SA's National Nuclear Regulator rated the package, one of the largest of its kind and a potentially significant source of export revenue, as robust enough to transport pencils producing up to 340000 curies of radiation. But in a May 25 letter to the US transportation department, William Brach of the US commission said the commission would not "validate" SA's approval of the package for use in the US.

This was because the application the SA licence and the design and test data on the basis of which it was granted was ridden with "inconsistencies".

"The package does not appear to have been fabricated in compliance with the drawings submitted . The testing descriptions and results are incomplete or missing, and do not appear to comply with the (International Atomic Energy Agency's) safety criteria," he wrote.

Rod Fisk, CE of Transport Logistics International, a Washington-based nuclear materials shipping firm, said such rejections were almost unheard of.

Responding to questions from Business Day, the SA corporation initially denied any connection with the application.

The company said it had supplied the containers to an organisation, which it declined to identify, "involved in the supply of Cobalt-60 pencil sources to the gamma irradiation industry. Under the terms (of the contract), the responsibility

for licensing the container in countries other than SA is that of the customer or end user."

It has been established the customer was Reviss, a UK-based company that markets Cobalt-60, and other radionuclides produced in Russian power reactors, to the US and elsewhere.

David Rogers, the Reviss official who handled the licence application, denied his firm was to blame for the rejection. "As far as the paperwork goes, we acted as little more than the postman. We presented the (corporation's) safety case to (the US authorities) with a covering letter."

The corporation said Nuclear Technology Products, a division of the corporation's commercial group, Pelindaba Technology, began making containers "out of the strategic necessity to control the distribution of radioactive products it produces at Pelindaba and which are exported widely".

"There is a growing export market, and transport containers capable of carrying large quantities of Cobalt-60 are essential."

The corporation declined to provide figures, saying only that the containers were a "small but significant part of Nuclear Technology Products' portfolio".

If its customer did not have alternative containers for shipments, "the financial and business credibility implications would be grave. Reliable and timeous supplies are watchwords in the radio-isotope business."

2003 (July) - News article in Baltimore Sun

Full Page : [HN00LM][GDrive]

2004 (January 8)

Full page : [HN00LI][GDrive] (Note - a different version of this article is in the Paducah Sun - See the full newspaper page here : [HN016L][GDrive] )

2005 (March) - EMail to Rod Krich, RE cost of depleted UF6 and U308 shipment

Source PDF - [HG002J][GDrive]

TODO - ML060100084.pdf ... copy of same March23 email

2005 (Summer) - Provided Lecture for The World Nuclear Institute in Idaho Falls, Idaho

Full guide : [HI0007][GDrive]

2007 (January 5)

Full pages of source -

2009 (May) - Attendee at World Nuclear Fuel Market 2009 Conference

Melissa Ann (Colvin) Mann (born 1965) is also there, representing Urenco, Inc .

Full doc : [HI0009][GDrive]

2009 (December) - Retirement Announcement ( Daher-TLI ) ; Will continue to consult through at least 2011

See [HC000B][GDrive]

TLI announces the retirement of President/CEO Rod Fisk

Today TLI announced the retirement of its President/CEO Mr. Rod Fisk, effective December 31, 2009. Mr. Fisk, who has been with TLI since its founding, will remain associated with TLI as a consultant through at least 2011. Taking over for Mr. Fisk will be Mr. Condrey and Mr. Lambert, as co-presidents and managing partners.

2010 (June) - Rod Fisk emails with William D Campbell

Referred to in :

Full email : [HG002G][GDrive]

2011 (August 12) - Death

Also See note from Daher-TLI : [HC000C][GDrive]

Mr. Rod Fisk

Fulton, MD - August 12, 2011

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Mr. Rodney H. Fisk, former president and CEO of Transport Logistics International. Mr. Fisk joined TLI shortly after it's founding in 1998, and served as CEO until his retirement in late 2009.

Mr. Fisk had over two decades in the nuclear industry. Prior to his work at TLI, Mr. Fisk served as Executive Vice President at Edlow International. His early career was spent as a senior Foreign Service Officer in the government of South Africa. There he obtained knowledge and experience in the fields of bilateral and multilateral Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements and import and export control regimes applicable to nuclear materials worldwide.

Mr. Fisk was instrumental in a number of key national and international programs, including the MEGATONS to MEGAWATTS program.

Prior to becoming engaged in nuclear activities, Mr. Fisk obtained academic qualifications in the natural sciences, which have enabled him to interact with environmental groups from a practical and theoretical perspective, based upon extensive conservation experience.

After Mr. Fisk's retirement in 2009, he was still actively involved in the nuclear industry, serving as a consultant to a number of companies.

Mr. Fisk's knowledge and leadership will be greatly missed.

Additional Reference Info

Rodney Fisk President and Chief Executive Officer Transport Logistics International, Inc. World Nuclear Fuel Cycle 2008 April 8-11, 2008 InterContinental Miami Participants List …


[PDF]Untitled - Institute for Science and International Security …... and for all Taiwan's nuclear weapons program, just as it was nearing the point of being ..... nuclear program).6 At the time, Israel was just developing its own nuclear weapons ...... The first prototype of the IDF was rolled out in December 1988.57 .... [Source: Undated table from Rod Fisk, Edlow International Company]. These. … /

Page 150 : "

An upper bound estimate of the amount of plutonium in the core can be determined from information about irradiated fuel discharged from the TRR. Following the U.S. actions in the late 1970s aimed at end- ing Taiwan’s nuclear weapons efforts, the United States insisted that all the irradiated fuel from the reactor be removed and scrutinized. A core load of fuel containing 137 fuel elements was discharged.19 Each fuel element contained about 54 kilograms of natural uranium, giving a total of about 7.4 metric tonnes of uranium in the core, somewhat less than a full core load of about eight metric tonnes. By using Department of Energy data on the average amount of plutonium in the irradiated fuel returned to the United States, 137 fuel elements would contain up to about 7.2 kilograms of plutonium, where the upper bound assumes 52.6 grams of plutonium per fuel element (or about 0.97 grams of plutonium per kilogram of ura- nium).20,21 This is an upper value of the amount of plutonium in the core because not all of the irradiated fuel was discharged at its full burnup, so those elements on average had a lower amount of plutonium per fuel el- ement.22 However, on average, the plutonium was likely weapon-grade. "

Page 176 : "

21 Another example of the plutonium content in irradiated fuel is from a shipment of 91 irradiated fuel elements in 15 containers, which may be part of the last one that was blocked by a court order from coming to the United States [Source: Undated table from Rod Fisk, Edlow International Company]. These 91 fuel elements, with a mass of 4.632 metric tonnes, contained 4.1 kilograms of plutonium, or an average of 42.2 grams per fuel element. The fuel elements had an average of 0.86 kilograms of plutonium per metric tonne of uranium and the uranium had an average of 0.6162% uranium 235. The irradiation level, or burnup, was not provided but these elements appear to have had a lower burnup than that of the fuel rods discharged in 1977 and discussed above. The plutonium may not have been weapon-grade but it would contain more than 90 percent plutonium 239, which is high quality plutonium.
