Frederick Trump (born 1869)

Wikipedia 🌐 Frederick Trump

Born - 1869

Died - May 30 1918 (Died in the 1918 Spanish Influenza )

Family -

Wikipedia (saved) - 2020-05-21-wikipedia-org-frederick-trump.pdf "Fred trump"

1885 (Oct) - Sailing from Germany to the United States

Blair, Gwenda. The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a Presidential Candidate (pp. 31-32). Simon & Schuster. Kindle Edition.

He left from Bremen, nearly 350 miles north of Kallstadt. The first port to require posted schedules and to take steps to ensure passenger safety and well-being, Bremen now lived off the north German immigrant trade. Like all German cities, it was a bustling but orderly place.18 All visitors spending more than twenty-four hours in the city were required to register with the police, and the streets were so clean that one could almost literally have eaten off them. Friedrich Trump spent his last days on German soil in one of Bremen’s scores of boardinghouses, all filled to capacity with would-be Americans,19 as well as an abundant supply of Bauernfanger (“trappers of greenhorns”), ready to take advantage whenever possible.20 For about $20,21 Friedrich Trump bought not a berth but a space in steerage class on the SS Eider, the next boat out from the North German Lloyd Lines. On October 7, 1885, he boarded what was a modern steamship and soon was in the gray, frigid North Sea. Conditions were better than they had been before the steam age, but the voyage was still crowded and unpleasant for Friedrich.22 In calm weather the ship provided one scanty meal a day. Everything else was up to the passenger, who could cook on the deck if the ocean spray did not swamp the fire. Drinking water was in short supply; water for baths was nonexistent.23 The stink of “ship” quickly pervaded the air, and the sight of steerage passengers huddled over the weak fires on deck was depressing. Ten days after his departure, Friedrich Trump stood on the deck, a hawk-faced boy beneath a sheaf of light hair, waiting for his first glimpse of New York Harbor.

1891 - After the great Seattle fire (of 1889), Fred Trump decides to move from New York to Seattle

The exact spot to look for opportunity [in America] has moved around: In the early 1890s it was in Seattle. The rebirth of the city after 1889’s Great Fire called to people of all types in an urban version of “Go west, young man.” It doubled Seattle’s population in two years, adding 25,000 people.

[...] Frederick Trump [...] was drawn into Seattle like a moth after the fire. His time here has generated some recent controversy, with a number of stories seeking to paint him as a bit of an exploiter or worse.

[ Great Seattle Fire : June 6, 1889 .. ]

Frederick Trump was cutting hair in New York, living with extended family when the Seattle fire made the news nationwide. He read about it perhaps in the New York Times or maybe in the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung in his native German. Trump [being born in 1869] was just 20 [at the time of the Seattle fire of 1889].

A few days after the [Seattle] fire, the Times reprinted a quote of Seattle city leader H. H. Dearborn, “The fire will prove a blessing in disguise.” The follow-up a year later put the reconstruction in numbers: 465 buildings; 69,425,000 bricks; 60 wharves; and $10,000,000 of construction. “Seattle is a far handsomer and better city to live in than the old Seattle was,” the Times reported.

Trump came to Seattle a year later, toward the end of 1891. He was listed in city directories and a few Seattle Post-Intelligencer advertisements [ [See my own clip below... [HN00YQ][GDrive] ] ], so we know what he was doing. He switched from cutting hair to serving meals, operating a restaurant called The Dairy. It was just east of the northeast corner of Occidental and Washington, which is in today’s Pioneer Square, and Trump lived in a hotel called Pacific House at the northwest corner of that intersection.

He arrived to a divided city, a fact that provides some complications for trying to understand Trump’s time in Seattle. On the one hand there was no shortage of saloons, fight venues, gambling houses, or brothels. On the other hand, a coalition of progressives and moralists fought to clean up the city. While Trump was in Seattle, district attorney James T. Ronald was elected mayor.

Ronald fired the police chief on his first day in office and made sure state anti-gambling laws were enforced for the first time. Even Pioneer Square, now remembered simply as a hive of villainy, had a split personality. Used goods stores, pawnshops, outfitters and other upstanding merchants were shoulder to shoulder with the more unsavory venues.

Trump’s restaurant had good neighbors. He shared a building with several other restaurants and a handful of pawnbrokers. In a twist of fate that would make John Oliver smile, two doors over from Drumpf was a jeweler named Rumpf. Rumpf partnered with Joseph Mayer, who went on to build the street clocks that Seattle was once noted for.

In 1891 the atmosphere was quite a bit different across the street where Trump lived. Downstairs from Pacific House were two saloons. The clink of poker chips drifted out on cigar smoke from one of them, and from the basement. These were two of Seattle’s five unofficially sanctioned gambling houses. [...]

We don't know much about Trump’s restaurant. His predecessor Spiro Bisazza ran an ad for it in 1890 as the Poodle Dog, touting a new establishment with long hours, quality ingredients, meals for prince or pauper, and accommodations for women and families away from the predominately male clientele. It's probably safe to assume Trump operated under the same principles.

1892 (Jan 30) - Fred Trump: Looking for help in his restaurant (newspaper ad)

Full newspaper page : [HN00YP][GDrive]

1892 (printed in 1893 Seattle Directory) - Fred Trump moves in 1893 to Monte Cristo

Image of full page from directory - [HD0026][GDrive]

"Fred trump - proprietor - dairy restaurant - 208 Washington"

Image of full page from directory - [HD002A][GDrive]

1892 (for 1893 Seattle Directory)


1893 (for 1894 Seattle Directory)


1894 (for year 1895) - No Fred Trump in Seattle directory

1897 (for 1898) - No Fred Trump in Seattle directory

1898 (for 1899) - Fred Trump BACK in Seattle directory

Restaurant 207 Cherry ... Room 220 Marion

1899 (for 1900) - No Fred Trump in Seattle directory

1895 - Dec 29 -

Full newspaper page : [HN011E][GDrive]

1896 (April 17)

Full page : [HN00X0][GDrive]

1896 (Oct 18) - Fred Trump return from Germany

1898 (Dec 14) - Dog sled racing ???

Full newspaper page : [HN011C][GDrive]

1899 (Nov 16)

Location of Lynn Canal relative to Skagway, where the new train to Whitehorse starts

1901 (March 13) - Fred Trump hotel in whitehorse canada

Full page : [HN00X4][GDrive]

  • Arctic Restaurant and Hotel (Bennett): 1899-1900
  • - Wikipedia: "In July 1897 after hearing of the Klondike Gold Rush, Frederick (Friedrich) Trump, grandfather of American businessman Donald Trump, ... in April 1898 [incorrect - should be April 1899] moved to Bennett, British Columbia, running the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel, which offered fine dining and lodging in a sea of tents. The Arctic was originally housed in a tent itself, but demand for the hotel and restaurant grew until it occupied a two-story building. When describing the Arctic in a letter to the Yukon Sun newspaper, Trump wrote: 'For single men the Arctic has excellent accommodations as well as the best restaurant in Bennett, but I would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings - and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex'. The Arctic House was one of the largest and most decadent restaurants in that region of the Klondike, offering fresh fruit and ptarmigan in addition to the staple of horsemeat."
  • - opened May 1899 on the main street, in a tent with a wooden false front.
  • - late 1899, a 2-storey wooden building was constructed.
  • - December 1899, advertising "Fresh Oysters in Every Style. Elegantly Furnished Private Boxes for Ladies and Parties."
  • - in the summer of 1900, the building was floated to a new site near the railway station.
  • - January 1901, J. L. Gage prop. (Whitehorse Star, Jan. 2)
  • - January 1901, Mrs. Gage was complimented for her hospitality by the passengers of a WP&YR train which was held up at Bennett from Sunday afternoon until Tuesday afternoon due to heavy snow (once the train left Bennett, it still took 18 hours to reach Skagway) (White Horse Tribune)
  • - March 1902, still operating (White Horse Tribune, March 8)

Donald Trump’s grandfather Friedrich Trump ran a restaurant, bar, and brothel in British Columbia.

By Natalie Obiko Pearson | October 26, 2016

Photographs by Ben Nelms/Bloomberg

Buried in a ghost town in Canada’s subarctic are the roots of the family fortune that paved Donald Trump’s path to prominence.

Only shards of glass bottles remain on the lake shore in Bennett, British Columbia—remnants perhaps of the lively establishment operated by Trump’s grandfather that was known for good food, booze and ready women. A church sits further up the slope, its lonely spire peeking out from a thicket of pines.

Friedrich Trump, circa 1918.

Source: Wikipedia

Bennett was once a thriving transit point for prospectors in the Klondike gold rush at the turn of the 20th century, and Friedrich Trump made a killing running a restaurant and bar. The nest egg he generated in just two years grew into the fortune that has supported his grandson’s bid for the U.S. presidency.

“Who else can say that someone running for president of the United States of America owes his fortune to your hometown?,” says Scott Etches, 55, a shop owner hawking Trump t-shirts in Whitehorse, Yukon, about 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Bennett. “It doesn’t matter whether you support or oppose Trump. It’s actually a great history.”

More than a century after Trump’s grandfather left the Yukon, Canadian developers and entrepreneurs are torn over whether to exploit the connection to one of the most recognized surnames on the planet. A luxury wilderness resort is planned for Bennett, complete with a lodge that would look just like Trump’s watering hole.

“There’s so much history, so many stories around here—Trump is just one of them,” says Nelson Lepine, who runs the development arm of an indigenous group leading the project.

The Trump family’s gold-rush story began when Fred, as he was known, left Germany at the age of 16 with little more than a suitcase. He headed to New York to work as a barber before venturing west in search of riches. Following stints in Seattle and now-defunct Monte Cristo, the gold fever carried him to Bennett, where he and partner Ernest Levin built the Arctic Restaurant, which touted itself as the best-equipped in town.

It was open around the clock with “private boxes for ladies and parties,” according to an advertisement in the Dec. 9, 1899 edition of the Bennett Sun newspaper. The boxes typically included a bed and scale for weighing gold dust used to pay for “services,” according to a three-generational biography by Gwenda Blair, who traced the origins of the Trump family’s wealth. Of course, in the rough-and-tumble frontier towns of that era, the Arctic’s business model built on food, booze and sex was common.

The Arctic sat a stone’s throw from Bennett Lake in the heart of the township, amid a row of similar establishments and a sea of white canvas tents set up by prospectors. It was constructed of milled lumber and stocked fresh oysters, extravagant luxuries in a place where supplies were brought over arduous overland routes.

“I would advise respectable women travelling alone, or with an escort, to be careful in their selection of hotels at Bennett,” according to a letter penned by “The Pirate” in the Yukon Sun on April 17, 1900. For single men, the Arctic offered excellent accommodations but women should avoid it “as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex.”

Trump quickly saw where the real profits lay amid the gold-rush frenzy. An estimated 100,000 prospectors set out for the Klondike, of which only a third actually made it, and a mere 4 percent ever struck gold. Given those odds, Trump’s willingness to lay down his pick was “a shrewd move," according to Blair. “He was mining the miners.”

Bennett was a key hub for prospectors, who trudged from Alaska across frozen mountains and floated rickety rafts down the treacherous rapids of the Yukon River to Dawson City in search of elusive gold. The town lost its allure with the construction of a railway link from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse, allowing miners to bypass Bennett.

In response, Trump dismantled the restaurant and its precious lumber and rebuilt it in Whitehorse. A photo in Blair’s book shows a mustachioed Fred Trump in a white apron. He’s standing at the bar near a wall of drapes behind which women, known as “sporting ladies,” entertained miners in privacy.

Trump was a rich man when he left Whitehorse in 1901 to return to his native Kallstadt, Germany, where he later deposited savings of 80,000 marks in the village treasury, Blair recounts. Unable to regain German citizenship, he returned to New York with his riches. That amount—equivalent in purchasing power to about half a million euros in 2014—ended up funding the Trump family’s first residential real estate investments in the New York area, later carried on by his son Fred and grandson Donald.

Trump, who claims in his memoir that his grandfather was Swedish, told the New York Times in August that Blair’s portrayal of Friedrich’s business was “totally false.” Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, didn’t reply to two voice mails and an e-mail requesting comment.

2017 (March 26) article - Trump’s Grandfather Worked Under John D. Rockefeller, Uncle Translated Tesla’s Stolen Work

See [HW0032][GDrive]

Before you trust a power player, read up on their history.

The history, family, and associations of a power player are essential prerequisite info, if a person truly wants to understand who they are and what they do.

Since we’re forced to deal with President Donald Trump, let’s take a look at what he was born into. He inherited millions of dollars from his US military affiliated real estate baron father, Fred Trump.

His uncle, John G. Trump, was an engineer working with the military industrial complex ( ) affiliated school MIT, and examined brilliant engineer Nikola Tesla’s stolen papers after his death.

Donald Trump’s grandfather Frederick Trump ( ) was an immigrant from Germany to the US. Fred and John G. Trump inherited the foundation of their opportunity from Frederick.

Frederick Trump had problems with immigration in his lifetime, and was denied the ability to again become a German citizen, after fleeing to the US to dodge military service (not that there is anything wrong with avoiding serving in the military of a government you don’t believe in).

At the age of 16, in 1885 Friedrich Trump landed in New York after emigrating from Kallstadt, Germany. He made a fortune ( ) in the Pacific Northwest during the gold-rush era, selling restaurant rooms with prostitutes and alcohol to miners trying to find gold.

He worked under the direction of John D. Rockefeller’s investment near Seattle in the last decade of the 1800’s. According to an article by researcher Gwenda Blair published in Politico):

  • “Friedrich Trump’s Seattle restaurant flourished, but he kept his ears open —another aspect of the Trump family MO. In 1894, he heard that John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in the world, was bankrolling a mining operation in a small town north of Seattle named Monte Cristo. Without delay, Trump scoped out the best location there, secured it by filing a bogus mineral claim, built a hotel on the parcel even though it didn’t actually belong to him, and began giving the customers, once again, exactly what they wanted: plenty to eat, lots to drink and of course women.
  • When Monte Cristo proved slow to deliver on its promise, Rockefeller publicly reiterated his support while secretly arranging an exit. In the summer of 1897, Trump also decided to cash out and return to Seattle—making him, along with Rockefeller, one of the few investors in Monte Cristo to end up winners rather than losers.”

Although this doesn’t imply any kind of close relationship between Rockefeller and Trump, it is telling in some way that they both made their fortunes in the same atmosphere. It paints a picture of where power today originates and how it inherently behaves.

Whether or not John D. Rockefeller had a relationship with Friedrich Trump, Donald Trump today has a relationship with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil corporation, which is now ExxonMobil.

Donald Trump’s Secretary of State is Rex Tillerson, ex-Exxon executive.

Continuing from the article:

  • “In the New Arctic Restaurant and Hotel, which he opened in the raw new town of Bennett in May 1898, he again offered ‘private boxes’ for ladies, facilities that included not only a bed, but a scale for weighing the gold dust used to pay for services.
  • It was the best restaurant in town, one newspaper reported at the time, but added that it ‘would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex.'”

The story is continued by Wikipedia ( ):

“He bought all the necessary supplies, sold off his remaining property in Monte Cristo and Seattle, and transferred his 40 acres in the Pine Lake Plateau to his sister Louise. In 1900, Louise sold the property for $250. In the winter following Trump’s departure from Monte Cristo, the town suffered some of the worst avalanches and #oods in its short history, and this time, Rockefeller refused to reconstruct the almost vital railroad to Everett.”

The same author wrote another article in the Week (, continuing the story into the 20th

Century. It says:

  • “Friedrich died in May 1918, just before the end of World War I. There was a rising tide of anti-German sentiment in America, manifested in accusations of disloyalty against people with German backgrounds, diatribes against music by German composers, even bon!res of books by German authors. People with German names changed them, and readership plummeted for the nation’s hundreds of German-language publications.
  • This xenophobic atmosphere had a profound impact on Friedrich’s older son, Fred (named a"er Friedrich but in an Americanized form). Only 12 years old when his father died, Fred was now the man of the house, and he began to tamper with his family history — that is, to tell it like it wasn’t. Despite growing up in a German-speaking home and speaking his parents’ language on visits to Kallstadt, he said he didn’t know German, and by the beginning of World War II, he said his family was from Sweden.”

So that brings us to Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump. When Fred Trump’s father Freidrich died, 13 year old Fred became the man of the house.

By age 15, his mother helped him begin a career in building homes and real-estate, using the wealth accumulated by Freidrich: Donald Trump’s father was given a more modest silver spoon than Donald, but a silver spoon nonetheless. With the inheritance from his father and his work in real estate, Fred Trump helped his brother John G. Trump enter academia.

Fred Trump became a millionaire working with the US Military in WWII, building barracks and apartments. According to Wikipedia (

  • “During World War II, Trump built barracks and garden apartments for U.S. Navy personnel near major shipyards along the East Coast, including Chester, Pennsylvania, Newport News, Virginia, and Norfolk, Virginia.
  • After the war he expanded into middle-income housing for the families of returning veterans, building Shore Haven in Bensonhurst in 1949, and Beach Haven near Coney Island in 1950 (a total of 2,700 apartments). In 1963–1964, he built Trump Village, an apartment complex in Coney Island, for US$70 million.”

This is how Donald Trump was born into a position to create his own fortune, following his father into the real estate business with both his money and business connections.

The exact amount Donald received from his father to start his life is debated. Hillary Clinton (not that she is to be trusted or respected) claimed he received $14 million.

Donald Trump claimed he received a “small” sum of $1 million to start, and other evidence suggests that he received other loans from his father. He also received a $1 million trust, as did his siblings. According to the Washington Post (!rst-presidentialdebate/fact-check-how-much-help-did-trumps-father-give-his-son/?utm_term=.c4cca8f0b4bc ):

  • “The casino document lists several other loans from Trump’s father to his son, including a $7.5 million loan with at least a 12-percent interest rate that was still outstanding in 1981.
  • In a 2007 deposition, Trump admitted he had borrowed “a small amount” from his father’s estate: ‘I think it was like in the $9 million range.'”

During the time that Fred Trump earned his fortune, his brother and Donald’s uncle John G. Trump was working with the mad scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), de-coding brilliant engineer Nikola Tesla’s stolen papers.

MIT is a central hub of science for the military industrial complex, as we’ve scratched the surface of in past articles ( ). Researcher and author Peter A. Kirby ( ) thoroughly exposed the root of geoengineering (spraying the skies) in MIT, and his latest article can be found here ( ).

John G.’s association to Tesla was summarized by Big Think ( ):

  • “A few days a"er Tesla died on January 8th, 1943, his possessions were seized by officials from the amazingly-named government Office of Alien Property . About 3 weeks a"er that, all of Tesla’s things and documents were given a thorough examination by a group of FBI agents that included none other than John G. Trump.“

John G. Trump wrote about Tesla’s stolen papers, but perhaps his statement was meant to dissuade people from believing they found something of value in them, to keep the findings a secret. He said ( ):

Tesla’s “thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,” but “did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.”

More basic info about John G. Trump can be garnered from Wikipedia ( ):

  • “During 1942, Trump became Secretary of the Microwave Committee, a subcommittee of the NDRC. The director of the Microwave Committee was Alfred Lee Loomis (, the millionaire physicist, who decided to create a laboratory. He selected a site for it, chose a suitably discreet and ambiguous name for it and funded the construction, until the Federal administration was established. The new institution was the MIT Radiation Laboratory (, or the “RadLab”.”

So what does this say about Donald Trump? One thing is certain: he is not new to the game of political power, to the military industrial complex, or to wealth.

He has never had a history of caring about our class of people, and he has fikked the White House with nothing but bankers ( ), oil barons and people who loot and pillage our class of people.

Just as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama represented forces larger than them, from Goldman Sachs to the modern day incarnation of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil (ExxonMobil), all of them accept money and direction from the exact same entities.

It is purposefully dif!cult to differentiate who is against who in this powerstructure, but it’s safe to say none of them have our best interest at heart.

1918 (May 18) - Last business transaction ?

Full page - [HN00WU][GDrive]

1918 (May 18) - Upcomming NYC memorial day parade

Full page - [HN00WY][GDrive]

1918 (May/June) - Death

Full page - [HN00WW][GDrive]

1919 (Jan 11) - Estate

Full page : [HN00X2][GDrive]

"Kallstadt Germany gained international media attention as the ancestral home of the related Heinz and Trump families. Heinz is part of the extended family of the Trumps, a second cousin of Frederick Trump and second cousin twice removed of President Donald Trump."

"Henry J. Heinz, the founder of the Heinz company, was the grandson of Charlotte Louisa Trump."

"Frederick Christ Trump (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999) Elizabeth Trump was born as Elisabeth Christ in Kallstadt, Kingdom of Bavaria, the daughter of Philipp Christ by his wife Anna Maria Christ (nĂ©e Anthon)."

individuals with the surname Trump came to the United States in the 19th century, including Charlotte Louisa Trump's son Johann Heinrich Heinz, the father of Henry J. Heinz, the founder of the Heinz company. Henry John Heinz was born in Birmingham, Pennsylvania on October 11, 1844, the son of German immigrants John Henry Heinz (1811–1891), of Kallstadt, Palatinate, Kingdom of Bavaria, and Anna Margaretha Schmidt (1822–1899), of Kruspis, Haunetal, Hesse-Kassel. His father immigrated to the United States at age 29 in 1840, his mother at age 21 in 1843. They were married December 4, 1843, in Birmingham, Pennsylvania, on the south side of Pittsburgh, where they first met. Anna Schmidt was the daughter of a Lutheran minister; John Heinz was also Lutheran.,-trumps-vorfahren-_arid,663831.html


Bad DĂŒrkheim Trump's ancestors:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 - 4:00 a.m.

The paternal ancestors of Donald Trump (ancestor number 1). Direct ancestors each have the double digit (2, 4, 8, 16 ... the first direct Trump 128), the respective wives always plus 1 (3, 5, 9, 17, etc.). 1: Trump, Donald John, * 14. 6. 1946 Queens, New York City 2: Trump Christ, Frederick, 1905–1999 3: MacLeod, Mary Anne, 1912–2000 4: Trump, Friedrich (Fred), * 1869, marriage 1902, respectively Kallstadt, +1918 N. York 5: Christ, Elisabeth, * 1880 Kallstadt, +1966 Queens, NYC 8: Trump, Christian Johannes, * 1829, +1877, marriage 1859, each.Kallstadt 9: Kober, Katharina, * around 1836 Kall. 10: Christ, Philip III, 1856-1908 Call. 11: Anthon, Anna Maria, * 1857 call. 16: Trump, Johannes, * 1789 Bobenheim / Berg, +1835 Kallstadt 17: Bechtloff, Susanna Maria, * 1804 Kallstadt 20: Christ, Johann. Gg., * 1820 Call. 21: Hartung, Christina, * 1823 Kallstadt 22: Anthon, Johannes / Johann Heinrich, 1819–1889 Kallstadt 23: Farny, Eva, * 1818 DĂŒrkheim, +1875 Kallstadt 32: Trump, Johann Paul, 1727 – around 1792 Bobenheim. 33: Setzer, Maria Elisabetha, * 1745 34: Bechtlof (f), Johann Jakob, 1770-1816, respectively Kallstadt 35: Böhringer, Anna Katharina, +1816, 40: Christ, Johannes, * 1788 Kallstadt 41: Klingenschmidt, Anna Katharina, * 1795 42: Hartung, Johann Martin, 1794-1869, Kallstadt 43: Hansel, Christina Margaretha, * 1799 Kallstadt 44: Anthon / Antoni, Philipp Friedrich, * 1783 Kallstadt 45: Bechtlof (f), Anna Margaretha, * 1797 Kallstadt 46: Farny, Adam, * 1784 DĂŒrkheim 47: BĂŒhler / Böhler, Anna Catharina 64: Trump, Johann Sebastian, * 1699 Battenberg 65: Kohl, Susanna Marg (a) retha, * 1707 Battenberg 66: Setzer, Michael 68: Bechtlof (f), Loren (t) z, * 1732, +1773 jew.Kallstadt 69: Banckhard, Susanna Maria, * 1737 Ungstein 80: Christ, Johann Georg, * 1754 Kall. 81: Ott, Marie Elisabetha, * 1753 Kall. 84: Hartung, Johann Philipp, * 1750 DĂŒrkheim, +1806 Kallstadt 85: Schuster, Charlotta Louisa, * 1763 Kallstadt, +1836 88: Antoni, Johann Heinrich 89: Peter, Sophia Sabina, * 1745 DĂŒrk. 90: Bechtlof (f), Friedr. Karl, * 1765 Kall. 91: Humann, Anna Elisabetha, * 1767 Kallstadt 92: Farny, Johann Adam, * 1753 DĂŒrk. 93: Fischer, Susanna Elisabetha, * 1763 DĂŒrkheim 128: Trump, Johann Philipp, * 1667 Ellerstadt, +1707 DĂŒrkheim (the direct male line ends with him). Other surnames from Michael Wolf's ancestor list (in the order of their appearance): 131: Jaeck, Anna Margaretha, * 1675 Battenberg 139: Worckert, Anna Margaretha 171: Kall, Anna Elisabetha 181: Falter, Christina 185: Hamscher, Maria Magdalena 187 : Steinmetz, Anna Elisabetha 277: BĂ€r, Anna Catharina, * 1673 273: Zimmer, Anna Eva, * around 1675 325: Voltz, Anna Elisabetha, * 1681 WillstĂ€dt, + 1751 Kallstadt 327: Dresch, Anna Elisabeth, * 1674 Kallstadt, + after 1739 337: Schroh, Maria Sophia 341: Gesell, Maria Sus (s) anna 357: Herter, Anna Dorothea 365: Kraushaar, Susanne Salome 369: Zolckhofens, Anna Marg (a) retha 649: MĂŒnch, Anna Catharina, 1649–1690 Hardenburg 653: Weygant, Anna Catharina, + before 1677 685: SchĂŒl (l) er, Anna Elisabetha 713: Durstberger, Veronica 775: Ebel, Susanna Catharina 1549: Kiefer, Anna Dorothea 3100: Ebel, Johann Heinrich, * 1595 Gießen, + 1657 Hardenburg, superintendent of the county of Leiningen-Hardenburg, court preacher to Hardenburg and Caplan to DĂŒrkheim, buried alongside en the door of the castle church. 3101: Tuschelin, Euphrasine Susanna, * 1604 ZweibrĂŒcken, +1672 DĂŒrkheim 6202: Tuschelin, Dr. jur. Wolfgang Werner, Leiningischer Rat and chamber director * 1576 ZweibrĂŒcken, +1626 DĂŒrk. 12404: Dischlin / Tuschelin, Dr. jur. Gall / Gallus (see text), +1601 ZweibrĂŒcken 12405: from Castellum / von Castellaun, Susanna, * around 1543 Kreuznach, +1604 ZweibrĂŒcken

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Charlotte Louisa Heinz (Trump) Daughter of Johann Paul Trump and Maria Elisabetha Trump Wife of Johann Georg Heinz, III Mother of Johannes Heinz; Georg Friedrich Heinz; John Henry Heinz; Anna Maria Heinz; Charlotte Christiana Heinz; Georg Nikolaus Heinz; Johann Georg Heinz; Anna Charitas Heinz; Johann Karl Heinz; Anna Katharina Heinz; Elisabetha Heinz and Dorothea Heinz Sister of Maria Dorothea Trump; Juliana Trump and John Trump

"Fred Trump landed in NYC in 1883, age 14. Seems likely he went to Pittsburgh to the Heinz’s then out west. Application for citizenship 1892 Seattle"

Ran a restaurant

In the Yukon early