Peter Paul Strzok I (born 1936)

BORN: 03/18/1936 ( [HW001L][GDrive] )


Father of Peter Paul Strzok II (born 1970)

Family Tree - Parents, Sisters and Brothers

Family tree doc : See [HL001G][GDrive].


1958 - Graduates Marquette University with a BS (Bachelor of Science) degree

Source : US Army Register notes, 1963 US Army Register ( Full page : [HG0012][GDrive] / Image above: [HG0013][GDrive] )

1957 - Another moving violation? Sep 5 1957 -

1958 - 1969 - US Military (Army)

1958 (January) to 1962 (August) - US Air Force

1962 (August 24) -

1958-1963 - Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, US Army Reserves / Captain , US Army

1963 US Army RegisterFull page : [HG0012][GDrive]Image above: [HG0013][GDrive]

1964 - No change in US Army Register between 1963 and 1964

1964 US Army RegisterFull page : [HG0014][GDrive]Image above: [HG0015][GDrive]

1964 ( Dec 21) - Living in Monterey, California, but gets into a car accident in Missouri

This may mean "Presidio of Monterey" language school (see )

Full page : [HN00HT][GDrive]

D/R Date of Rank - Feb 23 1961

AUS - Army of the United States

RA - Regular Army

CE - Corps of Engineers

1965 US Army RegisterFull page : [HG0016][GDrive]Image above: [HG0017][GDrive]

Feb 24 1965 - Promoted to Captain

RA - Regular Army

CE - Corps of Engineers

1966 US Army RegisterFull page : [HG0018][GDrive]Image above: [HG0019][GDrive]

1966 (November) - Serving in Iran

The following anniversary announcement identified Peter Strzok Sr. in Iran as of November, 1966. For full newspaper page, see : [HN00HR][GDrive]

1969 (July) - Major Peter P Strzok

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GK][GDrive] )

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GT][GDrive] )

1970 april 07 - usher at wedding


Peter Strzok II - child born Mar 12 1970 - Father referred to as "Major Peter Strzok" - Confirming that Peter Paul Strzok I (born 1936) is a Major.

Also - Note that Peter Strzok II (born 1970) was born at the hospital on the Kincheloe Air Force Base ( ).

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GM][GDrive])

1970 (May) - Major Peter P Strzok

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GP][GDrive])

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GR][GDrive])

1978 (July) - to 1979 (Feb 6) : Works in Iran as a "Support Unit Manager" with Bell-Textron during the height of the Iranian Revolution

Bell-Textron's is "a firm which sold and services 2,000 helicopters for the Iranian government". See [HN00GW][GDrive] .

Peter Strzok II's role at Bell-Textron was terminated when he left Iran (at some time before February 1979), making his employment in Iran with Bell-Textron only a half-year tenure. See [HN00GW][GDrive].

Note these dates, and compare to the Iranian Revolution ( Wikipedia : ) . It was from "January 1978 – 11 February 1979". It is almost as if Peter Paul Strzok I went to Iran and worked at Bell-Textron as Iran during the same August 1978 to December 1978 time that "strikes and demonstrations paralyzed the country".

"Demonstrations against the Shah commenced in October 1977, developing into a campaign of civil resistance that included both secular and religious elements, and which intensified in January 1978. Between August and December 1978, strikes and demonstrations paralyzed the country.. The Shah left Iran for exile on 16 January 1979, as the last Persian monarch, leaving his duties to a regency council and Shapour Bakhtiar who was an opposition-based prime minister. Ayatollah Khomeini was invited back to Iran by the government, and returned to Tehran to a greeting by several million Iranians. The royal reign collapsed shortly after on 11 February when guerrillas and rebel troops overwhelmed troops loyal to the Shah in armed street fighting, bringing Khomeini to official power."

Outside sources of interest -

  1. HousatonicITS Twitter thread on Bell Helicopter topics -
  2. Quixotic Joust research - - ( 2014-10-quixotic-joust-blogspot-com-all-page-4.pdf / )

1979 (Feb)

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GV][GDrive])

1980 - Joins Catholic Relief Services, moves to Upper Volta in Africa

See [HN00GY][GDrive] .

1981 (Aug)

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GX][GDrive])

1981 (Aug)

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00GZ][GDrive])

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00H1][GDrive])

1983 (Jan)

(See full page in newspapers (pages "1C" and "2C") at [HN00H3][GDrive] and [HN00H4][GDrive])

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00H6][GDrive] )

This is the book that Peter P Strzok II is pictured with : "Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa : An Agenda for Action". This is written and distributed by The World Bank. Click here to download this PDF : [HB000T][GDrive]

1983 (Aug)

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00H8][GDrive])

1985 - Peter Strzok Sr. "blows whistle" of Catholic Relief fund mismanagement

aug 8 1985

nov 1 1985

1986 (Aug)

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HA][GDrive])

1986 (Nov)

Brother Jim Strzok oversees family wedding : Stephanie Strzok to Kim Scheidegger

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HC][GDrive])

1986 (Oct)

As of 1986, "Peter Strzok is president of the non-profit AFGRO (Agency to Facilitate the Growth of Rural Organizations) and a student at the Humphrey Institute."

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HE][GDrive])


(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HG][GDrive])


(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HI][GDrive] )


(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HK][GDrive])


(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HM][GDrive])

(See full page in newspaper at [HN00HO][GDrive] )


(From [HX000B][GDrive])

Time for Africa to Take Charge of Its Security?

By Peter P. Strzok, Special to The Pilot Dec 8, 2015

[ Note: The author, who lives in Pinehurst, is president of the Minnesota-based Agency to Facilitate the Growth of Rural Organizations (AFGRO). ]

I was an invited guest at the second Dakar Forum for Peace and Security for Africa, held Nov. 9-10 at Dakar, Senegal. Some 800 attended.

Under the patronage of the president of Senegal, Macky Sall, the conference drew experts on African security from all over the world, dominated by Africans and Europeans, who regard an unstable and weak Africa as directly threatening the stability of the European Union.

There is an uneven legacy of colonial Europe in Africa associated with granting independence to most African nations in the 1960s. The EU remains Africa’s largest donor for development; it is also Africa’s largest external market.

Increasingly confronted with multiple threats by terrorists organizations that are thriving in African territories, Europe and nations worldwide see the urgent need to expand help to Africa to strengthen its security capacities.

This concern seemed validated by the massacres in Paris and Bamako, Mali, shortly after the Dakar Forum. Similar atrocities occur on an almost daily basis, by Boko Haram in the Lake Chad region — by ISIS, expanding its power in Libya and Tunisia; attacks on U.N. peacekeeeping forces in Northern Mali; and maritime kidnappings on trade routes adjacent to Africa.

There are other considerations for a stable Africa.

There is more unused arable land in Africa than the rest of the world combined. The population of the world today is about 7 billion; by 2100, it will be 10.1 billion. Africa’s share of that population today is 1 billion.

Combined with Asia’s population, those two continents will represent, in 2100, 80 percent of the world's population.

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) indicates that sufficient food production capacity to meet these population increases is not infeasible, with the assumption that unused arable land (with water) can be exploited under positive conditions. Absent this, there is the spectre of millions of destitute Africans and Asians fleeing to other continents/countries. This is the challenge.

What are my takeaways from the second Dakar Forum?

First, the president of Senegal spoke of the need to promote a “tolerant Islam” in Africa. He asked assistance of Arab countries with schools of Islam, to assist Africans to better understand the attraction of jihadists and corrective responses. He stressed the need to professionalize African Union’s military- ready forces, in training, equipment and in sharing intelligence on jihadists.

Many experts spoke of the issues of porous borders, which, in this huge continent with vast open areas, present formidable problems to monitor and/or interdict human movements. This requires developing trust with local populations, not an easy task given that these diverse ethnic groups typically treat state authorities with distrust.

As to the U.S. roles: The deputy commander of USAFRICOM, Vice Admiral Franken, told a Reuters reporter that regional efforts against Boko Haram “could lead to a significant degradation of its activities within six months.”

It is also true that country-specific U.S. assessments, which in the past were provided by staff working and traveling throughout host countries, visiting with village chiefs and other notables, are now greatly impeded by the cautionary, almost bunker-down conditions that describe official U.S. staff working in many African countries.

There remain the issues of wide-scale corruption by national leaders in many countries. Control of land by an elite few in several countries inhibit maximizing food production; incentives for those who work the land are negligible at best.

As to natural resources, such as oil, gas and other precious minerals, there is no country in Africa that has a positive record of using the proceeds from that wealth in a significant way for the public good.

There are many younger Africans, educated in technical skills and dedicated to the power of democratic practices for the common good, who are involving themselves in strategies to save Africa from its negative practices of the past. How they fare going forward against entrenched interests is a significant problem.

In a final request by African leaders to the United Nations, one expert calculated that the Security Council spends about 70 percent of its time debating crises and other urgent issues about Africa. It would seem an imperative that the African Union have a permanent seat on the Security Council

A final caveat: If Africa is to take charge of its future, it has to create the right incentives for its working class, mostly agriculturists, so as to minimize the poverty and despair that leads its youth to the join the expanding groups of terrorists.


From : [HN00HQ][GDrive] (downloaded Dec 25 2017 )

Peter P. Strzok: 50-year di!erence in Iran

By Peter P. Strzok

[Sep 3, 2016]

Like many of you, I followed the news last month about the Russian Air Force’s use of the Iranian Hamadan Air Base. First reported on Aug. 15, it has been copiously covered by Russian TV and the Sputnik International websites and other international news agencies.

The history of Hamadan Air Base provides a somber irony for Americans associated with Iran and the Middle East.

Following World War II, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower approved a massive development program for Iran. Its military component included efforts to contain the Soviet intrigues in Northwest Iran. To this end, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers established the Tehran Engineer District, which would go on to build military installations designed to block penetration of Soviets to Iran and Iraq oil fields and contiguous warm water ports.

After the Soviets surprised the U.S. with testing of its atomic bomb in August 1949, part of the U.S. response was to build a series of air bases from which to launch B-47s, our first jet bombers capable of carrying atomic weapons. On the southern flank, bases were in Morocco, Libya, Iran and Pakistan. Hamadan was multipurpose. It was a base for Iranian Air Force units, but it could also act as a recovery base for Northern African-based B-47s, whose combat range precluded their ability to reach Soviet targets and return to home base. Thus, Hamadan has three-mile runways, north to south; the strong prevailing winds are west to east.

In 1965, I was an Army engineer captain assigned to the U.S. Military Mission to Iran. Fresh out of Persian language studies at Monterey, California, one of my jobs was to accept civic action schools being built from funds accrued from sales by Iran of food aid provided by the U.S. These schools were being built in border areas, concentrating on nomadic groups such as the Kurds, Balouch, Turkoman, Azeris and Afghans, under the theory that educated nomads tend toward sedentary living with reduced security concerns. One was built in Marivan, a Kurdish village hard up against the Iraqi border. In October 1965, I flew from Tehran, in a de Havilland Otter, to meet with contractors and Tehran Engineer District staff, to turn over the Marivan school for transfer to the government to Iran.

Our pilot, an army engineer involved with topographic mapping of Iran, stopped at Manadan to refuel. With a strong west-to-east wind, and given the Otter’s expansive wing area, he decided he could not use the north-south runways. With the agreement of the Iranian base commander, he had the Otter pulled into a hangar and took off into the wind, using the parking area to gain takeoff. We landed in a harvested wheat field in Marivan. With his villagers, the village chief celebrated this new gift - an elementary school for the children, a first in the region.

Some 50 years later, the roles are reversed. News reports last month indicated Russia was granted use of Hamadan and was using its best aircraft to take the fight to both ISIS and Syrian opponents of President Assad.

Not so fast. Iranian leadership was apparently offended by the powerful Russian public relations efforts over its air force’s use of Hamadan. On Aug. 22, the Iranian foreign minister’s spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, spun the story this way: “Russia made a request to use Iran’s territory to battle against the terrorists in Syria. ... They got our temporary permission for that. ... The deployment is temporarily finished. ... Russia has no airbase in Iran.” (Tehran Times, Aug 24).

Russian-Iranian history is replete with confrontations. From the late 19th century to 1945, Russia had control over much of the northern half of Iran, with the British managing the southern half. Xenophobia is pervasive in Iran. After the glorious history of enlightened leaders such as Cyrus and Darius, Persia decayed too often into a corrupt and fragmented governance. Outsiders are still often viewed with distrust, no matter how much benefit Iran might gain. In the case of Hamadan, Iranian leadership was offended by Russia’s exuberant reporting of its TU-22M3 strategic bombers and Sukhoi SU-34s - a sales pitch by Russia, impinging on Iran’s sovereignty.

By the way, the village of Marivan has grown substantially. Reports about Iran’s nuclear program show it to have important activities in applied nuclear research. I last viewed the Marivan area from the Iraqi side of the border, in 1994. I was escorting U.S. visitors to Penjwen, a Kurdish Iraqi village that is called “the Iraqi Verdun” because of its almost total destruction, a strategic site won and lost many times during that horrific war, 1980-88.

Peter P. Strzok lives in Pinehurst. He was a longtime member of the Army Corps of Engineers. Since 1980, he has worked at village levels in over 13 countries in West Africa.

Tweet thread from "R_D__P_LL" on Peter Strzok Sr.

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1019642804186693632.jpg

"14) In Sept and Nov 1993, he gets a grant from USAID for a project in IRAQ. Fascinating. Who else gets large amounts of money from @USAID ? "

The "Agency for International Development"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1019643506845835264.jpg

"16) Here is an attachment the earliest publicly available form 990 for his charity "AFGRO". He deals quite a bit with the @WorldBank. #Strzok"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1019644061190316039.jpg

"18) In 2013, he gives an interview saying we need a stable africa.... #Strzok …"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021112697700667394.jpg

"20) 9:30AM, Wednesday, June 20th, 1985 - Peter Strzok (The Father) is in Haiti for a quarterly meeting for "Maximizing Development Assistance. #ConfessionsofanEconomicHitman "

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021113290469101571.jpg

"21) Haiti Country Profile --- May 1984. Peter Strzok, Director of Catholic Relief Services. … @CoreysDigs"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021114118277947392.jpg

"22) Sahel Regional Financial Management Report [Ernst & Young] March, 1991. Peter Strzok - Food for Development. #Strzok @CoreysDigs @littlecarrotq …"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021114870547218434.jpg

"23) Political Economy in Haiti - Publish in 1990. Peter Strzok listed as a research assistant --- Which Strzok? Probably the father. #Strzok @antischool_ftw …"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021115857815113729.jpg

"24) USAID Contracts. 1988 - Agency to Facilitate the Growth of Rural Organizations [Strzoks Non-Profit] Notice the address with the university... Also forgot to highlight his name below ! #Strzok @Avery1776 …"

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021116504354549760.jpg

"25) USAID Contracts. 1994. IRAQ. $186,626 for the year. Interesting. Working as Disaster Assistance Response Team Leader for the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance."

Tweet : 2018-07-18-twitter-R_D__P_LL-1021117307366662147.jpg

"26) Report for measuring basic needs for vulnerable groups. 1994. Iraq. #Strzok @Deplorable80210 …"

2) A quick background: Peter Paul Strzok II (FBI) has a father named Peter Paul Strzok who was born in 1933. We know he was in the Army Corp of Engineers - Catholic Relief Services - President of a non profit (AFRGO) and has worked all over the world.

3) In 1991 - Just before getting a contract with USAID for Disaster Relief in Iraq --- Peter Strzok [II (born 1936)] started a company based in "Minnesota" called "MINAFCO, INC." VERY LITTLE INFO ON THIS COMPANY. I believe changed address to WI in 2002.

4) This Wisconsin address - Same as Minafco, has all the signs that this definition was a Peter Strzok operation. Curious enough his brother, Lad Strzok is a geologist. So what the hell does Minafco do???

5) Well - I believe it is a GOLD MINING COMPANY. In an old archived gold investment blog --- look who decided to share some details... "africanminer" I believe this is actually PETER STRZOK. I'll show you in a bit. READ THIS

6) Why do I believe "africanminer" is Strzok??? Well - he refers to a newly organized Nevada corporation "Grand Gedeh." Let's have a look. This blog post was written in 1999 --- Grand Gedeh incorporated in 1997. But wait --- When was it dissolved???

7) Yep - that's right. The SAME EXACT DATE that MINAFCO, INC (Strzok's company) was dissolved. Coincidence? I think not. Strzok's involved with GOLD MINING IN AFRICA ____ and probably getting the elected officials the #DeepState wants --- Like Stephen B Dorbor.

8) So under the guise of "Catholic Relief Services" and "USAID" and "Humanitarian Efforts" he's also involved with getting mineral rights in poor countries like Liberia. Fascinating. Makes me think of the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" --- But wait - IT GETS BETTER!!

9) He also is involved with a company called, "Econeem, Inc." a Virginia based company. Unironically, it has been "PURGED" from the state website. So what''s special about Econeem, Inc?

10) Registered agent "Thomas Weaver" may give us a clue. Pay attention to the ADDRESSES for this company. Strzok also was apart of a paper published for the World bank / USAID called "NEEM"

11) Thomas Weaver - for whatever reason - scrubbed is position with Econeem [archived by the anons of course] and is the President of Paradigm International Trading. Now they say they work internationally. Peru, West Africa, and Russia.

12) In 2003, Peter Strzok (the father) mentions that it would be good to send "Farm Equipment" to help with "Iraq." Interesting....

13) Iraq you say? How about --- RUSSIA??? Please confirm that the ADDRESSES match in relation to Thomas Weaver - agent/president of Paradigm International Trading. Yes - they could be sending Equipment --- and who else knows what..... Does USAID get special treatment?

14) Summary: Peter Strzok was involved with a gold mining company that brought in $1MM + a year in Liberia. Probably assisted with installing favorable ministers. He was/is involved with shipping "equipment" internationally. 🔽 for full layouts. @Thomas1774Paine @CoreysDigs