Lloyd Preston Gise (born 1873)

Born November 6 1873 [HG002S][GDrive]

Son of Daniel Kerlin Gise (born 1843)

Paternal Grandparents - David B. Gise (born 1812) and Sarah (Kerlin) Gize

Maternal Grandparents -

Children include :

  1. Second son is Lawrence Preston Gise (born 1915)

Other relationships:

1894 - As of 1894, Lloyd P Gise was still in Joliet

Full page : [HN00MX][GDrive]

1897 (June 10) - hardware store - Loyd Gise and brothers take ownership

Full page : [HN00MZ][GDrive]

1897 (Nov 25) - Llyod Gise goes hunting


1907 (Jan) - Mrs. Lloyd P Gise dies after long illness

Jan 14 1907 - Mrs. Lloyd P Gise dies after long illness. Son was 2.5 years old (Raymond) . See [HN00MV][GDrive]

1907 - Lloyd Gise - Mount delegate


1911 (Sep 28)


"Mrs. Beulah Beattie of Joliet, Ill and Lloyd Gise, of Big Wells Texas, arrived in Girard last week to visit their parents, Mr. and Mr.s Dr. K. Gise, and they have had a regular family reuunion"

April 04 1912 - Passing of Daniel Kerlin Gise obituary (grandfather of LP Gise)

Full page : [HN00CH][GDrive]

1912 - Lloyd Gise remarries

LLoyd P Gise married Mabel Hall on Aug 15, 1912 . Transcript : [HL002T][GDrive]

1913 (March) - Family wedding attendance

Master Gise" - son of Lloyd Gise ?


1915 (April 23 ) - Birth certificate for Lawrence Preston Gise (Sr.) - corrected in 1951 ...

(born april 23 1915) / 4920 north 30th street Arlington virginia

1918 - Lloyd Preston Gise WW1 Record / Enrollment

1919 (April 10)

Full page : [HN00MT][GDrive]

1920 Census - Kansas

Full census form : [HS001V][GDrive]


1920 (Oct) - Birth of Loyd Gise's second son with Mabel

Full page : [HN00MR][GDrive]

July 19 1923 (July 19) - Mrs Loyd Gise


1930 - US Census - Dimmit County , Texas

Full Census Form - [HS001S][GDrive]


1931 - Lloyd Gise mention




1940 - US Census - Washington DC

Full Census form: [HS001P][GDrive]


1922 - Raymond P Gise (first son) news

Full page : [HN00MP][GDrive]

1958 - Lloyd P Gise passes

1977 (July)- Mabel Gise (Wife of Lloyd Preston Gise) dies in California

Full page : [HN00MN][GDrive]

Mrs R. T. Hall had as her guests for the week-end Mr. and Mr.s Larcy Hall of Eagle Pass and Mr. and Mr.s Lloyd Gise of Big Wells

MABEL HALL ( Also goes by Rebecca Mabel Hall )


Born Jan 17, 1889


"Jeff’s maternal grandfather was Lawrence Preston Gise (the son of Lloyd Preston Gise and Rebecca Mabel/Mable Hall). Lawrence was born in Texas. Lloyd was the son of Daniel Kerlin Gise and Adeline/Adaline A. “Addie” Kearns. Rebecca was the daughter of Thomas King Hall and Henrietta Trammell."

1900 census - Rebecca M Hall (Dimmit Texas)




Mabel Hall - 1900 census (not sure if this is right onw)
