Melissa Ann (Colvin) Mann (born 1965)

Born : Melissa Mann was born on 11/30/1965 [HL002N][GDrive]

Melissa Ann Mann (born Melissa Ann Colvin) is the daughter of Joseph Frederick Colvin (born 1942) .

Melissa Mann currently lives in Washington, DC; in the past Melissa has also lived in Takoma Park MD. Other names that Melissa uses includes Melissa Colvin, Melissa A Colvin, Melissa Anne Colvin, Melissa C Mann and Melissa Colvin Mann. [HL002N][GDrive]

Middle Name : Unsure if "ann" or "anne" ... going with :

2019-06-whitepages-com-202-659-6387-melissa-ann-mann-washington-dc.pdf /


1987 - Graduates from Rhodes College (Age 22) - Degree in International Relations / Emphasis on Energy and Non-Proliferation Policy

See [HW001O][GDrive]

See 2019-american-conference-institute-website-speakers-ms-melissa-mann.pdf /

[Melissa Mann] [...] holds a degree in International Relations with an emphasis on energy and non-proliferation policy from Rhodes College.

1989 - Career starts as an International Affairs Specialist with Edlow International Company

Career starts at Edlow International Company .

See [HG002P][GDrive] : [Melissa Mann, then Melissa Colvin, ] started her career in 1989 as an International Affairs Specialist with Edlow International Company eventually serving as the company’s International Vice President [...]

1989 - Career starts as an International Affairs Specialist with Edlow International Company

Career starts at Edlow International Company .

See [HG002P][GDrive] : [Melissa Mann, then Melissa Colvin, ] started her career in 1989 as an International Affairs Specialist with Edlow International Company eventually serving as the company’s International Vice President [...]

1993 - Marriage to Christopher G Mann

1993 - Marriage license : [HN00LP][GDrive]

RHODES COLLEGE "1994-spring-rhodes-magazine-150-dpi" announcing Melissa Colvin marriage ! (Source : [HE001N][GDrive] )

About Christopher G Mann -

From [HP001S][GDrive] : "[Melissa Mann] and her husband, Chris, a marine biologist who works for the Pew Foundation,"

Source [HL002O][GDrive] :

Christopher Mann is 58 years old and was born on 06/26/1960. Christopher's Reputation Score is 4.33. Previous to Christopher's current city of Washington, DC, Christopher Mann lived in Takoma Park MD. Other names that Christopher uses includes Christophe G Mann, Chris G Mann, Christopher G Mann and Christopher G Marr. We know that Christopher's political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian. As of this date, Christopher is married. Other family members and associates include Melissa Mann, Raymond Diphillips, Marisa Parrella, Kari El

Previous addresses include Rhode island

Pew charitable trusts

1995 - Sandia Labs Report - Major Contributor to "The U.S. Uranium Industry: Regulary and Policy Impediments"

Top contributor along with Rodney Harald Fisk (born 1945) , where they both represent the Edlow International Company as employees .

Full 1995 Report : [HG0025][GDrive]


1997 - A Mom! Congrats !

Devon - June 5 1997


1998 (Feb) - Becomes a VP at Edlow International

VP at Edlow International Company .

See [HN00LC][GDrive] : "Edlow International Co. of Washington named Rodney Fisk executive vice president and Melissa Mann vice president of international."


2002 - july

2002 - june

2003 (July) - News article in Baltimore Sun

Full Page : [HN00LM][GDrive]

2004 to 2006 - Melissa Mann is Vice President for Regulatory and Risk Assessment at the Ux Consulting Company

See [HG002P][GDrive] : "Prior to joining URENCO ,as Vice President for Regulatory & Risk Assessment at The Ux Consulting Company from 2004 to 2006, Melissa supported commercial nuclear utilities and fuel cycle companies in managing risks associated with economic, regulatory, export control and nuclear energy policy matters."

According to

UxC is The industry's leading source of Publications, Data Services, Market Research, and Analysis, on the Global Nuclear Fuel Cycle Markets

2005 - Melissa Mann attends NRC RIC conference, Representing Ux


Melissa Mann, Vice President, Regulation & Risk Assessment,

The Ux Consulting Company, LLC

8106 Roanoke AvenueTakoma Park, MD 20912

2006 - Melissa Mann joins Urenco

As her job is described in 2018 :

See 2019-american-conference-institute-website-speakers-ms-melissa-mann.pdf /

MELISSA MANN is the Manger of Marketing and Sales for Urenco, Inc. where she supervises URENCO Group enrichment services contracts in North America and markets enrichment services on behalf of URENCO and Louisiana Energy Services

2007 (December) Melissa Mann / Urenco


2009 (May) - Attendee at World Nuclear Fuel Market 2009 Conference - Representing URENCO

Rodney Harald Fisk (born 1945) is also there, representing Transportation Logistics .

Full doc : 2009-05-25-wnfm-attendee-list.pdf /



2015 (Feb) Conference video : (123) Governing Uranium: From Pit to Port / Center for Strategic and International Studies

WATCH HERE : 2015-02-19-center-for-strategic-international-studies-governing-uranium-pit-to-port.mp4 /

Youtube download page : 2015-02-19-center-for-strategic-international-studies-governing-uranium-pit-to-port-youtube-info.pdf /

Featuring: Cindy Vestergaard / Director, Governing Uranium Project and Senior Researcher, International Security,

(123) Governing Uranium: From Pit to Port - YouTube 6/20/19, 5*08 AM

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Melissa Mann

President, URENCO USA Inc.

Sharon Squassoni

Director and Senior Fellow, Proliferation Prevention Program, CSIS

1616 Rhode Island Ave NW

Washington D.C., 20036

CSIS and the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) are pleased to invite you to the launch of the new, interactive Governing Uranium website. Based on the results of the Governing Uranium research project, the website allows users to explore the front-end of the nuclear fuel cycle and ‘follow the uranium trail’ from mining to conversion. It offers information, maps and analysis on the regulatory structures and industry best practices that govern uranium production and trade across

afteen uranium producing and consuming states.


2018 (May) - Melissa Mann (with URENCO) Speaking before US House

Government web page : 2018-05-22-energycommerce-house-gov-hearing-on-doe-modernization-advanced-nuclear-energy-technologies.pdf /

Transcript : 2018-05-22-usa-us-house-committee-on-energy-and-commerce-submittee-on-energy-testimony-of-melissa-c-mann.pdf /

VIDEO / Recording : 2018-05-22-energycommerce-house-gov-hearing-on-doe-modernization-advanced-nuclear-energy-technologies-youtube-recording.mp4 /

See 2018-05-18-energycommerce-house-gov-hearing-on-doe-modernization-advanced-nuclear-energy-technologies-witness-disclosure-melissa-mann.pdf /

Melissa Mann is President of URENCO USA Inc., the holding company for Louisiana Energy Services and its URENCO USA uranium enrichment facility, and the URENCO Group’s Executive Director of Strategic& Government Affairs. The URENCO USA enrichment facility is located in Lea County, New Mexico and was the first facility to be licensed, constructed and operated under a Nuclear Regulatory Commission-approved Combined Construction and Operating License. URENCO USA represents an investment of roughly $5 billion to-date. A New Mexican by birth, Melissa is privileged to represent URENCO USA along with its more than two hundred New Mexican and Texan employees.

Melissa has spent her nearly 30-year career in the service of the commercial nuclear energy industry and as a licensee of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. From 2006 to 2013, Melissa served as Manager of Marketing & Sales for URENCO, Inc., managing relationships with North American utilities and nuclear fuel cycle companies. This work entailed negotiating and administering a sales contract portfolio that significantly contributed to U.S. demand for uranium enrichment and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue annually.

Prior to joining URENCO ,as Vice President for Regulatory & Risk Assessment at The Ux Consulting Company from 2004 to 2006,Melissa supported commercial nuclear utilities and fuel cycle companies in managing risks associated with economic, regulatory, export control and nuclear energy policy matters.

This role built on nearly two decades managing the international movement of radioactive materials and specializing in non-proliferation policy and export controls. She started her career in 1989 as an International Affairs Specialist with Edlow International Company eventually serving as the company’s International Vice President, and then undertook similar roles as Director of Research & Consulting at Transportation Logistics International and as Executive Vice President of TLI Shipping, LLC, a specialized ocean servicefor international transport of sensitive commodities including fissile nuclear materials.

Melissa holds a degree in International Relations from Rhodes College.

Here are her written responses, provided before the hearing (on page 206) :

Full script -

2018 (Sep) - Attending US UK signing ceremony

Quoted twice in 2018 -

See ..

Video (must record)




IGNORE - (different Melissa Mann... )