Research Notes

Eileen Lade

1898 - 1977

Born 27 February 1898 to Arthur Tupper Lade, a farmer and Priscilla Ellen Johnston, near Port Sorell, Tasmania. The sixth of seven children. Two of her older sisters, Gladys and Rose were also nurses.

Educated at Methodist Ladies’ College, Launceston.

December 1916 – passed London College of Music practical examinations.

1919 ER music teacher living at Penguin. From an advertisement it seems she was teaching music at Mrs Fook’s Studio.



Presentation.-At the conclusion of the service, at St. George's Church, New Ground, on Sunday morning, Mr. J. Wright, on behalf of the church wardens and. congregation, presented Miss Eileen Lade, who is leaving the district, with a beautifully-bound church -service in strap-handle case, and a daintily-lined silver trinket box, in appreciation of her services as organist for several years. Mr. Wright, in making the presentation, referred to the important part which good music plays in church work, and complimented Miss Lade on her self-denial in being so unfailingly regular in her attendance. He also expressed the gratitude felt by himself (as lay reader), and the congregation as a whole, and concluded by wishing Miss Lade a successful and happy time in her new sphere of duty. Penguin, the district in which Miss Lade is making her home, will be much richer at this district's expense, the young lady's musical talent being a distinct gain to any community.

Advocate, 29 January 1919


1922 ER nurse living at 47 Argyle Street, (Hobart Hospital) Hobart

November 1923 passed final nursing examination – Public Hospital, Hobart.



Recovering from Illness:

Mr A.T. Lade is slowly recovering from the combined effects of severe blood poisoning and general debility, which have confined him to his bed for more than a fortnight, and have occasioned his family much anxiety. Mr. Lewis Lade, who received severe injuries to his leg through his motor cycle skidding, is now making good progress towards recovery. Sister Eileen Lade is attending her father and brother.

Advocate, 12 April 1927, page 4


1928 ER nurse living at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood.

1933 ER nurse at Colac District Hospital




At a special meeting of the New Norfolk Cottage Hospital Committee, held at New Norfolk yesterday afternoon, Sister Eileen Lade, of Devonport, was chosen from seven applicants for the position of matron at the hospital, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Matron J. O. Brown. … it is not definitely known when the new matron will take up her position.

Mercury, 20 February 1934.


June 1935 Eileen Lade appears to be working at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, Hobart. See The Mercury, 14 June 1935


District Bush Nurse Swansea 1936 – See the Mercury, 7 Feb 1936


BUSH NURSING ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Glamorgan branch of the Tasmanian Bush Nursing Association- was held on Thursday. Mr. Fred. C. Shaw (president) was in the chair. The bush nurse (Sister Eileen Lade) submitted her report for the year, as follows:-Mileage, 1044; visits, patients to nurse, 177; visits to patients in homes, 457; child welfare work, 333; two visits to local school, and one to the three remaining schools in the municipality.

Examiner, 17 November 1936.


Mr. A. T. Lade and his daughter, Miss Eileen Lade, have returned to their home, "Neidpath," Devonport, after a motor tour during which they visited friends and relatives in Launceston, Hobart and the Midlands. – Advocate, 3 September 1938.


Social Gossip

Notes from Town and Country

Miss Eileen Lade, who has been staying with her people at Neidpath, has accepted a responsible position in Hobart. She left Devonport last Thursday. [6 October 1938]

Advocate, 13 October 1938


NEW MATRON – At a special meeting on the board of management of the North Eastern Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital held on Monday night Miss Eileen Lade was appointed matron …

Examiner, 24 May 1939.


DEVONPORT Miss Eileen Lade has been appointed matron to the North-Eastern Soldiers' Memorial Hospital at Scottsdale, and her sister, Miss R.H. Lade, who was for over two years in charge of the Devonport Child Welfare Clinic, has been appointed matron of the South Gippsland Community Hospital at Foster, Victoria.

Examiner, 7 June 1939.


Worked throughout Tasmania and Victoria as a nurse. Registered as midwife 13 January 1928 and removed from midwives register 1944.


Miss Eileen Lade who for the past two years has been matron of the Scottsdale Memorial Hospital, has been appointed to the Ovens District Hospital, Victoria. She will spend some weeks at her home in Devonport before proceeding to the mainland to take up her duties there.

Advocate, 31 December 1940.


Matron Ovens District Hospital 1941 to 1942. Had definitely begun as Matron at ODH by March 1941 – see Weekly Times, 22 March 1941.


BEECHWORTH …Red Cross Emergency Service, Mr. W. W. Moonie, -superintendent, presided at a meeting of the Red Cross Emergency Company, and it was decided to form a St. John's home nursing class. Matron Lade, of the Ovens District Hospital, expressed her willingness to co-operate in the instruction of the class and lectures will begin shortly.

Border Morning Mail, 13 March 1941.


ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL At a meeting of the Hospital committee on Tuesday night Miss E. C. Baglin was appointed to the position of matron. The present matron, Miss Lade, recently asked to be relieved of duty, as she de sired to return to Tasmania …

Alexandra and Yea Standard and Yarck, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express, 27 November 1942.



There was a representative attendance at the funeral of the late M Arthur T. Lade, of Devonport, yesterday. Chief mourners were the two sons, Messrs Clarence and Roy Lade and Mr. W. C. Lade (Port Sorell), brother. Pall-bearers were Messrs. J Lillico, M.L.C., J. L. Stewart, J Thomas and E. S. Waterhouse. Carriers were Messrs J.J. Dooley, C. Walker, G. Viney and J. Lade (Sulphur Creek). The first part of the service was conducted in St. John’s Church of England by Ven. Archdeacon H. B. Atkinson, assisted by Rev. R.B Cranswick.

The Archdeacon paid glowing tribute to the church work and character of the deceased. He said that years ago when he was appointed Archdeacon of Darwin Mr. Lade was one of the men from whom he sought advice on land matters, and it had always been good advice. He was a man who gave a high place to the church in his life.

Among the wreaths were tokens from St. George’s Church Newground, Duncan Loane Pty., Stenhouse and Co., and the P.P.U.

The late Mr. Lade was born on the East Coast 82 years ago, and was educated at Horton College. He was the fifth son of the late Mr. W. Lade, of Ringarooma. Surviving members of the family, are the oldest brother (Mr. W.C. Lade) and a sister, Mrs. W. Freeman (Victoria). His wife predeceased him some years ago. There are two sons. Mr. Clarence Lade (Thirlstane) and Mr. Roy Lade (Melbourne), four daughters, Misses Gladys. Vida, Eileen and Rose Lade, three of whom are in the nursing profession. Mr. Lade in his younger days was engaged in farming in the Ringarooma district, and came to reside at Thirlstane many years ago. Some 12 years ago he retired from the land and built a home in Devonport. Years, ago he stood for Parliament in the interests of the Country Party of the day

Advocate, 15 March 1945.


November 1945 back in Burnie, Tasmania – see Advocate, 22 November 1945


November 1951 appears to be living in George Street, Somerset, Tasmania – see Advocate, 21 November 1951.


Married Francis Charles Helyar, (a farmer) 22 January 1952, St Stephen’s Church of England, Portland, Victoria.


1954 ER Eileen & Francis lived at 7 Calvert Street, Portland.

1972 ER Eileen & Francis are living at 10 Tobin Street, Ararat.


No death or funeral notices.

©  Anne Hanson 2023