Research Notes

Emma Hadley

1880 - 1968

Born 1880 at Kiewa. Eighth of ten children born to George Clapton Hadley & Rosanna Amelia Murphy. Eighth of ten children

A very sudden death occurred on Sunday morning [10 May] at Kergunyah, Mr. George E. [should read C.] aged 41 son of Mr George Hadley, farmer, and formerly hotel keeper at Yackandandah, had been complaining for a few days, but was not ill enough to stop entirely from work. He became much worse on Saturday, when Dr Mueller was sent for. The doctor found him quite insensible, and though he did all he could Mr Hadley died early on Sunday morning, serous apoplexy being the cause of death. The funeral took place on Tuesday [13 May] at the Yackandandah Cemetery. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 15 May 1884.

At the time of his death, George, his wife Rose and their children were living with George Clapton Hadley Senior and George the son was managing the farm for his father. See Grant of Administration papers held by PROV.

1903-1905 ER Emma is a teacher and is living with her mother and siblings at Kiewa.


LOT 4. — 2 acres 1 rood 27 perches, being lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, portion of suburban allotment 3, parish of Beechworth, situate at the intersection of Sydney and Victoria roads, upon which Is erected a splendid 9-roomed W.B. Dwelling, with verandah, and known as " Erindale," good stabling, tennis court, &c., and now rented by Mrs. Maher. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 2 December 1905.


Lot 4. — 2 acres 1 rood 27 perches, parish of Beechworth, situate at the intersection of Sydney and Victoria roads, on which is erected a 9-roomed weatherboard dwelling, with verandah, known as "Erin-dale," good stabling, tennis court, &c. — The bidding was successively £200, £250 and £300, at which the lot was withdrawn for private sale, the reserve being £450. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 9 December 1905.


From the ODH House Committed report 13 February 1911 - … For this vacancy Miss E. Hadley had been engaged as a probationer nurse and would commence duty on 15th inst.

From the minutes of the board June 13 1911, the seal of the hospital was affixed to the indentures of Nurse Hadley …

SALE OF TOWNSHIP ALLOTMENTS – On Friday next Messrs M and R Clune (?) will submit to auction on account of Mrs Hadley, two building allotments on Victoria Road, Beechworth, between her residence and Mr. Wm. Lack’s. The sale will take place at the mart at 11.30 a.m. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 16 July 1912.

From the ODH House Committee report 12 August 1912 – A letter was read from Nurse Hadley asking to be allowed to leave the hospital and to transfer to another hospital as her family were leaving Beechworth. It was recommended to the board not to grant the request as the reason given was not sufficient to justify the cancellation of Nurse Hadley’s indentures with the hospital and no system of transfer between different hospitals was in existence.

From the minutes of the ODH board meeting August 26 1912 - The secretary reported that Nurse Hadley left the hospital on the 22nd inst. And before taking any further actions it was decided on the motion of Mr Zwar and Mr Gilchrist to write and ask Nurse Hadley’s reasons for flouting the board’s decision by leaving the hospital and what excuses she has to offer for doing so as the members of the board are indignant at her actions.

From the minutes of the ODH board meeting 10 September 1912 under Correspondence - From Nurse Hadley explaining the reasons why she left the hospital service. The secretary stated that in connection with this matter he had received that day a telephone message from Nurse Hadley stating that she was quite willing to finish her training at this hospital if the board were agreeable to her returning.

On the motion of Mr Travis and Mr Andrews it was decided to inform Miss Hadley that the board were quite agreeable for her to return and finish her training.

From Miss E. Hadley, Dederang, regretting that it was considered that she had defied the board and considered that it was only necessary for her to make application for a transfer for it to be granted. Also asking for a certificate to show she had served 18 months in the Ovens District Hospital as a nurse, and that she was well treated whilst at the hospital and had really nothing against the hospital whatever which caused her to ask for a transfer. The secretary reported that he had received a telephone message from Miss Hadley in which she placed herself in the hands of the board to decide whether she should return to the institution and complete her training. ... it was decided that Miss Hadley return and complete her training ... Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 12 September 1912.

From the ODH House Committee report 7 October 1912 – The Secretary reported that Nurse Hadley had resumed duty, having been absent for a month.

From the ODH House Committee report 13 January 1913 – It was decided Nurse Hadley make up the month’s training lost recently.

1908 - 1913 ER Emma is living with her mother, Rose and sister Rose in Victoria Road, Beechworth. Emma’s occupation is nurse.

9 October 1915, Emma’s sister Rose, known as Babe, married Charles Sylvester Brock at St. Kilda. See Argus, 15 October 1915.

1915 ER Emma and her mother are living at 32 Grey Street, St. Kilda. Emma is a nurse.

From the minutes of the ODH board meeting 16 May 1916 - The seal of the hospital was affixed to the nursing certificate of Nurse Hadley ….

Date of qualification 16 May 1916.

April 1916 Una Journal under the heading – WAR EMERGENCY CLAUSE (3 Years’ Training) Hadley, Emma, 15 Jackson Street St. Kilda. 

Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 4 October 1916.

1916 - July 1917,  Emma is at 15 Jackson Street, St. Kilda – possibly a boarding house.

September 1918 – September 1919, Emma is at 11 Dalgety Street, West St Kilda, with her mother Rose.

1919 Emma’s mother Rose died at Collingwood on 1 August 1919 and on 3 August 1919 was buried with her husband at Yackandandah.

HADLEY - On the 1st August, at 4 Budd Street, Collingwood, Rose, relict of the late G. C. Hadley, late of Kiewa, aged 72 years. R.I.P. The Argus, 2 August 1919. Died intestate. Real estate to the value of over £368.

1923 – 1926 Victorian Directory lists Emma as a nurse at Tangambalanga.

1931 – 1934, Emma is at 2 Long Street, Caufield West, home duties. At the same address is Vera May Erskine a dressmaker.

1935 - 1963 ER  Emma is still at 2 Long Street, Caufield West, home duties.

Died 19 March 1968 aged 87 at Heidelberg, Buried Cheltenham Memorial Cemetery. Coroners’s Court seems to be involved with her death. Investigation initiated 26 May 1968. Does not appear to have a headstone.

Body cards are created by the Coroner’s Office, after coronial investigations including investigations that did not require a further inquest inquiry to be undertaken.  Body Card reference 1968/853