Research Notes

Margaret Alice Goonan

1902 - 1982

Known as Peg. Born 10 November 1902 to Kate Carroll and John Patrick Goonan at Dederang. The eldest of four children.

From the ODH House Committee report 21 November 1922 – Miss Margaret Goonan of Dederang has been engaged as probation nurse and promised to commence duty tomorrow.

From the ODH House Committee report 19 December 1922 –Miss Goonan of Dederang had arrived and commenced duty as probationer nurse.

From the ODH House Committee report 20 February 1923 –Nurse Goonan will have completed her 3 months’ probation in a few days and the medical officer will report at next meeting as to her continuing.

From the ODH House Committee report 20 March 1923 – The matron reports that Nurse Goonan who has been on probation for about 4 months does not intend to sign on or to continue the training. And I [the secretary] believe that Nurse Benzie who started on the 1st inst. also intends to discontinue. One reason for some of the probationers leaving is the fact that they are required to be on duty for 12 hours per day … The matron asks for more nursing assistance, at present there are 4 nurses in their 3rd year, 2 in their 2nd year and the 2 probationers [Goonan & Benzie] who are talking of leaving … The matron asked for her annual holidays, Nurse Bakes is willing to take charge during her absence.

From the ODH House Committee report 17 April 1923 – Nurse Goonan has decided to continue her training and her indentures are ready for signature.

From the ODH House Committee report 15 May 1923 – Nurse Goonan and her father have completed her indentures.

From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with measles on 19 April 1924. 24 April 1924 discharged to her father, J. Goonan, Dederang.

From the ODH House Committee report 29 September 1924 – Nurse Goonan has gone to Melbourne on the advice of Dr. Lawrence to consult a specialist

From the ODH House Committee report 17 October 1924 – Nurse Goonan has resumed duty after her sick leave.

From the ODH House Committee report 19 December 1924 – Nurse Goonan is away ill and is working [?] her annual holiday in with her time off.

From the ODH House Committee report 20 February 1925 – Nurse Goonan returned towards the end of January and Dr. Lawrence ordered her    away for 3 weeks and then she is to consult him and she will probably be off for another 2 months on account of her health.

From the ODH House Committee report 21 March 1925 – Nurse Goonan returned to duty yesterday.

From the ODH House Committee report 16 April 1926 – Nurse Goonan has completed her 3 years and has left the institution.

From the ODH House Committee report 18 June 1926 – Nurses Polmear, Goonan & Schmidt went to Melbourne for their final exams. Nurse Polmear passed, but Nurse Schmidt failed and Nurse Goonan failed for the second time.



The following candidates were successful in the recent examination held by the Nurses’ Board: - … BEECHWORTH HOSPITAL – Margaret Goonan.

The Argus, 4 June 1927.

1927 ER Peg is living in High Street, Wodonga – occupation nurse.

1934 ER is at 449 David Street, Albury – possibly a private hospital. Occupation nurse.

21 January 1935 married George Christopher Bartlett (instructor of agriculture) at Myrtleford. George served WW1.

On 12 October 1934 had twin boys, John and Robert.

18 March 1942 had another son, Kevin.

1936 – 1958 ER Peg and George are living at 112 Garden Street, George -instructor of agriculture, Peg home duties.

George died 1 April 1959. Buried Albury.

1963 ER Peg is still living at 112 Garden Street, Albury but George is deceased. Also at that address is Peter George Bartlett. ? son and son Kevin, a cashier.

1980 Peg is living by herself at 112 Garden Street, Albury.

Peg died 24 October 1982. Buried with husband at Albury Cemetery.