Research Notes

Jean Creighton

Ovens District Hospital – A meeting of the House Committee at which all the members were present was held on Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock to consider the appointment of certificated nurses and pupil nurses. The matron’s selection of candidates was fully approved by the committee and resulted in the following being appointed:- … Miss Creighton, Beechworth. The successful candidates will enter upon their duties on the 1st of the ensuing month.

Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 22 August 1896


From the ODH House Committee report 6 June 1898 –... It was recommended … That Nurse Creighton, on completing her two years' training should be promoted to staff nurse in place of Nurse Powell's[1] and a new probationer be obtained.


From the ODH House Committee report 15 August 1898 – … that Nurse Creighton be granted her annual holiday.


From the ODH House Committee report 5 December 1898 – … that the seal be attached to Nurse Creighton’s certificate of competency as a trained nurse.


From the ODH House Committee report 13 March 1899 – the resignation of Nurse Creighton was received and accepted.

[1] Gertrude Powell.

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