Research Notes

Mary Dominica Pini

1890 - 1982

One of seven children born to Girogi Vittoro (George Victor) Pini and his wife Rosannah Toner. Born 19 September 1890 at Myrtleford.

 A MUDGEGONGA NURSE TRAINEE. -Miss Minnie Pini, of Mudgegonga, has decided to take up the nursing profession, and to this end has proceeded to the Ovens District Hospital, Beechworth, to put in a course of training. Miss Pini was most popular at Mudgegonga, taking an active part in charitable and patriotic work, and she will be much missed. She was made the recipient prior to her departure of a souvenir and a wallet of notes as a mark of esteem felt for her by the residents. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 9 January 1918.

 From the minutes of ODH board meeting 16 April 1918 - The seal of the hospital be affixed to the indentures of Nurses Pini and …

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with irregular heart action on 10 July 1919. 31 July 1919 discharged to her mother, Mrs V. Pini of Mudgegonga.

 From the ODH House Committee report 18 August 1919 – Nurse Pini had been ordered by the Medical Officer to take a holiday for a few months ...

 From ODH House Committee report 21 October 1919 - … £15-1-5 was due to the nurses who are training here – the payments are in accordance with the circular received from the Board of Public Health dated 29 July 1919 and the amounts owing to the trainees are as follows - Nurse Gow £5-1-5, Nurse Bruce £3-8-9, Nurse I’Anson £3-9-9, Nurse Pini £1-15-0, Nurse Cubitt £1-6-6 …

From the ODH House Committee report 19 January, 1920 - ... nurse Pini was still absent on sick leave but expected to resume duty on the first of next month …

 From the ODH House Committee report 16 February 1920 - ... nurse Pini had resumed duty on the 1st inst. …

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with myocarditis on 22 August 1920. 7 September 1920 discharged to her father, Victor Pini of Mudgegonga.

 From the ODH House Committee report 14 February 1921 – … Nurse Pini was at present on holiday.

 From the ODH House Committee report 14 March 1921 – … Nurse Pini had returned from her holidays.

 From the ODH House Committee report 16 May 1921 – Nurse Pini and nurse Cubitt were in Melbourne for their final examinations.From the ODH House Committee report 20 June 1921 – Nurse Pini and nurse Cubitt had passed their RVTNA examinations.

From the ODH House Committee report 18 July 1921 – Nurse Pini who was absent on sick leave had not yet returned to duty.

From the ODH House Committee report 16 August 1921 – Nurse Pini resumed duty on the 1st inst.

From the ODH House Committee report 17 October 1921 – The Secretary reported that … Nurse Pini would complete her training next week …

The Matron asked for five days leave to go to Melbourne and the chairman had given the necessary permission. She went on Wednesday morning and returned today. Nurse Pini was in charge during her absence.

Date of qualification - October, 1921.

February 1922, address is Mudgegonga.  Seems to have lived most of her life at Mudgegonga. No nursing registrations listed. 

A Pini family tree on Ancestry states that Minnie was the postmistress at Mudgegonga from 1949 to 1969.


1963-1980 ER living at Mudgegonga occupation nurse.


Myrtleford Lawn Cemetery

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