Research Notes

Lily May Bakes


From the ODH House Committee report 15 December 1919 - … nurse Bakes of Yackandandah had been engaged as probationer and started on duty on the 29th of last month …

From the ODH House Committee report 15 March 1920 – Nurse Bakes had completed 3 months’ probation, passed the medical examination and the medical officer and matron recommend that she be retained on staff.

From the minutes of ODH board meeting 16 March 1920 - … that the seal of the hospital be affixed to the indentures of Nurse Bakes.

From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with shock on 6 April 1920. 11 April 1920 discharged to her father, Joseph Bakes of Yackandandah.

Passed final examinations December 1922 – See Argus, 15 December 1922

Nurse Bakes has gone to Melbourne to the annual examinations, from the Yackandandah Times, 1 December 1922.

Date of qualification, December 1922.

From the ODH House Committee report 21 August 1923 – Nurse Finnis is away on sick leave, since 26th July and Nurse Bakes is here since that date at £3-3-0 per week. She was engaged for one week but has been kept on.

1925 ER Address is Trained Nurses’ Club, 452 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.

Gained midwifery certificate, St. George’s Hospital, Kew.

1931-1936 at St. Quentin’s Hospital, Ararat.

1937 -1939 at St Margaret’s Private Hospital, Alexandra

1940 – 1945 at St. Jude’s Private Hospital, Koroit.

1947 ER at 27 Tamar-grove, Oakleigh, nurse

1954, 1963, 1968, 1972, 1977 ER at 184 Koornang Road, Oakleigh.

Died 8 August 1991. Did not marry.

Daughter of Joseph Bakes (a farmer) & Eliza Dorman. Born 18 September 1899 Back Creek near Yackandandah.

©Anne Hanson, 2023                                                                                                                                         E-mail:  Anne Hanson