Research Notes

Rosa Beatrice Malyon

1868 - 1950

Born about 1868 in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England to Baptist Minister Thomas John Malyon, LLB and his wife, Rosa Griffith.

 Rosa, aged 21, arrived in Sydney with her parents and 5 siblings ranging in age from 6 to 12 years on 3 March 1890 on the ship, the Ormuz.

 AMONG the passengers by the R.M.S. Ormuz this week were the Rev. T. J. Malyon, L.L.B., and family. Mr. Malyon has for the past six years been pastor of the Vauxhall Baptist Church, South London, and also for ten years editor of the Christian Herald. He has come to Australia for the sake of his family, and purposes remaining here. Last night the rev. gentleman; and his wife received a very hearty welcome at a social meeting held in the Burton-street Tabernacle, Woolloomooloo, and at which the Rev. A J. Clarke presided. Sydney Morning Herald, 6 March 1890.

 Thomas was staunchly anti-catholic and celebrated the Battle of the Boyne anniversary. Wrote 11 articles entitled Romanism: Its Assumptions, Abominations and Doom, all of which were published in various Sydney newspapers.


[No. 193.]


The New Pastor of the South Yarra Baptists.

Rev. T. J. Malyon LL.B.

When the pulpit of the South Yarra Baptist Church became vacant, through the retirement of the Rev. B. Williamson, very anxious thought was bestowed upon the question of finding a successor. …after some anxious thought and lengthened negotiations, the Rev. J.T. Malyon was invited and accepted the invitation. The reverend gentleman …, like so large a number of the residents of this district, a Londoner and received his education at the Norroil [?] College in the Borough-road. He was intended for commercial pursuits and at 15 years of age entered the great silk and German house of S. Block and Sons, Newgate Street.

It was not long after this … that he joined the Arthur-street Baptist Church, Walworth, and … threw himself into the work, engaging in street preaching and receiving theological instruction. … In 1862 he resigned his splendid business prospects and was solemnly dedicated to the work of the ministry. He entered the Regent’s Park College for the full course of four years, and took a two years' course in chemistry at University College. … Towards the close of his collegiate duties he, however, accepted a call to the Brockley-road Church, New Cross, … Subsequently he accepted the pastorate of King's Lynn, and afterwards that of Stockton, being eminently successful at each.

… as a gentleman of the Press,' wrote the celebrated Rev. Dr. Parker, of the City Temple, has made his mark. He has been an extensive contributor to reviews and religious journals, has conducted two secular daily newspapers and …  has been an important factor in the success of one of the most widely circulated of the London religious weeklies.”

 During his. residence in the North, Mr. Malyon was for some time Assistant Master of the Monkwearmouth Grammar School; and some of his private pupils are occupying prominent places on the press while others of them are ministers of the Gospel in Great Britain and in the foreign mission fields.

 … Mr. Malyon is a Nonconformist among Nonconformists, and he does not disguise his sympathy wit the popular cause.

 Leaving England for the new land, the rev gentleman accepted a call to the Harris -street Baptist Church, Sydney, where he laboured with much satisfaction, and which he has just left in acceptance of the invitation from South Yarra.

 … As a lecturer the Rev. T.J. Malyon occupies a high position. He is a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) of Richmond College, Ohio, USA and a Fellow of the Society of Science, Letters and Art (F S.Sc.), London. … It may be mentioned that in Sydney Mr. Malyon established a college for the training of young men for the ministry, and several of his students follow him to Melbourne to complete their education under his care.  The Prahran Telegraph, 2 Jan 1892. 

Rev. T.J. Malyon – We understand the Rev. T.J. Malyon is leaving the South Yarra Baptist Church and has been appoint to the Albert Street Church, Melbourne. Prahran Chronicle, 16 June 1894

 November 1895, Thomas is accused of plagiarism.

 April 1898 Thomas becomes the pastor of the South Melbourne Baptist Church.

 From the ODH House Committee report 19 December 1898 – Also a communication from the matron, stating that Nurses Malyon and Vines had been medically examined and were suitable to continue training as probationer nurses.

 From the ODH House Committee report 25 February 1901 – The reported stated that on 19th, 20th & 21st February the annual examinations of nurses was held. Nine nurses were examined and all passed. Among the senior nurses, Nurse Brierly, Malyon, Humphrey and Boyle passed with credit and Nurse Vines passed.

 ... the seal of the institution was attached to Nurse Malyon's certificate. Nurse Malyon was then called in to sign the certificate, and received the hearty congratulations of the President ... - Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 23 November 1901.

 Date of qualification 3 November 1901.

 Midwifery Women’s Hospital 1902.

 February 1903 Thomas is appointed pastorate of the Brisbane Street Baptist Church Ipswich, Queensland.

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient aged 41 with Typhoid Fever on 27 April 1908. 20 June 1908 discharged to her father, Rev. T.J. Malyon, Ipswich, Queensland.

 29 Jul 1912, Rosa arrives in Sydney on the Wyandra from Brisbane.

 Una Journal September 1912 to March 1917 Rosa is listed as being at Trained Nurses’ Home, Melton Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland.

 According to the City Directories, 1845-1948, Australia in 1917 Rosa, a nurse is living with her parents and a sister, Irene who is a music teacher, at Westminster Road, Brisbane.

 However, the 1917 ER lists Rosa as living at Station Road, Indooroopilly with her parents and her siblings Lilian, a music teacher, & Esther a stenotypist.

 Rosa’s whereabout from March 1917 to 1933 are not yet known.

 Rosa lived at Central Avenue, Indooroopilly from 1934 until her death on 19 August 1950.

 MALYON – The relatives and friends of Miss L. Irene Malyon, Miss E. Constance Malyon, Mrs R H Ingran (Toowoomba), Mrs J R Howes, Mr. S.C. Malyon and families are invited to attend the funeral of their beloved sister and Aunt, Matron Rosa Beatrice Malyon of Central Avenue, Indooroopilly to leave the City Tabernacle Baptist Church Wickham Terrace, tomorrow (Monday) afternoon after service commencing at 3.30 o’clock for the Toowong Cemetery. Cannon & Cripps Ltd., Funeral Directors. Sunday Mail, 20 August 1950. 

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