Research Notes

Sadie V I'Anson


Oldest child of nine children born to Rodolph I’Anson and Lucy Ellen Moore at Yackandandah in 1889.


From the minutes of ODH board meeting 16 January 1917 - The seal of the hospital was affixed to the indentures of Nurse I’Anson …


From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with a poisoned arm, on 4 June 1917. 19 June 1917 discharged to her mother, Mrs. I’Anson at Sandy Creek.


From the ODH House Committee report 18 June 1917 – Of the two vacancies only one was at present being filled, Miss S. I’Anson having been appointed.


From the ODH House Committee report 19 September 1917 – The examinations for Junior Nurses in Anatomy & Physiology had been held. Nurse Higgs & I’Anson passed fully and three other nurses obtained partial passes.


From ODH House Committee report 21 October 1919 - … £15-1-5 was due to the nurses who are training here – the payments are in accordance with the circular received from the Board of Public Health dated 29 July 1919 and the amounts owing to the trainees are as follows - Nurse Gow £5-1-5, Nurse Bruce £3-8-9, Nurse I’Anson £3-9-9, Nurse Pini £1-15-0, Nurse Cubitt £1-6-6 …


From the ODH House Committee report 24 May 1920 – … Nurses I’Anson and Bruce have been to Melbourne for their examinations.


From the ODH House Committee report 14 June 1920 – Nurse I’Anson would complete her training on the 15th inst.


From the ODH House Committee report 19 July 1920 – … The secretary reported two nurses, I’Anson and Bruce had passed their final examinations and that nurse I’Anson had completed her training and left the institution.


From the minutes of ODH board meeting 20 July 1920 - The seal of the hospital was ordered to be affixed to … and to the nurse’s certificate of Nurse I’Anson.


Date of qualification 20 July 1920.


1924 ER is at 1 York Terrace St Kilda Road – Occupation nurse – St. Margaret’s a Trained Nurses’ Home.


1925 - 1927 is at St. Margaret’s Trained Nurses’ Home, 361 Church Street, Richmond.


1932 Nurse’s Registration is at 56 Denbeigh Road, Armadale.


1931 - 34 ER appears to be living with other family members at 56 Denbigh Road, Armadale.


1936 - 1949 ER Sadie appears to be living at ‘Myrtlemeade’, Trowutta, Darwin. Home duties.


1954 ER living with her older sister, Edith Lucy I’Anson (teacher) at 60 Nicholson Street, Mitcham – home duties.


1963 - 1968 ER living at 1b/320 Cotham Road, Kew – home duties.


1972 – 1977 ER living at 167 Lawrence Street, Wodonga. 

Died 30 October 1978 aged 89. 

Buried with her parents at Sandy Creek Cemetery.

©Anne Hanson, 2024                                                                                                  E-mail:  Anne Hanson