Research Notes

Sydney Edna Margaret Johnson

1911 - 1986

Sister Sydney Johnson  post 1935 - Sue Bewg.

Born 11 Nov 1911 to James Stanley Johnson (orchardist & farmer at Back Creek) & Margaret Amanda Cramerie. Attended Stanley Primary School.

From the ODH House Committee Report 17 November 1931 – There were several applications for the position of probationer nurse and after consideration and consultation with matron, Mr Warren moved that Miss Johnson of Stanley be recommended to the Board as suitable for the position.

From the ODH House Committee report 20 February 1934 – Nurse Johnson met with a burning accident on 25 January 1934 in the early hour of the morning, she had a hurricane lamp in one and a bottle of meth spirits in the other and she say that the cork came out of the bottle and some of the spirit came in contact with the hurricane lamp and blazed up. She threw the bottle outside the door. She was off duty for 3 weeks until the 15th inst. and she will receive £1-0-0 per week from the accident insurance for that time. She is now on her annual holidays until the 8th of March. She does not receive salary for the 3 weeks off duty when she was getting insurance.

From the ODH house committee report 17 April 1934 – A rumour has been in circulation in this town and about Wangaratta to the effect that the nurses were not getting enough to eat. I had heard of it and informed matron who called the nurses together and I told them of the rumours and advised them to always go to the matron instead of outsiders with their grievances and she would put them right.

Matron then asked for anyone who felt that she did not get enough to eat to hold up her hand and there was no response.

Nurse Stuckey was inclined to agree about butter and Nurse Johnson was inclined to be contrary, however they all agreed to sign a memo saying that the rumour was incorrect and that it could be published; nothing was done in that direction pending the decision of the committee.

From the ODH House Committee report 18 December 1934 – Nurse Johnson completed her 3 years with the exception of her 3 weeks holiday on Monday evening last [10 December]. I interviewed the chairman and he agreed to retain her for 1 month and at the end of that time, she could be kept on for another month if required. Her salary will be £1-0-0 per week from Tuesday last [11 December]. Her three weeks holiday will be paid at the rate of £30-0-0 per annum.  

From the ODH house committee report 15 January 1935 – Nurse Johnson who had completed her three years training had left to join the staff of the Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne.


(From Our Correspondent)

The many friends of Nurse Sydney Johnson, formerly of the Ovens District Hospital and latterly of the Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, will be pleased to hear that she has passed in her fourth year examinations. … Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 14 December 1935. 

Date of qualification January 1936.

From the ODH house committee report 18 August 1936 – It was recommended that Sister Johnson be retained until the end of this week.

From the ODH house committee report 20 October 1936 – As directed at last meeting I interviewed Sister Johnson in relation to her salary. The matron was present. I told her that the Board was not agreeable to pay her a higher rate of salary than Sister Channon was receiving viz at the rate of £120-0-0 per annum payable monthly pro rata according to the time that she would be required to act as sister at this hospital and she agreed to that offer. She has drawn her salary at that rate up to 30/9/36. She understands that she is not engaged by the year and matron can verify it.

… The chairman suggested that secretary get Sister Johnson to sign an agreement to the effect that she was agreeable to continue her duties here at a salary at the rate of £10 per calendar month pro rata during the time the committee required her services and that she understands she is not engaged by the year.

From the ODH house committee report 16 February 1937 – Sister Johnson is still in your employ.

From the ODH House Committee report 18 May 1937 – Sister Johnson wants to get away to Melbourne next month to enter a course of midwifery training.

From the ODH house committee report 19 October 1937 – Owing to Matron being away in Melbourne Sister Laws said that it was impossible to get on without extra help. I interviewed the chairman and he consented to engaging Sister Johnson for a few days. She is on duty here. … Recommended that Sister Johnson be informed that her services were highly appreciated and that she will not be required after the 26th inst.

From the ODH house committee report 18 January 1938 –Sister Johnson is here since the 9th inst. at £3-3-0 per week. She said that Wangaratta had rung up for her at £4-4-0 but she would rather stay here for £3-3-0 than go where there was infantile paralysis.

From the ODH house committee report 15 February 1939 – It was recommended that Sisters Sambell and Johnson be retained for the present pending the appointment of a D.C. sister or probationer nurse.

Married William Cameron (known as Cam) McBean, 1940; a garage proprietor, Ford Street, Beechworth. Lived in a house in Ford Street, which is now the Salvation Army Opportunity Shop. The garage was across the road.

McBEAN Headstone (partial transcription from Family headstone).

 In loving memory of my beloved husband, William Cameron McBEAN died 15-4-1980, aged 69 years. Sydney McBEAN, loved wife of Cam, died 3-2-1986, aged 74 years.

- William Cameron McBEAN buried 17th April 1980, age 71 years. Sydney Edna McBEAN buried 6th February 1986. (Methodist/Uniting, Sect. B, No. 43)

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