Maude Brierly

John Brierly, a tomato sauce manufacturer, at an inquest into his death in February 1882 was described as being 'very intemperate in his habits.'  He was killed on his way home to Eversley after picking up a load of cases and bottles from Avoca. A witness testified that John was sitting on top of the load and appeared to be very drunk. His body was found on a bridge and he had sustained a 'fearfully fractured skull.'

His wife Ann was left to raise seven children ranging in age from two to twelve years old. One of these children was ten year old Maud Brierly. At the time of his death John Brierly did not own any real estate but had savings of £272 which he left to his wife. Property rentals in Victoria in 1882-1883 ranged from 2/6 to  £5 per week so it's not difficult to imagine the money would not have lasted very long. She may well have been forced to move in with her parents, James Brimmer and Elizabeth Bright, who lived in Ararat. In the late 1880s James cultivated a new variety of apple known as Brimmer's Jubilee apple.

In 1891 Ann  married Ararat bootmaker, Elisha Murton  a widower with four adult children.

In June 1898 the Ovens District Hospital House Committee recommended to the Board of Management 'that each of the new probationers be required to sign a two year agreement' once they have finished their month on trial, been found suitable and having passed a medical examination. They also set the annual salary of a first year probationer at £12.

One of the 'new probationers' was Maude Brierly who along with fellow first year probationer, nurse Boyle signed her two year indenture in August 1898.

In the late summer of 1901, Maud and  the three other senior nurses sat their final examinations. The hospital's board of management was delighted when it was announced that they had not only passed but passed with credit.

Later that year after being awarded her qualification, Maud was appointed to the position of staff nurse, a position which she filled until September 1902 when she went to Melbourne. For nearly a decade, she nursed in both private homes and private hospitals until she joined her younger brother, a Presbyterian Minister in New Zealand for a couple of years. 

In April 1918 she married a farmer, Joseph Albert Baker, from Pomona on Queensland's Sunshine Coast where she lived until she died in January 1958.


... the matron reported Nurses Boyle and Brierly passed the medical examination as probationer nurses ... Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 6 August 1898.

 From the ODH House Committee report 25 February 1901 – The reported stated that on 19th, 20th & 21st February the annual examinations of nurses was held. Nine nurses were examined and all passed. Among the senior nurses, Nurse Brierly, Malyon, Humphrey and Boyle passed with credit and Nurse Vines passed.

 From the ODH House Committee report 15 July 1900 – As several of the probationer nurses would be finishing their probation and leaving the hospital within the next few months, it was recommended the services of one of these as staff nurse at £40 a year and Nurse Brierly was selected for the position.

OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL - The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the board of management of the above institution was held on Tuesday evening [16 July 1901] … As several of the probationer nurses would be finishing their probation and leaving the hospital within a few months, it was recommended to the board to retain the services of one of these as trained nurse at £40 a year, thus having two fully trained nurses on the staff besides the matron. It was further recommended that Nurse Brierly, being the first nurse to finish her probation and being in every way suitable, be appointed to the position.  Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 20 July 1901.

Date of qualification, 30 September 1901.

 From the ODH House Committee report 8 September 1902 - … and the resignation of staff nurse Brierly was received and accepted.

 1903, 1905, 1906 & 1908 ER is at 10 Simpson Street, East Melbourne, nurse - most likely a trained nurses' home.

 1909 ER 80 Vale Street, East Melbourne, Nurse – name of property appears to be Invermay Nurses Home.

 1911 January UNA RVTNA list of members has the following: Brierley, Maud, “ Invermay,” Vale-st., E. Melb.— June 11, 1902.

 1911 arrived in Brisbane RMS Otway with her half sister Myrtle Murton on 10 or 11 July.

 1912, 1913, 1914 & 1915 ER is at St Ann’s, Nurses’ Home & Employment Agency 16 William Street, South Yarra – Nurse

 July 1914 is listed on the NZ Nurse’s Register – address 15 Princes Street, Musselburgh (Dunedin)

 1914 August Una Journal & February 1915: LIST OF MEMBERS … Brierly, Maud, 235 High-st., Dunedin, N.Z.

Jan 1915 is listed on the NZ Nurse’s Register – address 235 High Street, Dunedin.

 1916 March Una Journal - LIST OF MEMBERS … Brierly, Maud, c /o Miss Cargill, 15 Princes s-st. , Mussellburgh, Dunedin, N.Z.

Oct 1916 returned from NZ to Victoria on the Wimmera. Left from the Bluff, 20 miles from Invercargill, bottom of the South Island.

 1916 October Una Journal – July 1917 - LIST OF MEMBERS … Brierly, Maud, 95 Penders Street, Thornbury.

 August 1917 Una Journal, List of Members, - Brierly, Maud   c /o Mrs. Nonnus, Woodford, Queensland.

MARRIAGES. BAKER-BRIERLY.-On the 1st March, at Brisbane, Joseph Albert Baker, of Pomona, north coast line, Queensland, to Maude, eldest daughter of the late John Brierly, of Eversley, Victoria.  Leader , Saturday 27 April 1918,.

Pomona is on the Sunshine Coast. Joseph is a farmer.

 RVTNA Feb 1922 register, Maud is listed under her married name. The name of the property at Pomona appears to be “Malvern”.

 1919-1958 living at ‘Malvern’, Pomona, Queensland.

Born 1871, Crowlands, Victoria. Father John Brierly, Mo: Ann Martha Brimmer

Died 22 January 1958. 

©Anne Hanson, 2023                                                                                                                                        E-mail:  Anne Hanson