Research Notes

Caroline Beatrice Burke

1880 -1912

Circa 1909

Caroline, known as Beatrice, born at Twist's Creek near Yackandandah on 5 April 1880. She was the eighth of nine children born to Irish parents, James Robert Burke , and Elizabeth Emma McMahon. Caroline's birth certificate states that her father is a farmer.

DEATH – Another old resident of the district has passed away to the great majority and with him is lost one of the pioneers to Twist Creek – one who knew the history of nearly every reef in the locality. Mr James Burke had been a sufferer from consumption for some time and his death, which took place on Wednesday was not unexpected. For several weeks he had been visited regularly by Dr Mueller and Rev F. Vanston, incumbent of Holy Trinity Church. He leaves a widow and large family. The funeral took place on Thursday and was largely attended, deceased having been much respected in the district. Yackandandah Times, 3 December 1892.

DEATH — We regret having to record the death of Mrs Elizabeth Burke, of Twist Creek, which took place on Tuesday last. For months previously Mrs Burke had been a sufferer from liver complaint, but about a fortnight ago she went to Beechworth, and on her return typhoid symptoms developed. It is supposed that the typhoid was contracted through drinking water whilst in Beechworth. A few days ago, Dr Mueller was called in, but the complications connected with the liver gave the case a very serious aspect as after the typhoid symptoms had almost disappeared bilious congestion took place and was followed by biliary diarrhoea producing collapse. Medical attendance was of no avail and Mrs Burke passed away, as above stated, on Tuesday. About six years ago Mrs Burke was left a widow, her husband having been an old Twist Creek identity, and owner of the quartz crushing battery. Mrs Burke continued to reside there with her son, Mr J. Burke, and the younger members of the family, the eldest son and daughters residing in Melbourne and other parts of the colony. The battery was burnt down a couple of years ago but has since been re-erected by Mr J. Burke. At the time of her death deceased was 53 years of age. The funeral took place on Wednesday and was largely attended, the mortuary arrangements being in the hands of Mr. R.M. P. Michelsen, whilst Rev. Father Kennedy impressively read the burial service.

Yackandandah Times, 8 April 1898.

From the ODH House Committee report 21 March 1904 – The Superintendent reported that on account of opening the Typhoid wards it had become necessary to fill up one of the vacancies for probationer nurses and Nurse C. Burke had commenced duty …[1]

From the ODH House Committee report 27 June 1904 – Nurse Burke having completed her three months on trial satisfactorily and been examined by the medical officers and is physically sound, it was decided that her agreement be drawn up, signed and sealed.

From the UNA Journal , August 1904 - OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL

Miss Bourke, Miss Nolan, and Miss Bruce have joined our training school …

From the UNA Journal , October 1904 - OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL           

Nurse Beatrice Bourke has been accepted, after a three months’ probation ….

From the ODH House Committee report 21 August 1905 - … also that the Junior Nurses’ examination was held on August 8th; There were four candidates and Nurses Moore, Williams and Burke passed.

UNA Journal ,  October 1906 - OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL.

… Nurse Beatrice Burke, having passed the final examination of the R.V.T.N.A. in December, has been appointed staff nurse in the place of Nurse Wickes resigned. She commences her new duties on the 20th inst. On the completion of her training, the nurses and myself presented her with a hypodermic syringe and a pair of dressing forceps. … M. WINNING, Matron.

From the ODH House Committee report 7 January 1907 – Nurse Burke had passed her final examinations. … The resignation of Staff Nurse Wickes was received and it was decided to promote Nurse Burke to the position of staff nurse on the completion of her training in a few weeks’ time …

 Date of qualification, 19 March 1907.

From the ODH House Committee report 17 February 1908 –The resignation of Staff Nurse Burke was received as she was joining the Women’s Hospital staff and …

UNA Journal , June 1909 – Special Register

Burke, Caroline - Cert. Women's Hospital (Midwifery and Gynaecology).

Appointed bush nurse Gunbower April 1911 - see Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 15 April 1911.


ECHUCA, Sunday.

Nurse Caroline Beatrice Burke, of Gunbower, died suddenly yesterday afternoon. She had just returned from attending a case in the district, after an absence of four weeks, and had only alighted from the vehicle when she fell unconscious on the verandah of Treacy's Hotel, and expired in a few minutes. Dr. Hutchinson was summoned, and he motored out, only to pronounce life extinct. Deceased had previously been attended by Dr. Merrillees, of Kerang, for heart trouble, and it is understood that he has given a certificate of death. Deceased arrived at Gunbower about twelve months ago, and was installed in her position by Lady Dudley, who was then president of the Bush Nursing Association of Victoria. Nurse Burke's death has caused widespread regret.

Age, 15 April 1912


On Saturday afternoon [13 April 1912] at Gunbower, Nurse Caroline Beatrice Burke who for the last 12 months had so admirably and capably occupied the position of nurse in charge of the branch of the Bush Nursing Association established there died suddenly. She was apparently in good health and had just returned from visiting a sufferer at Kow Swamp and was talking with a patient, when without any warning she dropped suddenly to the ground and expired immediately. A telephone message to Echuca led to Dr Hutchinson, accompanied by the Rev. Father Laffan, going out by motor car to Gunbower. On arrival, however, the doctor was only able to certify that life was extinct. Needless to say the residents of Gunbower and district were deeply grieved at the sudden death of the young lady, who had used her skill and kindly sympathy for the benefit of the sufferers in that locality.

It is only just a year since Miss Burke was installed by Lady Dudley, the founder of the Bush Nursing scheme and ever since she has been constantly occupied in tending the sick and injured and by her kindliness of heart and manner had won the goodwill and highest respect of all. It is understood that Miss Burke had consulted Dr Merrillees of Kerang for heart trouble which it is believed was the cause of death.

Nurse Burke was qualified for her profession duties and had been employed as a certificated nurse at the Ovens Hospital, Beechworth. She had also been engaged at the Women's Hospital, Melbourne. Her relatives it is understood reside in the vicinity of Yackandandah, to which place the remains will probably be conveyed.

Riverine Herald,  15 April 1912

Despite the suddenness of Beatrice's death, no inquest was held.

Buried 16 April 1912 at Yackandandah, Roman Catholic Section.

[1] From the ODH House Committee report 16 November 1903 – It was decided to add to the rules that the premium for probationer nurses be £10 to be paid on signing the agreement, that the first 3 months on trial be served without salary and that a portion of the premium be returned if the nurse left the service of the hospital before the term was finished.

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