Research Notes

Bessie Seddon Garlick


An Ancestry family tree has Bessie born 12 March 1894. Birth does not appear to have been registered. Parents, William Garlick & Charlotte E Seddon. The eldest of 6 children.

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with rheumatism, on 1 May 1915. 9 May 1915 discharged to her father, W. Garlick a contractor. The family lived at Freeburgh on the Harrietville Road.

 From the ODH House Committee report 14 June 1915 – Nurse Garlick had completed her 3 months on trial and was satisfactory. Her indentures were ready for signature.

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with typhoid fever, on 15 September 1915. 15 November 1915 discharged to her father, Wm. Garlick at Bright.

 From the ODH House Committee report 20 September 1915 – Nurses Garlick & Gatens are ill and it had been found necessary to get in extra assistance and Nurse Newton had returned to the hospital for a few weeks at 25/- a week.

 From the ODH House Committee report 15 November 1915 – … also that the two nurses who had typhoid were now better and Nurse Gatens would resume duty on 19th and Nurse Garlick about the middle of December.

 The seal of the hospital was attached to the indentures of Nurse Garlick ... Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 16 June 1915.

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with septic tonsillitis, on 22 April 1916. 13 May 1916 discharged to her father, Wm. Garlick at Bright.

 From the December 1917 Una Journal


The following are the names of the successful candidates at the Examination held in November by the Conjoint Board of the Royal Victorian Trained Nurses’ Association— … Beechworth Hospital (Ovens District)—Bessie Seddon Garlick, Eunice Mary Gatens, Elizabeth Adelaide Humphryis

… committee agrees to her staying on for a month or two after the completion of her training. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 17 April 1918

The many friends of Matron Winning will be sorry to hear that the estimable lady is at present on the sick list. Nurse Garlick is in charge - Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 1 May 1918.

CORRECTION.-In our report of the last meeting of the board of management of the Ovens District Hospital it was in correctly stated that the seal of the hospital had been affixed to the certificate of Sister Gatens. It was Sister Garlick's certificate to which the hospital seal was attached and, in presenting her with the certificate, the president, on behalf of the board, expressed satisfaction with the manner in which her duties had been performed. The matron had informed him she had carried out the duties of acting matron satisfactorily. He wished her every happiness and success. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 29 May 1918.

Date of qualification 30 April 1918.

From the July 1918 Una Journal – General Register ... Garlick, Bessie Seddon, Ovens District Hospital, Beechworth—Cert. Ovens District Hospital, April, 1918. Exam., November, 1917.

January 1919-May 1920 Una Journal List of Members - Garlick B.S., Ovens District Hospital, Beechworth— July, 1918.


February 1922, address is St. George’s Nurses’ Home, Milton Heights, Brisbane.

1924 ER is at St Margaret’s St Kilda Road. (a Trained Nurses’ Home).

December 1924 nursing at Westham Private Hospital Wangaratta.

January 1926 was nursing at 63 Rathdowne St., Carlton; most likely part of St Vincent’s Hospital.

April 1929 appointed matron Alexandra Hospital – see Alexandra and Yea Standard and Yarck, Gobur, Thornton and Acheron Express, 26 April 1929.

1931 ER at the Women’s Hospital, Carlton.

1932 is at 21 Erasmus Street, Surrey Hills, Melbourne. In May of that year, she registered as a midwife.

1933-1936 at Melbourne Convalescent Home for Women at Clayton Road, Clayton.

1937 ER – 1943 at 110 Exhibition Street, Melbourne – home duties. 110 Exhibition Street, was the home of Centenary Hall. Her sister Charlotte is also there.

Bessie’s mother, Charlotte Eleanor Garlick, was buried at Wangaratta aged 73 on 23 November 1945 – Residence Bright. Died 22 November 1945 – See The Age, 15 December 1945.

1947 - 1949 at Flat 1, 24 St Leonard’s Court, South Yarra home duties.

Bessie married Rudolf Schultz sometime after 1949. Rudolf was the manager at 24 St Leonard’s Court.

Died in 1978 Brighton Beach aged 84. Cremated Springvale Crematorium 15 September 1978.


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