Research Notes

Agnes Veronica Ferguson


Born at Euroa in 1897 to labourer James Ferguson & Catherine Agnes McBrearty, Agnes was the youngest of 7 children. James died in 1915. However, prior to this his wife became the licensee of the Farmers Arms Hotel, Euroa.

 1919 ER Agnes and her sister Catherine are living at Warden’s Hotel in Ford Street, Beechworth where their widowed mother is the licensee.

From the ODH House Committee report 20 December 1920 - … As nurses Mowatt and McLeish would complete their training in January next it was agreed to recommend that Miss Agnes Ferguson of Beechworth and … be appointed probationers

 From the ODH House Committee report:

 17 January 1921 – Two new probationer nurses had been engaged viz Miss Ferguson and Miss Houston of Beechworth.

16 May 1921 – Nurses Finis and Ferguson had completed their probation and were approved of by the medical officers and matron.

21 November 1922 – Nurse Morrison, Ferguson, Alexander & Finnis have passed their exam in Anatomy & Physiology they were examined by Dr. Lawrence.

 From the ODH Inpatient Register 1 January 1906-28 April, 1925. Admitted as a patient with influenza on 25 May 1923. 29 May 1923 discharged to her sister, Mrs. A. Kennedy, Ford Street, Beechworth.

From the ODH House Committee report 20 November 1923:

 …Nurse Ferguson has gone to Melbourne for the RVTNA exam.

19 December 1923 – Nurse Ferguson has passed her examination in accordance with the rules of the RVTNA.

Date of qualification, January 1924.

From the ODH House Committee report 15 January 1924:

Nurse Ferguson completed her 3 years training today.

15 February 1924 – Sister Ferguson is on duty at £2-2-0 per week instead of Sister Morrison who is expected to take charge while the matron is holidays. 

21 March 1924 – The Secretary reported that Sister Ferguson had left, …

From the ODH House Committee report 16 January 1925:

...  also that a trained nurse be engaged to take charge after Sister Morrison leaves [21 January 1925], Nurse Ferguson is possible.

 20 February 1925 – Sister A. Ferguson is still in charge …

 21 March 1925 – The Secretary reported that matron had returned to duty on the 21st of last month and that Sister Ferguson who had been acting matron left but owing to an influx of patients and two of the trainees being off duty through illness another was required, he had interviewed the chairman and had obtained permission to re-engage Sister Ferguson as there was no local nurse available, Sister Ferguson had gone to Melbourne , consequently her return fare had to be paid and she was here for two weeks.

 Married Norman Hazlett (? Haslett) Hodges 8 Jan 1927 at St Francis’ Church Melbourne. Norman, an accountant, died in June 1940.

 Married Ernest Robert Millar 31 October 1944 in Queensland.

 1949 ER Ernest & Agnes are living in Cliveden Avenue, Oxley, QLD. Ernest is a superintendent and Agnes a matron.

 1954 Agnes is a matron at Mt Molloy Hospital, Queensland.

 Died 27 March 1973 at Parkville, Victoria. Cremated Springvale 29 March 1973. Probate granted 2 August 1973.

©Anne Hanson, 2023                                                                                                                                           E-mail:  Anne Hanson