Research Notes

Humphryis, Elizabeth Adelaide

1894 - 1983

Second youngest of six children born to William Humphryis & Mary Eliza Missen. Elizabeth born 1894 at Heathcote, Victoria.

William was appointed constable (no. 4569) in the Victorian Police Force, November 1895. He was posted to various central and north eastern Victorian towns finally ending up at Yackandandah from where he resigned around 1924.

 From the ODH House Committee report 18 January 1915 - … and Miss Humphryis of Yackandandah had been engaged for the vacancy.

 From the ODH House Committee report 19 April 1915 - The secretary reported that Nurse. Humphyris had completed her three months on trial and was satisfactory. Her indentures were ready for signature.

 From the ODH minutes of board meeting 20 April, 1915 - The seal of the hospital was affixed to the indentures of Nurse Humphryis on the motion of …

 From the December 1917 Una Journal, R.V.T.N.A. EXAMINATION RESULTS.

The following are the names of the successful candidates at the Examination held in November by the Conjoint Board of the Royal Victorian Trained Nurses’ Association— … Beechworth Hospital (Ovens District)—Bessie Seddon Garlick, Eunice Mary Gatens, Elizabeth Adelaide Humphryis.

From the ODH House Committee report 17 December 1917 –Nurse Humphyris to finish on December 29th.

Date of qualification 29 December 1917.

February 1918, Una Journal – General Register - Humphryis, Elizabeth, Police Station, Yackandandah—-Cert. Ovens District Hospital, December, 1917. Exam., Nov., 1917.


Sir – Perhaps a word from the right source may enlighten Miss Fraser and the public generally. Re the complaint made to the Public Health Department which was brought before the Shire Council at the last meeting on the 12th inst.[1] I may state that I have completed my course of training in the Midwifery Department of the Women’s Hospital Melbourne and hold a certificate for same, which Miss Fraser does not hold. No notice will be taken of any further correspondence in the matter.

Yours respectfully


Yackandandah Times, 19 June 1919.


Sir – I hasten to assure Miss Elizabeth A. Humphryis, after her literary effort of last week’s issue, that the very credentials which she “holds”, and which I do not “hold” have not been depreciated in the least degree. The nurse referred to in my report to the Board of Public Health was not Miss Humphryis, but her predecessor.

Yours &c.

Yours respectfully


Yackandandah Times, 26 June 1919.

From the ODH House Committee report 15 March 1920 – Nurse Humphyris had been engaged to relieve her [Matron Morgan] at £2-2-0 and fare from Yackandandah. This is a saving of about £6 on the cost of getting a nurse from Melbourne.

From the ODH House Committee report 24 April 1922 – The matron expects to go for her holidays on Wednesday next and Sister Humphyris of Yackandandah has been engaged to take charge during the matron’s absence.



We sincerely regret to report the death of Mrs Mary Eliza Humphyris wife of Constable W. Humphyris, which sad event occurred on Thurs- day morning, at her late residence. Police Station, Yackandandah. The deceased, who was 54 years of age had been in failing health for some considerable time, and, despite all medical skill and careful nursing, passed peacefully away as stated. The news of her death caused sincere regret throughout the district. Of a very quiet, retiring disposition, she was charitably disposed. She leaves a husband, one son, and two daughters— Mrs W. Priestley, jr., Yackandandah, and Miss E. A. (Nurse) who carefully nursed and ministered to her wants during her long illness— to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and fond mother. Her remains were conveyed by motor to Violet Town, her native district, for interment which took place at the Violet Town Cemetery on this (Friday) afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Warry officiated at the grave. Yackandandah Times, 17 November 1922.


A quiet wedding took place at St. Dunstan’s Church, Violet Town on the 28th ult, when Mr James Brown of Marshall, was married to Miss Elizabeth Adelaide Humphryis (Nurse Humphryis) of Yackandandah. The bride was given away by her father, ex Constable Humphryis of Tamleugh. The celebrant was the Rev. Cannon Warry. The future home of the newly married couple will be at Marshall, near Geelong. Benalla Standard, 5 Feb 1926.

James and Elizabeth do not appear to have had any children.

Died aged 89 in March 1983 at Ringwood. Buried with husband, James, at Box Hill Cemetery 11 March 1983.

Left a will. Probate granted 27 April 1983.

[1] See Yackandandah Times, 12 June 1919.

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