Pony trailers

102 Rice Pony Trailer

January 1958 - 1968

Available in several colours:

None of these has suspension.

Late red editions have fixed shaped wheels - but red trailers with the old wire drawbar are also known with shaped wheels.

Brown and cream models have either fixed or, mostly, free-spinning shaped wheels.

I am grateful to Herr Andi Richter for spotting the different shades of red and also noting that the later solid drawbar includes a longer and fatter pin which enables it to stand level without a load, whereas the early wire drawbar edition would tend to tilt forward when stood alone.

112 Rice-Beaufort Double Horse Box

February 1969 - 1977

First available in Gift Set 15 in November 1968, then as an individual item in 1969.

Several editions are available, all with suspension: