
433 Volkswagen Delivery Van

December 1962 - 1965

Whilst there are several private companies who had this model made in their own colours and with company stickers or transfers, the model available in the shops was always white and red.

Right hand drive interior.

441 Volkswagen 'Toblerone' Van

February 1963 - 1967

Unlike 433, this was fitted with Trans-o-lite headlamps. Although the VW van was used as a promotional model for other brands, notably Vroom and  Dreesman in dark grey, the Toblerone model was an official release.

Right hand drive interior.

431 Volkswagen Pick-up

March 1964 - 1966

Always a bright deep yellow colour. There may be either a bright red or scarcer deep olive plastic canopy.

Most models had a red interior but lemon interiors are known too.

Right hand drive.

490 Volkswagen Breakdown Truck

December 1966 - 1972 (490)

October 1967 - 1969 (GS6)

December 1968 - 1971 (GS12)

April 1970 - 1971 (GS25)

The boxed model was a green-brown colour and did not have any door stickers (although the 1970 catalogue shows an edition with the word Breakdown and Corgi dog logo on a door sticker so perhaps very late editions had this. It is difficult to tell whether this was a model prepared for the photo with a late Land Rover sticker attached or a genuine issue). It can be found with shaped wheels or cast wheels.

In the rear section there should be two sizes of tyre stored.

A chevron sticker runs across the rear panel. This has a grey plastic button-style hook as well as a winch operate by a spare tyre on the upper axle.

A white edition was also included in the October 1967 Gift Set 6, December 1968 and April 1970 Gift Set 12 and the April 1970 Gift Set 25. This can have shaped or  cast wheels and would have a lemon interior and Racing Club + dog logo on the stickers.

It is possible that white editions may have finished up in boxes from time to time - it is impossible to tell now whether they were issued individually in a 490 box or have been moved from a Gift Set later. Similarly, some green-brown editions will have had 'Racing Club' stickers added to the doors and added to sets. As the stickers are very easy to copy and apply, it is not advisable to pay too much any that are found, though.