
2023年11月5日(日) 14:00~16:00 つながるかたち展2.5 アーティストトーク

2023年11月18日(土) 13:00~14:00 Prof. Zhong You's Lecture
2023年11月18日(土) 14:30~15:30 ギャラリーツアー

2023年11月26日(日) 13:00~16:00 つながるかたち03->04公開ゼミ

 Related Events

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つながるかたち展 03

単純なかたちが一定のルールでつながり、全体を構成するしくみは、人工物、自然現象を問わず現れる普遍的な原理です。美術家の野老朝雄はこの原理を「個と群」と呼び、多様につながる作品群を生み出しています。「個と群」の背後には高次元の幾何学、非線形の数理や対称性などが存在し、美術や音楽などの芸術、建築や宇宙構造物、アルゴリズムやデータ構造、結晶や準結晶の原子配列、タンパク質の折りや自己集合、生物の形態形成、群れのふるまいなど、さまざまな領域の学問や創造へとつながっています。 東京大学教養学部で開講されている「個と群」(文理融合ゼミナール)では、受講生が野老と東京大学の舘知宏と協働して、「個と群」の創造プロセスを実践しています。創造のプロセスは必ずしもまっすぐには進まず、つくられたもの(Artifacts)はしばしば意図しない副産物となります。このような副産物からは、芸術、科学、情報、工学、数学をまたいだ豊かな学際的研究領域が広がっています。 この活動を端緒として始まった展覧会「つながるかたち展」は、2021年以降毎年開催され、かたちをつくることから始まる学術の連鎖を紹介してきました。また現在NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]では、「つながるかたち展 2.5」が同時開催されています。 つながるかたち展03では、国内外から過去最大の40名以上の作家・研究者・開発者が参加し、芸術・科学・産業をまたいだ新しい協働の輪のひろがりを紹介します。


The mechanism by which simple forms are connected by certain rules to form a whole is a universal principle in artifacts and natural phenomena. Artist Asao Tokolo calls this principle “Individual and Group” and has created a series of works connected in various ways. High-dimensional geometry, nonlinear mathematics, and symmetry that exist behind “Individual and Group” lead to various fields of study and creation, such as art and music, architecture and space structures, algorithms and data structures, crystal and quasicrystal atomic arrangements, protein folding and self-assembly, morphogenesis, and swarm behavior. In the seminar “Individual and Group” (Integrative Arts and Sciences Seminar) offered by the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo, students exercise the creative process of “Individual and Group” in collaboration with Tokolo and the university’s researcher Tomohiro Tachi. The byproducts (artifacts) of this creation process lead to a rich, interdisciplinary research field bridging science, information technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. CONNECTING ARTIFACTS, which originated from this activity, has been held every year since 2021, introducing a chain of academic activities that start with creating forms. CONNECTING ARTIFACTS 2.5 is held concurrently at the NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]. CONNECTING ARTIFACTS 03 features more than 40 artists, researchers, and developers from Japan and abroad and introduces the emergence of the new collaborative cycle that spans art, science, and industry. 



つながるかたち展 03

毎週火曜日休館 入場無料
会場:駒場博物館 (東京大学 駒場Iキャンパス)

主催:「つながるかたち」展実行委員会 東京大学駒場博物館
共催:東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科・教養学部
協力:株式会社豊田中央研究所 株式会社日建設計 川上産業株式会社 太陽工業株式会社 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 東大駒場友の会 TOPPAN株式会社 FabCafe LLP 有職組紐 道明


JSPS 基盤研究(S)「切り紙構造が誘起する折り紙構造の学理創出とデバイス実証」

JST AdCORP「計算機を活用した設計技術と製造技術による人と環境にやさしい人工物の実現」


野老朝雄 舘知宏 青木謙治 安達瑛翔 Sigrid Adriaenssens 荒木義明 荒牧悠 稲山正弘 今田凜輝 岩瀬英治 A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE 岡空来 小木央理 小野富貴 折茂克哉 金岡大輝 金子照由 上條陽斗 古賀大誠 下田悠太 仙福孝太朗 田中浩也 張一葦 常泉宏陽 出口広哲 天童智也 十塚響 富田直 Erik Demaine Martin Demaine 豊岡龍弥 Lauren Dreier 中川功大 中村凪 鳴海紘也 西本清里 Nature Architects 林盛 平本知樹 Glaucio Paulino 堀川淳一郎 堀山貴史 三木優彰 森桜士 森山空良 喻田 割鞘奏太

展示構成:折茂克哉 金岡大輝 上條陽斗 吉岡直割鞘奏太




September 30 (Saturday) - November 26 (Sunday), 2023
10:00 - 17:00 Closed on Tuesdays
Admission free
Venue: Komaba Museum  (University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus )

Organized by:  Connecting Artifacts Executive Committee, The University of Tokyo Komaba Museum
Co-organized by: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Cooperated by: TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS., INC.,  NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD, Kawakami Sangyo Co., Ltd., Taiyo Kogyo Corporation, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Todai Komaba Tomonokai, Toppan Inc., FabCafe LLP, DOMYO
Supported by: Art Center, The University of Tokyo

This exhibition is supported by the following.

JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) "Kiri-origami: origami structures induced by kirigami"
JST AdCORP "Realization of people- and environment-friendly artifacts by leveraging computational design and fabrication"
JST PRESTO  "Creating structural origami patterns through self-organization"

Asao Tokolo, Tomohiro Tachi, Kenji Aoki, Akito Adachi, Sigrid Adriaenssens, Yoshiaki Araki, Haruka Aramaki, Masahiro Inayama, Rinki Imada, Eiji Iwase, A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE, Sora Oka, Ogi Ohri, Fuki Ono, Katsuya Orimo, Daiki Kanaoka, Teruyoshi Kaneko, Haruto Kamijo,  Taisei Koga,  Yuta Shimoda, Kotaro Sempuku, Hiroya Tanaka, Yiwei Zhang, Hiroaki Tsuneizumi, Hiroaki Deguchi, Tomoya Tendo, Hibiki Totsuka, Sunao Tomita, Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, Ryuya Toyooka, Lauren Dreier, Kodai Nakagawa, Nagi Nakamura, Koya Narumi, Seri Nishimoto, Nature Architects, Sei Hayashi, Tomoki Hiramoto, Glaucio Paulino, Junichiro Horikawa, Takashi Horiyama ,Masaaki Miki, Ohji Mori, Sora Moriyama, Tian Yu, Kanata Warisaya

Exhibition Design: Katsuya Orimo, Daiki Kanaoka, Haruto Kamijo, Naoki Yoshioka, Kanata Warisaya
Graphic Design: Ohri Ogi



野老の作品は作品自体が「つくりかた」を表しています。この「つくりかた」は伝達・共有可能であり、作品が本質的にオープンソースになっています。この共有された「つくりかた」が多様な背景を持つコラボレータを惹きつけ、新たな表現を生み出しています。我々は、この協働の輪を広げるために、さらに「つくりかた」のつくりかたを共有することに興味を持っています。「つながるかたち x」(x ∈ (0,100))は、「つくりかたのつくりかた」をつくる試みの場です。


Tokolo calls the system in which simple shapes are connected based on certain rules to constitute a whole “individual and group.” From the principle of connection, skeletal frameworks of plane-filling polygons and space-filling polyhedra are constructed from the bottom up. From these frameworks, Tokolo creates a diversity of expressions, such as patterns where figure and ground compete with each other and space-filling voids with interlocking interior and exterior. 

Tokolo’s works themselves express “how to make.” These “how to make” can be communicated and shared, so his works are intrinsically open source. This shared “how to make” attracts collaborators with diverse backgrounds with whom he explores new expressions. To extend the collaboration, we are currently interested in further sharing the making of “how to make.” In “Connecting Artifacts x” (x ∈ (0,100)), we attempt to make “how to make how to make.”

Asao Tokolo,
Tomoki Hiramoto,
Hiroya Tanaka

Asao Tokolo

Asao Tokolo

Time Measurement
Asao Tokolo,
Takashi Horiyama





Connecting Artifacts

In the “Integrative Arts and Sciences Seminar” courses offered by the University of Tokyo’s College of Arts and Sciences, “Individual and Group” (2018–, Asao Tokolo × Tomohiro Tachi) and “Mathematics and Music” (2022–, Sachiko Nakajima × Tomohiro Tachi), students across liberal arts and sciences engage in a collaborative STEAM process through creation. What is made is often an unintended byproduct (artifacts). By interpreting these artifacts from a variety of perspectives, including science, information, engineering, art, and mathematics, we can gain new discoveries and questions. The chain of creating, discovering, obtaining questions, and solving those questions leads to cutting-edge interdisciplinary research areas.

The forms connect specialists in diverse fields, expanding a rich circle of collaboration. Unexpected relationships between phenomena and forms emerge, such as music and high-dimensional geometry, wire fabrication and surface segmentation, force and curvature, assembly and space-filling, mechanical properties and repeating patterns, etc. Many hints for these studies are derived from observing and playing with objects around us.

STEAM education: Creative learning education that integrates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) through Art.The “Integrative Arts and Sciences Seminar” is a hands-on STEAM course for first- and second-year undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo, promoted by the Art Center, the University of Tokyo (ACUT).




科研費 基盤S「切り紙構造が誘起する折り紙構造の学理創出とデバイス実証」(代表:岩瀬 英治)は、切紙と折紙を融合した「キリオリガミ」の理論探求とデバイス応用を目指している。JSTさきがけ数理構造活用「自己組織化による構造折紙パターンの創生」(代表:舘知宏)では、折紙の微視的および巨視的パターン生成における自己組織化現象の理論解明に迫った

Origami and Kirigami Metamaterials

A sheet folded along a repeating pattern is called an origami tessellation. When the microscopic patterns of corrugation are smoothed out, they can be viewed macroscopically as undulating, smoothly curved, or contracting materials. Furthermore, paper with cuts and slits extends the properties of origami, such as the ability to form fine, three-dimensional patterns just by pulling. Such structures are called “metamaterials” because the macroscopic deformation can be regarded as the emergence of unique properties of the material.

 We try to elucidate the principles and conditions under which origami and kirigami exhibit their functions. Also, we are applying these properties to shape design that realizes freely curved surfaces and curves, realization of strong and foldable structures on the meter and micro scales, and fabrication of electronic devices.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Kiri-origami: origami structures induced by kirigami” (PI: Eiji Iwase) aims to explore the theory and device applications of “Kiri-origami” which combines kirigami and origami.JST PRESTO “Creating structural origami patterns through self-organization” (PI: Tomohiro Tachi) elucidated the theory of self-organization phenomena involved in the emergence of microscopic and macroscopic patterns in origami. 

Deformation Modes of Kirigami Lattice
Hibiki Totsuka,
Akito Adachi,
Tomohiro Tachi 

Tensile Deformable Kirigami Core
Akito Adachi,
Tomohiro Tachi

Cylindrical Dual Tiling OrigamiCylindrical Dual Tiling Origami
Akito Adachi,
Tomohiro Tachi,
Yasushi Yamaguchi

Kirigami Moiré
Nagi Nakamura,
Eiji Iwase 

Dynamical Systems in Origami Tessellations
Rinki Imada,
Tomohiro Tachi 

Coupled Thick-panel Origami Tubes along Creases for Stiff Deployable Structures
Sunao Tomita,
Kento Shimanuki,
Kazuhiko Umemoto,
Atsushi Kawamoto,
Tsuyoshi Nomura,
Tomohiro Tachi 


矛盾する幾何的条件によってすべての要素が同時に安定状態になることができない現象をフラストレーションと呼びます。二次元のシート状の材料に縮みたい布と縮みたくない剛性材など、伸び縮みのフラストレーションを導入すると、材料はこのフラストレーションを低減するように自律的に形状を決定し、二次元を脱して三次元形状へと起き上がる座屈現象がおこります。このような自己変形は、人工物だけではなく生物の形にもあらわれます。例えばレタスやサンゴなどのひらひらはDifferential Growthと呼ばれる成長の速度の分布によって引きおこされます。



Self-transformation by
Geometrical Frustration

Frustration is a phenomenon in which all elements cannot simultaneously be stable due to contradictory geometrical conditions. When a two-dimensional sheet of material is subjected to frustration, such as a fabric that wants to shrink and a rigid material that does not want to shrink, the material autonomously determines its shape to mitigate this frustration, resulting in a buckling phenomenon that causes the material to break out of its two-dimensional state and rise into a three-dimensional shape. This kind of self-transformation can be seen not only in artificial objects but also in the shapes of living organisms. For example, the frills of lettuce and coral are caused by “differential growth,” the distribution of non-uniform growth rates.

Researchers are working to inversely compute the desired self-transformation using elastic fabrics with rods and frames, pantograph-type deformation mechanisms, air pouch patterns, etc. New principles of self-transformation and ideas for multistable structures are also being discovered from phenomena that occur when forces are applied to objects around us.

Buckling: Unstable behavior in which the deformation changes abruptly when the load on a member is increased. The change from two-dimensional to three-dimensional is a type of bifurcation buckling.Multistable structures: Structures that have multiple energy-stable states. Snap-through buckling occurs when a structure jumps from one stable state to another.

Configurations of a Six-bigon Ring
Lauren Dreier,
Tian Yu,
Sigrid Adriaenssens

cable tie studies
Haruka Aramaki 



 芸術から始まった科学的探究がさらに産業を変革しつつあります。A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKEとNature Architectsの協働は、芸学産連携による、ものづくりのパラダイムシフトを象徴する出来事です。

JST AdCORP「計算機を活用した設計技術と製造技術による人と環境にやさしい人工物の実現」(代表:五十嵐健夫)は、「計算仕立て」(Computational Tailor-making)のための国際協働ネットワーク構築を目指している

Computational Tailor-making

The theoretical “universality” of creating any possible geometric shape simply by folding has been proven by the “Origamizer,” software that inversely calculates a crease pattern for folding a given three-dimensional shape from a single sheet of paper. On the other hand, “self-folding” technology, in which a fold pattern is printed on the actual sheet material, and the entire shape can be folded autonomously by applying heat or other stimuli, has become a technological reality. Combining the universality of origami with self-folding technology, the ultimate tailor-making technology becomes possible, whereby each product that fits each person at the time is individually printed and three-dimensioned for use. We expect that various techniques of forms realize artifacts that are friendly to the people and the environment.

 The scientific exploration that began with art has brought innovation to industry. The collaboration between A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE and Nature Architects symbolizes a paradigm shift in manufacturing through art-science-industry collaboration.

JST AdCORP “Realization of people- and environment-friendly artifacts by leveraging computational design and fabrication” (PI: Takeo Igarashi) aims to establish an international collaborative network for “Computational Tailor-making.”

Tomohiro Tachi

BUNNY by Inkjet 4D Print
Koya Narumi,
Kazuki Koyama 

TYPE-V Nature Architects project
Nature Architects

